Erstellt von shattering.illus
vor fast 11 Jahre
goal of social conflict theory
conflict theory
2 component of production
Marx believed society changed from...
conflict theory criminologist:
3 W. Bonger believes in
2 R. Dahrendorf
4 Dahrendorf unified conflict theory
3 G. VOld
modern conflict theory
3 Conflict Theorist Goals
social reality of crime
Quinney's conflict theory
4 Quinney believed criminal definitions are based on:
norm resistance
dangerous classes
4 Criminal injustice within the system
People are arrested or stopped more often if
3 criticisms of conflict theory
3 Middle or high class crime
Criminal Code of Canada
Bill C-45
Modern Radical Theory comes from
Radical Criminology
Marxist Criminology
3 Marxist Criminology
Criminality is a function of...
Surplus value
marxist view
profits can go to
4 as surplus values increase...
Instrumental Marxism
5 Instrumental Marxism believe..
Instrumental in Instrumental Marxism defined by...
Michael Lynch critics Instrumental Marxism
Structural Marxism
Structural Marxism, law is a domain of...
5 stephen Spitzer Marxian theory of deviance
4 Capitalist deal w/ those who oppose it by:
2 Marxists Criminologists believe research methods
2 themes in rela. among crime, victims, criminal, state
3 prison rates grow in America when:
Historical Analysis
6 Critics of Marxists
Critical Criminology
left realism
5 Left Realism
pre-emptive deterrence
7 Principles of left realism
feminist theory
Marxist Feminism
Marxist Fem. see women as powerless therefore...
Radical feminism
female criminal is a victim why?
Radical feminism criticism
2 Radical Fem.
2 Power-Control Theory
paternalistic families
Power-control theory implies
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
restorative justice
2 Zehr - Restorative justice
legal view of aggregation
restorative view of aggregation
Adversary systems encourages
3 principles of restorative justice
6 Victim concerns in Restorative Justice