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Emma Allde
Mindmap von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Medicine Y1 (Theme 1 | Cells and organelles) Mindmap am Th03L03 Carbohydrates, erstellt von Emma Allde am 15/08/2016.

Emma Allde
Erstellt von Emma Allde vor mehr als 8 Jahre
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Th03L03 CarbohydratesPropertiesMonosaccharides:sugarsWater-solubleGeneral formula:(CH20)nUsually n=3, 4, 5 or6Triose (n=3) e.g. glyceraldehyde,dihydroxyacetonePentose(n=5Hexoses(n=6)2-deoxyribose,riboseGlucose,fructoseCarbonyl group(C=0)Located in themiddle of the ketosemolecule and end ofthe aldose moleculeCarbon 1 = at the endclosest to the carbonylgroupAnomeric carbon -carbon attached to theoriginal carbonyl groupin cyclic formStructureBiologicalfunctionsSugars function in short-term fuel formuscle, brain kidney, etc.Function as energy forces orenergy storage in the formof glucose and glycogenrespectivelyDigestion of alpha-amylase results in the randomhydrolysis of internal alpha 1>4 linkages in the glycogenmoleculePancreatic alpha-amylase mixture of mono anddisaccharides continues hydrolysis of internal linkagesMaltase produces glucose and can beabsorbed into intestinal mucosal cellsIn the liver, glucose phosphorylase hydrolyses terminal alpha(1>4) to produce glucose-1- phosphateStructurally part of cell walls in the bacteria(peptidoglycan)Proteins on the cell surface are often glycosylated (e.g. ABO blood groups andIgG)PathologyLactoseintoleranceIsomersAldose and ketoneAldosecontains the aldehyde groups(-CH=O)Adloses with three or more carbon isomers exhibitstereoisomerismsame molecule that differs in dimensional orientations of theiratoms in space affecting properties of the moleculeKetonecontains the fructosegroupsDifferent molecules withsame chemical formulaGalactose, mannose andglucoseD vs. L formIsomeric formsD-sugar is most commonbiologicallyRingformationIn aqueous solution, the aldehydeor ketone group tend to reactwith a hydroxyl group of the samemolecule, closing the moleculeinto a ring structureAlpha and betaformsHydroxyl group (-OH) of the carbon that carriersthe aldehyde or ketone group can rapidly changefrom one position to anotherAlpha form: hydroxyl group is facing upBeta form: hydroxyl group is facing downDisaccharidesSucroseMaltoseGalactoseglucose + fructoseglucose + glucoseglucose + galactosePolysaccharidesGlycogen (branched glucosepolymer)Amylose (linear glucose polymer)MonosaccharideReducing formStored formLinear glucose polymer (alpha1>4)Alpha (1>6) branchesGlycosidic bond formationGycosyltransferase via a dehydration (condensation)reactionDoppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen