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Family Celebration in Ecuador
Hello this is Jack reporting from the Annual Family Celebration in Quito, Ecuador. People are a wonderful time. Most men cooking a traditional dish called Fanesca. Some women are hide-and-seek with their children. The elderly are listening to old music and telling stories from the past.
I am here with Mario Velasco, the event organizer, and I want to ask him a couple of questions:
–Reporter: Mario, how long is the event?
–Mario: Well, it started yesterday at 7 am and it’ll finish tomorrow at 9 pm with a concert.
–Reporter: Is this event meaningful for Ecuadorian families?
–Mario: Yes, absolutely. Just look at the people. They are laughing, dancing or just relaxing.
–Reporter: Thank Mario for your time and for the event.
That is all for now. I am Jack Baker. Bye-bye.