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Cuál expresión es correcta referente a un sistema de indicación de temperatura tipo termocupla:
Es un circuito de resistencia variable de tipo balanceado,
No requiere fuente de energía externa.
Usualmente contiene un circuito balanceado dentro del instrumento para prevenir fluctuaciones de voltaje del sistema que pueda afectar la lectura de temperatura.
Cuál de las siguientes causas de errores en el Compás Magnético de un avión podrán ser compensadas por los técnicos:
"Corriente de Compás Magnético."
Cuando el motor está apagado el manifold indica
14.7 PSI
La presión atmosférica del lugar.
Cuando la resistencia bulbo de un termómetro, recibe calor :
Aumenta su valor Mho
Aumenta su valor Ohmico.
La temperatura por el aumento de voltaje en el circuito cae a cero.
El acelerómetro sirve para:
Medir la velocidad de un avión en sentido longitudinal
La aceleración de una aeronave en sentido longitudinal
La aceleración de una aeronave en sentido vertical.
El mecanismo de un acelerómetro incorpora:
Un diafragma
Un fuelle
Una pesa.
El tacómetro para su funcionamiento toma la corriente del :
Sistema eléctrico del avión.
Generador correspondiente.
Un amperímetro, bobinas y piñones.
En el Termómetro bimetálico de aire ambiente, el elemento sensitivo es :
Un tubo Bourdon.
Un aneroide.
Un resorte helicoidal.
La indicación del termocouple ò par termo- eléctrico depende de :
La mayor temperatura que reciba uno de los metales de la unión.
La diferencia entre los potenciales eléctricos de los diferentes metales en contacto.
La clase de refrigeración que reciba el motor
Un tipo de indicador de temperatura de aceite tipo eléctrico, utiliza
Cualesquiera, un puente de Wheastone ò un circuito de relación (ratio).
Un circuito tipo termocupla.
Presión de Vapor ò suiches de presión
Un manómetro de indicación de presión de múltiple (manifold) esta diseñado para :
Mantener presión constante en la toma de entrada del múltiple.
Indicar la presión diferencial entre el múltiple de entrada y la presión atmosférica.
Mantener presión constante en la toma de entrada de aire del motor.
Un sistema Autosyn es :
Un método eléctrico de transmisión de acciones mecánicas.
En instrumentos no se usa este sistema.
Un sistema de transmisión electrónica.
What does indicate the yellow arch in an instrument:
Normal operation
Maximum operation limit
When swinging a magnetic compass, the compensators are adjusted to correct for
magnetic influence deviation.
compass card oscillations.
magnetic variations.
error magnetic variations
A radar altimeter determines altitude by
transmitting a signal and receiving back a reflected signal.
receiving signals transmitted from ground radar stations.
means of transponder interrogation.
mode s transponder interrogation.
A radar altimeter indicates
"flight level (pressure) altitude."
altitude above sea level.
altitude above ground level.
"hight level (pressure) altitude."
A synchro transmitter is connected to a synchro receiver
mechanically through linkage.
electromagnetically without wires.
electrically with wires.
electromagnetically without wires and connetors.
A turn coordinator instrument indicates
the longitudinal attitude of the aircraft during climb and descent.
the need for corrections in pitch and bank.
both roll and yaw.
radio altmeter
Aircraft instrument panels are generally shock- mounted to absorb
all vibration.
low-frequency, high- amplitude shocks.
high-frequency, high- amplitude shocks.
low energy impact shocks caused by hard landings.
Aircraft instruments should be marked and graduated in accordance with
the instrument manufacturer's specifications.
both the aircraft and engine manufacturers' specifications.
the specific aircraft maintenance or flight manual.
Advisory circular UAEAC
An aircraft instrument panel is electrically bonded to the aircraft structure to
act as a restraint strap.
provide current return paths.
aid in the panel installation.
wiring in the panels
An aircraft magnetic compass is swung to up- date the compass correction card when
an annual inspection is accomplished on the aircraft.
the compass is serviced.
equipment is added that could effect compass deviation.
2 years is requiered
Cases for electrically operated instruments are made of
Plastic or composite cases.
Aluminum or bakelite cases.
Iron or steel cases.
Composite materials
Cuales son los instrumentos básicos de navegación aérea
GPS y vertical Speed
"Radar meteorológico, GPS y indicador de giros y ladeos"
ADF, VOR, Brújula
Velocímetro, altímetro y brújula.
Cuales son los instrumentos Pitot Estáticos
"altímetro, Velocímetro y Variómetro"
altímetro, Turn And Bank y VOR
ADF, Velocímetro
Horizonte artificial, vertical speed, y radar meteorológico.
Cuales son los instrumentos que permiten conocer la actitud del avión en vuelo
"VOR, vertical speed y ADF"
Indicador de presión de combustible, temperatura de motor y Horizonte artificial.
Indicador de presión de aceite del motor, Horizonte artificial y altímetro
Horizonte artificial, giro direccional, indicador de giros y ladeos.
"Data transmitted between components in an EFIS are converted into"
digital signals.
analog signals.
carrier wave signals.
teller wave signals.
El funcionamiento del variómetro está basado en la contracción y expansión de:
un fuelle
ninguna de las anteriores
El mecanismo interior del manifold se compone de:
Una cápsula aneroide y un dispositivo multiplicador
Un diafragma y un dispositivo multiplicador
2 contrapesas y un eje flexible
Tambor o copilla magnética y eje actuador
Fuel flow transmitters are designed to transmit data
utilizing fluid power.
