Mark Anthony Pusing
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Financial Planning, Performance and Control Examination Practice Questions

Mark Anthony Pusing
Erstellt von Mark Anthony Pusing vor mehr als 7 Jahre

CMA Part 1 – Financial Planning, Performance and Control Examination Practice Questions

Frage 1 von 20


Cerawell Products Company is a ceramics manufacturer that is facing several challenges in its operations due to economic and industry conditions. The company is currently preparing its annual plan and budget. Which one of the following is subject to the least control by the management of Cerawell in the current fiscal year?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A new machine that was purchased this year has not helped reduce Cerawell’s unfavorable labor efficiency variances.

  • A competitor has achieved an unexpected technological breakthrough that has given them a significant quality advantage, and has caused Cerawell to lose market share.

  • Vendors have asked that the contract price for the goods they supply to Cerawell be renegotiated and adjusted for inflation.

  • Experienced employees have decided to terminate their employment with Cerawell and go to work for the competition.


Frage 2 von 20


All of the following are advantages of the use of budgets in a management control system except that budgets

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • force management planning.

  • provide performance criteria.

  • promote communication and coordination within the organization.

  • limit unauthorized expenditures.


Frage 3 von 20


In developing the budget for the next year, which one of the following approaches would most likely result in a successful budget with the greatest amount of positive motivation and goal congruence?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Permit the divisional manager to develop the goal for the division that in the manager’s view will generate the greatest amount of profits.

  • Have senior management develop the overall goals and permit the divisional manager to determine how these goals will be met.

  • Have the divisional and senior management jointly develop goals and objectives while constructing the corporation’s overall plan of operation.

  • Have the divisional and senior management jointly develop goals and the divisional manager develop the implementation plan.


Frage 4 von 20


Which one of the following statements concerning approaches for the budget development process is correct?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The authoritative approach to budgeting discourages strict adherence to strategic organizational goals.

  • To prevent ambiguity, once departmental budgeted goals have been developed, they should remain fixed even if the sales forecast upon which they are based proves to be wrong in the middle of the fiscal year

  • With the information technology available, the role of budgets as an organizational communication device has declined.

  • Since department managers have the most detailed knowledge about organizational operations, they should use this information as the building blocks of the operating budget.


Frage 5 von 20


Which one of the following items would most likely cause the planning and budgeting system to fail? The lack of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • historical financial data.

  • input from several levels of management.

  • top management support.

  • adherence to rigid budgets during the year.


Frage 6 von 20


All of the following are disadvantages of authoritative budgeting as opposed to participatory budgeting, except that it

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • may result in a budget that is not possible to achieve.

  • may limit the acceptance of proposed goals and objectives.

  • reduces the communication between employees and management.

  • reduces the time required for budgeting.


Frage 7 von 20


All of the following statements concerning standard costs are correct except that

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • time and motion studies are often used to determine standard costs.

  • standard costs are usually set for one year.

  • standard costs can be used in costing inventory accounts.

  • standard costs are usually stated in total, while budgeted costs are usually stated on a per-unit basis.


Frage 8 von 20


One approach for developing standard costs incorporates communication, bargaining, and interaction among product line managers; the immediate supervisors for whom the standards are being developed; and the accountants and engineers before the standards are accepted by top management. This approach would best be characterized as a(n)

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • imposed approach.

  • authoritative approach.

  • engineering approach.

  • participative approach.


Frage 9 von 20


When compared with ideal standards, practical standards

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • produce lower per-unit product costs.

  • result in a less desirable basis for the development of budgets.

  • incorporate very generous allowances for spoilage and worker inefficiencies.

  • serve as a better motivating target for manufacturing personnel.


Frage 10 von 20


Jura Corporation is developing standards for the next year. Currently XZ-26, one of the material components, is being purchased for $36.45 per unit. It is expected that the component’s cost will increase by approximately 10% next year and the price could range from $38.75 to $44.18 per unit depending on the quantity purchased. The appropriate standard for XZ-26 for next year should be set at the

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • current actual cost plus the forecasted 10% price increase.

  • lowest purchase price in the anticipated range to keep pressure on purchasing to always buy in the lowest price range.

  • highest price in the anticipated range to insure that there are only favorable purchase price variances.

