Erstellt von lulu matar
vor etwa 8 Jahre
" signor Montanto"
".. the gentlemen is not in your books.
No, an he was I would burn my study"
"God kee your ladyship in mind"
".. a rare parrot-teacher.
a bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours"
"my horse had the speed of your tongue...
end with a jade's trick."
"I noted her not"
"would you buy her..?"
".. but he will wear his cap in suspicion?"
"the prince discovered... that he loved my niece"
"Why are you...sad?"
"mortifying mischief"
"it better fits my blood to be disdained"
"I am trusted with a muzzle"
" if I had liberty I would do my liking"
"who, the most exquisite Claudio?"
"any model to build mischief?"
" my cousin's duty ... to say yes father as you please"
2 he is the prince's jester, a very dull fool"
"farewell, therefore, Hero... I wish him joy to her"
"The prince's fool! ha"
"She speaks poniards and every word stabs"
"civil as an orange"
"shall marry the daughter"
" I am sick in displeasure to him"
"any bar, any cross, any impediment"
Beatrice knows him 'of old'
he will 'trust none'
She 'can not endure to hear tell of a husband'
He tells his friends to 'hang me in a bottle like a cat and shoot at me' if he ever marries