Erstellt von Jenna L.
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Where did immigrants coming to America in 1880-1910 come from?
Why did we need Immigrants?
Who were the New Immigrants?
Why did Immigrants come to America?
What is Ellis Island?
Angel Island?
What hardships did people at Angel Island Experience?
What are the Three views on Immigration?
What was the Melting Pot Theory?
What is the Salad Bowl Theory?
Explain Nativism?
What is the Anti-Asian Sentiment?
Explain the Chinese Exclusion Act?
What was the Act that expanded Anti- CHinese Sentiment to spread to Japan/ Korea?
Where did Immigrants settle?
What were Row Houses?
Explain Tenement Houses?
What were Dumbbell Tenements?
What kinds of transportation did America have before and during the Industrial Boom?
Were the cities sanitary?
Why were fires common in Cities?
Was there crim in the city?
Who was Jane Addam?
What was the Gilded Age?
Explain Political Machines?
What did political bosses do?
Map out the Political Machine Pyramid
What was Tammany Hall?
What was it about the USA that drew so many immigrants at this times?
What was the difference between New immigrants and Old immigrants?
Immigration act of 1924?