Petite Piplup
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

BSc PS414 Cognitive Psychology I (Auditory Scene Analysis) Quiz am Speech: Units of Speech and Formants, erstellt von Petite Piplup am 22/03/2014.

Petite Piplup
Erstellt von Petite Piplup vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Speech: Units of Speech and Formants

Frage 1 von 11


There are 40 different speech sounds [(a)] in English, which are meaningful (b)

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • (a) (phonemes)
    (b) only in context

  • (a) (phonemes)
    (b) all of the time

  • (a) (phonetics)
    (b) only in context

  • (a) (phonetics)
    (b) all of the time


Frage 2 von 11


What are the two distinct classes of phonemes?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Vowels and consonants

  • Morphemes and phonetics

  • Vowels and photetics

  • Morphemes and consonants


Frage 3 von 11


How are vowels primarily distinguished?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Vibration of vocal cords and position of atriculators

  • Non-vibration of vocal cords and position of atriculators

  • Vibration of vocal cords and size of vocal tract

  • Non-vibration of vocal cords and size of vocal tract


Frage 4 von 11


How are consonants primarily distinguished?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Place of articulation and manner of articulation, and voiced/unvoiced

  • Place of articulation and length of articulation, and voiced/unvoiced

  • Onset of articulation and manner of articulation, and voiced/unvoiced

  • Onset of articulation and length of articulation, and voiced/unvoiced


Frage 5 von 11


What are the 4 main categories of consonants (according to their manner of articulation)?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Plosives, fricatives, affricatives, nasals

  • Plosives, stops, affricatives, and formants

  • Breaks, fricatives, semi-fricatives and nasals

  • Nasals, stops, semi-fricatives and fricatives


Frage 6 von 11


Consonants: (a) What are the characteristics of stops (plosives) and (b) give an example ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • (a) Vocal tract closed, abrupt release of energy following a period of silence
    (b) Voiced /b/ or unvoiced /p/

  • (a) Vocal tract closed, abrupt release of energy following a period of silence
    (b) Voiced /z/ or unvoiced /s/

  • (a) Air forced through narrow constriction, turbulent air flow
    (b) Voiced /b/ or unvoiced /p/

  • (a) Air forced through narrow constriction, turbulent air flow
    (b) Voiced /z/ or unvoiced /s/


Frage 7 von 11


Consonants: (a) What are the characteristics of fricatives and (b) give an example ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • (a) Air forced through narrow constriction, turbulent air flow
    (b) Voiced /z/ or unvoiced /s/

  • (a) Air forced through narrow constriction, turbulent air flow
    (b) Voiced (/m/ in mat, /n/ in nat)

  • (a) Air allowed through nasal passages, oral cavity closed
    (b) Voiced /z/ or unvoiced /s/

  • (a) Air allowed through nasal passages, oral cavity closed
    (b) Voiced (/m/ in mat, /n/ in nat)


Frage 8 von 11


Consonants: (a) What are the characteristics of nasals and (b) give an example ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • (a) Air allowed through nasal passages, oral cavity closed
    (b) Voiced (/m/ in mat, /n/ in nat)

  • (a) Air allowed through nasal passages, oral cavity closed
    (b) Voiced such as in 'jeer' or unvoiced such as in 'cheer'

  • (a) A brief stop (vocal tract closed) followed by a fricative
    (b) Voiced (/m/ in mat, /n/ in nat)

  • (a) A brief stop (vocal tract closed) followed by a fricative
    (b) Voiced such as in 'jeer' or unvoiced such as in 'cheer'


Frage 9 von 11


Consonants: (a) What are the characteristics of affricatives and (b) give an example ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • (a) A brief stop (vocal tract closed) followed by a fricative
    (b) Voiced such as in 'jeer' or unvoiced such as in 'cheer'

  • (a) A brief stop (vocal tract closed) followed by a fricative
    (b) Voiced /b/ or unvoiced /p/

  • (a) Vocal tract closed, abrupt release of energy following a period of silence
    (b) Voiced such as in 'jeer' or unvoiced such as in 'cheer'

  • (a) Vocal tract closed, abrupt release of energy following a period of silence
    (b) Voiced /b/ or unvoiced /p/


Frage 10 von 11


What are formants?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A characteristic peak exhibited by the amplitude spectrum of vowels and certain consonants

  • A type of vowel

  • A type of consonant

  • A meaningful segment of a word


Frage 11 von 11


What is a spectogram?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Most commonly used method to present an image of speech sound which make apparent cues to sound nature

  • Least commonly used method to present an image of speech sound which make apparent cues to sound nature

  • Most commonly used method to present an image of speech sound which does not show cues to sound nature

  • Least commonly used method to present an image of speech sound which does not show cues to sound nature
