Lindsay  White
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

BSc (Hons) Cosmos Quiz am Requirements for the development of life , erstellt von Lindsay White am 28/10/2016.

Lindsay  White
Erstellt von Lindsay White vor etwa 8 Jahre

Requirements for the development of life

Frage 1 von 19


What is the definition of life?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • "a biological system which has the ability to reproduce, mutate and evolve in response to changing environments"

  • "a material system which has the ability to self-replicate, mutate and evolve in response to changing environments"

  • "a material system which has the ability to reproduce, mutate and evolve in response to changing temperatures"

  • "a Biological system which has the ability to self-replicate, mutate and evolve in response to changing temperatures"


Frage 2 von 19


What is the second law of thermodynamics?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

  • As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum.


Frage 3 von 19


What are Advantages of Carbon in the evolution of complex life?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Strength & Quantity

  • Size & structure

  • Mass & Volume

  • Speed and Velosity


Frage 4 von 19


which element has the greatest ability to bond with itself creating greater variety and long Chains?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Carbon

  • Oxygen

  • Potassium

  • Hydrogen


Frage 5 von 19


The element silicon has similar chemical properties to carbon – it can form four separate chemical bonds, and has been suggested, particularly by science fiction writers, as a basis for life forms, why is it not such a likely candidate as carbon?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Chemical bonds are not as strong, cannot form double bonds & and is more likely to bond with Oxygen to for smaller molecules rather than long chains.

  • Chemical bonds are not as strong, it always forms double bonds & and is more likely to bond with Oxygen to for smaller molecules rather than long chains.

  • Chemical bonds are too strong and will not break


Frage 6 von 19


Of all the requirements for life, almost all biologists would agree that water, or some other liquid, is the most important. Complex chemistry is not likely to develop far in the rigid structure of a solid; nor is it likely to develop in a vapour as it would be hard to keep all the working components together.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 7 von 19


Why is water "Stable"?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Water exists as a liquid over a very broad temperature range. At atmospheric pressure this range is 0 to 100°C, whereas at higher pressures the range extends upwards to 363°C. There is no other abundant molecule which significantly overlaps this stable range.

  • Water exists as a liquid over all temperature ranges. There is no other abundant molecule which significantly overlaps this stable range.

  • Water is very unstable.


Frage 8 von 19


Why is water so abundant?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It is composed of H (Hydrogen) which is the third most abundant element in the universe.

  • It is composed of O (Oxygen) which is the third most abundant element in the universe.

  • There it a lot of H2O on earth thus abundant.


Frage 9 von 19


Why is Oxygen Chemistry very active?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • lot of energy is available in chemical reactions involving free (molecular) oxygen

  • lot of energy is available in chemical reactions involving fixed (molecular) oxygen

  • Oxgyen emits lots of energy


Frage 10 von 19


What are Environmental Conditions?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Temperature, atmospheric composition, mass and age

  • Time & Water present.


Frage 11 von 19


What other conditions are necessary to protect life?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Protection from radiation, Moderate and stable temperatures & Atmospheric recycling mechanisms.

  • Protection from solar winds, Moderate and stable temperatures & Atmospheric recycling mechanisms.

  • Protection from solar winds, Moderate and water source & Atmospheric recycling mechanisms.


Frage 12 von 19


Is Short wavelength radiation is damaging to biological tissues?

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 13 von 19


On Earth we are protected from the malign effects of UV radiation by a thin layer of ozone. Which atom makes up the ozone?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • OZone, a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, which absorbs the radiation.

  • OZone, a molecule composed of three hydrogen atoms, which absorbs the radiation.

  • OZone, a molecule composed of three carbon atoms, which absorbs the radiation.

  • OZone, a molecule composed of three nitrogen atoms, which absorbs the radiation.


Frage 14 von 19


What is the The Habitable Zone?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 0.6 to 1.5 astronomical units from the sun

  • 1.5 to 3 astronomical units from the sun

  • 3 to 6 astronomical units from the sun

  • 6 to 9 astronomical units from the sun


Frage 15 von 19


What will happen if the planetary surface is too close to the star?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Too much heat / Radiation

  • Not enough heat and too much radation

  • Not enough radiation to hot


Frage 16 von 19


What happens to water the surface of a planet if its too close to the surface of a star?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Liquid water will not exist, the surface will be too warm, ultraviolet radiation from the central star may dissociate the water, breaking H2O into its constituents H and O.

  • Water is permanently frozen.


Frage 17 von 19


What other factors determin whether a planet can maintain liquid water

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Mass of the planet

  • Geothermal activity

  • Shape and density

  • Atmosphere


Frage 18 von 19


What is the greenhouse effect?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The presence of "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere of a planet leads to warming of the surface

  • A planet being close to the sun thus being very hot

  • The Ozone layer stopping heat escaping the atmosphere


Frage 19 von 19


The Earth’s crust is broken up into large rigid plates, which move slowly across its surface, riding on a hotter deformable layer. This is called?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • plate tectonics

  • Movable plates

  • Floating Plates

  • Tectonic ridges
