Heena  Champaneri
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Quiz am The Scarlet Letter, erstellt von Heena Champaneri am 18/11/2016.

Heena  Champaneri
Erstellt von Heena Champaneri vor fast 8 Jahre

The Scarlet Letter

Frage 1 von 25


The setting of the scarlet letter is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Boston in the 1550's

  • Salem in the 1700's

  • Salem in the 1850's

  • Boston in the 1640's


Frage 2 von 25


In the first chapter, the symbol of hope is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the open prison door

  • the rosebush

  • the bright sunlight

  • the procession of dignitaries


Frage 3 von 25


As Hester stands shamed on the scaffold, it is ironic that she

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • does not look like the kind of woman any could love

  • would remind a Roman Catholic of the Virgin Mary

  • has no husband

  • really is not guilty because she believes her husband is dead


Frage 4 von 25


Hawthorne describes the scarlet letter on Hester's bosom as

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a drab, faded piece of homespun fabric

  • an indication of Hester's feelings of humility

  • an impressive display of her needlework

  • none of the above


Frage 5 von 25


Chillingworth tells Hester that he was wrong to marry her because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • she was young and he was old

  • he was a solitary man given to scholarly pursuits

  • he had married her against her will

  • a and b are true


Frage 6 von 25


Regarding the father of Hester's child, Chilingsworth intends to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • make him stand before the church elders to face punishment

  • make him pay for the upbringing of Pearl

  • forgive him when he admits that he is the father

  • make him suffer mental anguish


Frage 7 von 25


Upon Chilingworth's demand, Hester promises that

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • she will let him be the physician for her and little Pearl

  • she will keep his identity a secret

  • he will take care of him in his old age

  • she will never remove the scarlet letter


Frage 8 von 25


Hester names her daughter Pearl because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the child has cost her everything she has

  • she has a complexion as pure and white as a pearl

  • she likes expensive jewelry

  • all of the above


Frage 9 von 25


Chilingsworth might be called a leech because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • doctors were called leeches because they used leeches to bleed diseases out of their patients

  • he is draining the life out of Dimmesdale

  • his life takes its sustenance from another man's life

  • all of the above


Frage 10 von 25


Chilingsworth first knows that Dimmesdale is Pearl's father when

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold at midnight

  • Dimmesdale argues for Hester to keep the child

  • He looks beneath Dimmesdale's vestment while the latter is sleeping

  • He discovers that Dimmesdale intends to flee the colony


Frage 11 von 25


After seven years have gone by, the townspeople have come to view Hester differently and the scarlet has come to mean

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • adultery

  • angel

  • able

  • amiable


Frage 12 von 25


Pearl shows that she is intuitive because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • she knows what the A stands for

  • she asks questions about the meaning of the scarlet letter and why the minister puts his hand over her heart

  • she wants to hear stories about the Black Man

  • she plays with animals and flowers


Frage 13 von 25


After the second scaffold scene, all of the following changes take places in Hester's life except

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • she speculates about the condition of the whole race of womanhood

  • the scarlet letter is now interpreted as Able

  • she associate freely with Mistress Hibbins

  • she is a curse to the sick


Frage 14 von 25


Hester's femininity and beauty return when

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • she tells Dimmesdale that Chilingworth is her husband

  • Pearl makes an A out of seaweed for herself

  • Hester takes off the scarlet letter

  • Dimmesdale kisses her in the forest

  • she and Pearl stand in the sunlight together


Frage 15 von 25


For Hester and Dimmesdale, the reunion in the forest is

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a moment in which sunlight pours upon them in full sympathy

  • a moment in which they experience joy and hope

  • a chance for them to plan their future together

  • all of the above


Frage 16 von 25


When Dimmesdale leaves the forest after meeting with Hester, all of the following are temptations for him except

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • telling blasphemous thoughts about the communion supper to a deacon

  • denying there is immorality to an old woman

  • stealing candlesticks from the meeting house

  • telling wicked words to Puritan children

  • telling jokes and shaking hands with raucous sailors


Frage 17 von 25


These temptations haunt Dimmesdale because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • he has dared to believe he can escape his suffering and flee with Hester

  • he has been untrue to himself and his beliefs

  • he has decided to take no further responsibility for his pact act of sin

  • he has renewed his love with Hester, a married woman


Frage 18 von 25


When Pearl sees Dimmesdale walking in the processional on Election Day, she asks her mother

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • why the minister holds his hand over his heart

  • if the minister is going with them on the ship

  • if the minister is the same person they met in the forest

  • why the minister always looks ill

  • if the minister has signed his name in the Black Man's book


Frage 19 von 25


From the ship's captain, Hester learns that

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the ship will be delayed for several days

  • Chilingworth has booked passage on the same ship

  • Dimmesdale has cancelled his ticket

  • the commander is in love with her


Frage 20 von 25


Dimmesdale's Election Day speech

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • seems like a cry for help

  • strikes deep into the hearts of the listeners as never before

  • seems confused and disconnected, like his mind

  • shocks the listeners with graphic details of sin

  • seems remote and unattached to the things of this world


Frage 21 von 25


As Dimmesdale collapses on the scaffold, Chilingworth says

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the truth is known

  • thou hast saved thy soul

  • thou hast escaped me

  • come down and say no more


Frage 22 von 25


After Dimmesdale reaches the scaffold, the following is not true

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Dimmesdale reveals what appears to be a letter etched on its breast

  • the townspeople all agree that Dimmesdale is the father of Pearl

  • he dies on the scaffold in Hester's arm

  • Pearl cries for her father


Frage 23 von 25


The following statement is not true about the future of the characters

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Hester lives out her last years in her seaside cottage

  • Pearl lives and marries in Europe

  • Chilingworth dies

  • Hester and Dimmesdale are buried in the same grave


Frage 24 von 25


Hawthorne uses imagery of weeds in the following ways except

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • for Pearl to represent the Puritan children

  • for Pearl to decorate her mother's scarlet letter

  • for the growth that emerges from the grave of a confessed sinner

  • for Chilingworth's medicines


Frage 25 von 25


The scarlet letter symbolizes all of the following except

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the sin of adultery

  • public shame and suffering

  • a passionate love that can survive any obstacle

  • an emblem that identifies its wearer as a noble servant of the sick
