Das ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Quiz.
Du hast 15 Minuten um die 9 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
Why did the Mushriqeen do crimes?
Because they wanted Muslims to turn back from their religion
They wanted their financial compensation
They wanted revenge for things
They were planning on becoming Muslims.
Whose deeds will be wasted according to ayah 217?
ones who turn away from the religion and die as unbelievers
ones who kill and repent after
ones who turn away from the religion but then accept islam
Allah gives his mercy to those who believe and strive for Allah's pleasure. believe in Allah strive for their own pleasure( believe and strive for Allah's pleasure., believe in Allah, strive for their own pleasure )
Person can always stay firm in his ability and does not need taufeeq from Allah.
Why are intoxicants haraam?
they cover the mind of a person
they are distasteful
they make a person smell bad.
Why should we not engage in games excessively? 2 answers
its a waste of time
it's a cause of rifts between people
it's cheap
it's not too bad for the health
Whatever extra you have, give it away. keep it throw it( give it away., keep it, throw it )
How should one deal with orphans?
too generously
too miserly
What are the root letters and meaning of the words hijrah and khamr
haa jeem ra, to move close to something
haa jeem raa, to move from one place to another or one state to another
khaa meem ra, to cover something
khaa meem ya, to cover something