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All of the following present in dermis except
pain receptor
temprature receptor
pacinian corpuscle
Ruffini corpuscle
Regarding capusle of receptors choose best correct answer
pain receptor have a thin capsule
neuro muscular spindle doesn't have a capsule
pacinan have a thick capsule separted from the corpuscle by subcapsular space
At the dermo epdirmal junction there is thin ct capusle anchoring ghe messnier
all anwers are incorrect
choose the correct answer of following
Krause and ruffine present in ext gentialia
crista ampularis is receptor for hearing (ear)
mucocutanous corpuscle present in the superficial layer of dermis
the epithelium of the cornea contain extroreceptors
the following regerding the location of receptor is correct
in joint capusle pacinian corpusle only
in joint capsule ruffini only
a & b are correct
a&b are incorrect
which of the following is specific mechanoreceptor
merkle's disc
all is correct
one is incorrect
M .E.P are secertory to smothe muscel
affrent fiber mof ms spindle produce more response the the effrent
stimulation of receptors occur by changing the postion of collagen fibers
ANNULO SPIRAL N ENDING IS thin mylenated fiber end around the central part
When the nerve fiber rich the epidermis and loss its mylien and penetrate the membrane it end as terminal disc above merke's cell .