Generalmente cuando se unen dos metales diferentes y se calienta esta unión, se genera:
Pérdida de resistencia.
Pérdida de corriente eléctrica.
If a static pressure system check reveals excessive leakage, the leak(s) may be located by
pressurizing the system and adding leak detection dye.
only pressurizing the system.
removing and visually inspecting the line segments.
isolating portions of the line and testing each portion systematically starting at the instrument connections.
Instrument panel shock mounts absorb
high energy impact shocks caused by hard landings.
low frequency, high- amplitude shocks.
high G shock loads imposed by turbulent air.
Instrument static system leakage can be detected by observing the rate of change in indication of the
airspeed indicator after suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent airspeed to be indicated.
altimeter after pressure has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent altitude to be indicated.
altimeter after suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent altitude to be indicated.
airspeed indicator before suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent airspeed to be indicated.
"La mayoría de la cajas o carcasas donde vienen alojados los instrumentos se fabrican de la siguiente composición:"
Hierro fundido.
Fenol moldeado.
Material compuesto.
Magnetic compass bowls are filled with a liquid to
retard precession of the float.
reduce deviation errors.
dampen the oscillation of the float.
for not retard precession of the float.
Que significa el arco blanco en el velocímetro
La velocidad de perdida de la aeronave
La velocidad para operar los flaps
La operación normal de la aeronave
La velocidad a la cual la aeronave puede realizar un viraje.
Que significa el arco verde en los instrumentos
Precaución en la operación del sistema
Condición de nunca exceder
La velocidad de rotación de la aeronave
La operación normal del sistema
"The function of a symbol generator (SG) in an EFIS is to"
display alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments.
allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight situation.
receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data to the appropriate display.
show alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments.
The green arc on an aircraft temperature gauge indicates
the instrument is not calibrated.
the desirable temperature range.
a low, unsafe temperature range.
the instrument is bad
The lubber line on a directional gyro is used to
represent the nose of the aircraft.
align the instrument glass in the case.
represent the wings of the aircraft.
represent the stabilizer of the aircraft.
The operating mechanism of most hydraulic pressure gauges is
a Bourdon tube.
an airtight diaphragm.
an evacuated bellows filled with an inert gas to which suitable arms, levers, and gears are attached.
a Pascal tube
The red radial lines on the face of an engine oil pressure gauge indicates
"minimum engine safe RPM operating range."
minimum precautionary safe operating range.
minimum and/ or maximum safe operating limits.
"The requirements for testing and inspection of instrument static systems required by RAC part 4 are contained in"
"Type Certificate Data Sheets."
advisory circular UAEAC
Part 4 appendix E CHAPTER 1
Station Repair Documents
Thermocouple leads
are designed for a specific installation and may not be altered.
may be installed with either lead to either post of the indicator.
may be repaired using solderless connectors.
Turbine engine exhaust gas temperatures are measured by using
iron/constantan thermocouples.
chromel/alumel thermocouples.
ratiometer electrical resistance thermometers.
iron/alumel thermocouples.
Un giroscopio se opone a cualquier fuerza que trate de apartarlo del eje a cuyo alrededor esté girando. Esto se conoce como:
Dirección o rumbo magnético.
Campo magnético.
Resistencia magnética
Una cápsula aneroide se comporta de la siguiente manera:
Se expande cuando la presión fluye y se achata o se contrae cuando esta no fluye.
Se achata o contrae cuando disminuye la presión y se expande cuando esta aumenta
Se achata o contrae cuando la presión aumenta y se expande cuando esta disminuye
"Su condición no se afecta por los cambios de presión"
What is the fixed line mark attached to the compass bowl of a magnetic compass called?
Reeder line.
Lubber line.
Reference line.
Rubber line
What will be the result if the instrument static pressure line becomes disconnected inside a pressurized cabin during cruising flight?
"The altimeter and airspeed indicator will both read low."
"The altimeter and airspeed indicator will both read high."
The altimeter will read low and the airspeed indicator will read high.
The altimeter or airspeed indicator will both read high.
When an aircraft altimeter is set at 29.92" Hg on the ground, the altimeter will read
pressure altitude.
density altitude.
field elevation.
hight altitude
When flags such as NAV, HDG, or GS are displayed on an HSI, the indication is
that function is inoperative.
that function is operating.
to call attention to deviation from the desired setting, or flight path, or heading, etc.
that function is operative.
When performing the static system leakage check required by RAC PART 4 , the technician utilizes
static pressure.
positive pressure.
negative pressure.
Dynamic pressure
Which condition would be most likely to cause excessive vacuum in a vacuum system?
Vacuum pump overspeed.
Vacuum relief valve improperly adjusted.
Vacuum relief valve spring weak.
Vacuum relief spring weak.
Which of the following causes of aircraft magnetic compass inaccuracies may be compensated for by mechanics?
Magnetic compass current.
Which statement regarding an aircraft instrument vacuum system is true?
Dry-type vacuum pumps with carbon vanes are very susceptible to damage from solid airborne particles and must take in only filtered air.
Vacuum systems are generally more effective at high altitudes than positive pressure systems.
If the air inlet to each vacuum instrument is connected to a common atmospheric pressure manifold, the system generally will be equipped with individual instrument filters only.