  • price agreed upon by the purchasing manager and the appropriate level of company management


Frage 11 von 20


Which one of the following will allow a better use of standard costs and variance analysis to help improve managerial decision-making?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Company A does not differentiate between variable and fixed overhead in calculating its overhead variances.

  • Company B uses the prior year’s average actual cost as the current year’s standard.

  • Company C investigates only negative variances.

  • Company D constantly revises standards to reflect learning curves.


Frage 12 von 20


After performing a thorough study of Michigan Company’s operations, an independent consultant determined that the firm’s labor standards were probably too tight. Which one of the following facts would be inconsistent with the consultant’s conclusion?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A review of performance reports revealed the presence of many unfavorable efficiency variances.

  • Michigan’s budgeting process was well-defined and based on a bottom-up philosophy.

  • Management noted that minimal incentive bonuses have been paid in recent periods.

  • Production supervisors found several significant fluctuations in manufacturing volume, with short-term increases on output being followed by rapid, sustained declines.


Frage 13 von 20


For cost estimation simple regression differs from multiple regression in that simple regression uses only

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • one dependent variable, while multiple regression uses all available data to estimate the cost function.

  • dependent variables, while multiple regression can use both dependent and independent variables.

  • one independent variable, while multiple regression uses more than one independent variable.

  • one dependent variable, while multiple regression uses more than one dependent variable.


Frage 14 von 20


A company has accumulated data for the last 24 months in order to determine if there is an independent variable that could be used to estimate shipping costs. Three possible independent variables being considered are packages shipped, miles shipped, and pounds shipped. The quantitative technique that should be used to determine whether any of these independent variables might provide a good estimate for shipping costs is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • flexible budgeting.

  • linear programming.

  • linear regression.

  • variable costing.


Frage 15 von 20


Dawson Manufacturing developed the following multiple regression equation, utilizing many years of data, and uses it to model, or estimate, the cost of its product.
Cost = FC + a*L + b*M
Where: FC = fixed costs
L = labor rate per hour
M = material cost per pound
Which one of the following changes would have the greatest impact on invalidating the results of this model?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A significant reduction in factory overheads, which are a component of fixed costs.

  • Renegotiation of the union contract calling for much higher wage rates.

  • A large drop in material costs, as a result of purchasing the material from a foreign source.

  • A significant change in labor productivity.


Frage 16 von 20


In order to analyze sales as a function of advertising expenses, the sales manager of Smith Company developed a simple regression model. The model included the following equation, which was based on 32 monthly observations of sales and advertising expenses with a related coefficient of determination of .90.
S = $10,000 + $2.50A
S = sales
A = advertising expenses
If Smith Company’s advertising expenses in one month amounted to $1,000, the related point estimate of sales would be

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • $2,500.

  • $11,250.

  • $12,250.

  • $12,500.


Frage 17 von 20


The results of regressing Y against X are as follows.
Intercept 5.23
Slope 1.54
When the value of X is 10, the estimated value of Y is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 6.78.

  • 8.05.

  • 20.63.

  • 53.84.


Frage 18 von 20


Which one of the following techniques would most likely be used to analyze reductions in the time required to perform a task as experience with that task increases?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Regression analysis.

  • Learning curve analysis.

  • Sensitivity analysis.

  • Normal probability analysis.


Frage 19 von 20


Aerosub Inc. has developed a new product for spacecraft that includes the manufacturing of a complex part. The manufacturing of this part requires a high degree of technical skill. Management believes there is a good opportunity for its technical force to learn and improve as they become accustomed to the production process. The production of the first unit requires 10,000 direct labor hours. If an 80% learning curve is used and eight units are produced, the cumulative average direct labor hours required per unit of the product will be

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 5,120 hours.

  • 6,400 hours.

  • 8,000 hours.

  • 10,000 hours.


Frage 20 von 20


A manufacturing firm plans to bid on a special order of 80 units that will be manufactured in lots of 10 units each. The production manager estimates that the direct labor hours per unit will decline by a constant percentage each time the cumulative quantity of units produced doubles. The quantitative technique used to capture this phenomenon and estimate the direct labor hours required for the special order is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • cost-profit-volume analysis.

  • the Markov process.

  • linear programming analysis.

  • learning curve analysis.
