Das ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Quiz.
Du hast 15 Minuten um die 10 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
Which speech will carry weight in the hereafter?
Done for the sake of Allah
Why does the person's who is mentioned in ayah 204 speech not carry weights?
Because it's their insincerity, being dishonest and only want to please people.
Because their want to please Allah
Because it's they are really sincere , honest and want to please Allah and people.
is more important than speech or actions.
A person who is not sincere to Allah , will be sincere to you. (True/False)
Allah mentioned opposite characters in the Quran so we can decide what we want. (True/False)
What does it mean to enter Islam completely? Mention any 3.
Adopt all the bad things
Follow all commands of Allah
Adopt all the Sha'air
Don't pick and choose
What are the footsteps of Shaitan?
Disobeying Allah
Adopt taqwa
If a person is ungrateful, Allah take away give( take away, give ) His blessings.
Root letters for الخصام is خ ص م ض م خ خ م ص( خ ص م, ض م خ, خ م ص )
Which is the correct root letters and the meaning of رءُوف
ر ف ء - compassion
ر ء ق - cruelty
ر ء ف - compassion