Erstellt von Hannah Jordan
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
What is the #1 reason cats and dogs are euthanized?
What are the scientific names of the gray wolf and the domestic dog?
What is the primary theory of domestication of dogs?
Explain the difference between taming and domestication:
Approximately how large (in dollars) was the Pet Industry in 2015?
Examples of benefits of owning a companion animal:
Explain the difference between a breed and subspecies:
Give 2 examples of juvenile characteristics still seen in domestic dogs as it relates to domestication:
What are the 3 different types of dog skulls?
Give 2 alternatives to declawing cats:
Explain one difference between how wolves and jackals hunt:
Give 2 examples of how the fertility and sexual maturity changes between dogs and wolves in regards to domestication:
What is selective breeding?
What is the #1 dog breed found in the Us ? the US.
What is a subspecies?
What is a breed?
What is ossification?
Describe a brachycephalic skull:
Describe a doliocephalic skull:
Describe a mesaticephalic skull:
What are the main two skeletal components?
What is the axial skeleton?
What is the function of the axial skeleton?
When do cats and dogs get their baby teeth?
When do cats and dogs get their permanent teeth?
What is the function of the vertebrae?
What is the function of the ribcage?
What is the appendicular skeleton ?
What is the appendicular main region?
What is the thoracic limb regions?
What is the pectoral girdle?
What is the brachium and ante brachium for?
What is the carpus?
What is the manus?
What is the pelvic limb regions?
What is the thigh?
What is the crus?
What is the tarsus?
What is the pes?
What are tendons?
What are ligaments?
Forms of protection on the body:
What is the importance of chemical exchange?
What is the importance of secretion?
What are the effects of taurine deficiency in cats?
What is the result of arigine deficiency in cats?
What is the scientific name for cats?
Why do small breeds require fewer overall calories but a more concentrated diet?
What nutrients do cats need that dogs do not?
What is the main responsibility of AAFCO as it relates to pet food?
How long have cats been domesticated?
What is the #1 nutritional problem for dogs living in the US?
What is the preferred body score an animal should have?
List problems brachycephalic dogs suffer from:
How do mother cats teach their kittens to hunt?
When would a kitten use a meow?
When would an adult cat meow?
What is polydactyl mean?
What were dalmatians originally are for?
Name a benefit of spaying your cat:
Name benefits of oxytocin for pets and their owners?
What is a breeding male cat called?
What is a sign of a female cat in metestrus?
How long is a cat's gestational period?
What is a breeding female cat called?
What is whelping?
Three signs that a dog demonstrates during the start of labor:
What is the normal color of the placenta of a dog after birth?
What are the infected colors of a placenta of a dog after birth?
Name the 2 protozoan diseases that occur in cats:
Name 4 internal parasites that occur in dogs:
Name the internal parasites that occur in cats:
What is the common name for the disease tularemia?
Which disease in dogs is similar to measles in humans?
What is the difference between a service dog and a therapy dog?
What are the only 2 questions you are allowed to ask a handler of a service dog?
What are the 7 groups in the AKC?
What are the 3 subcategories of the working group of dogs?
____is a bacterial disease that will lead to the locking of the jaw and spastic contractions of muscles.
____ is the most common dog insect problem.
____ is a viral disease similar to measles in humans that is the leading infectious disease worldwide.
___ is an external parasite that sucks blood and the most form is the brown dog variant.
____ is a viral disease first noticed in the US in 1977 that leaves puppies the most susceptible. It has 2 forms, GI and heart, which causes bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and possible death.
____ is a viral disease that is transmitted by direct contact by biting, has a furious or mad or dumb stage.
____ is a viral disease in cats that is caused by the corona virus that occurs in a wet (fluid around the heart) and dry form.
____ is a viral disease in cats that results in death from secondary infections due to low immune function.
___ can bite and feed on skin or suck and feed on blood, also irritates ears.
____ is a bacterial disease common in NC that is transmitted by ticks and can be extremely serious in humans if they are infected by the tick.
_____ is a bacterial disease in animals that causes sterility and is zoonotic.
____ is a bacterial disease in dogs that is spread by urine and primarily affects the kidneys, resulting in fever, listlessness, loss of appetite, and mental depression.
____ is a bacterial lung infection that is usually caught from the owner.
____ is a bacterial disease that primarily affects the young and elderly animals. It results in gastroenteritis, fever, loss of appetite, and depression.
_____ is a bacterial disease known as rabbit fever and most often associated with ticks. It results in skin lesions, swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, and weakness in the rear legs.
____ is a bacterial disease that is the most common US vector related disease that results in the sudden onset of lameness, weakness, and fever.
____ is a viral disease first isolated in military dogs in 1971. It causes excessive diarrhea.
_____ is a viral disease that is most severe in late pregnancy and in puppies. It causes a hard, distended abdomen and usually results in death in 24 hours.
____ is a viral disease present in stool, saliva, and urine. It is transmitted by direct contact.
____ is a viral disease that results in an infectious respiratory disease that is highly contagious and is usually accompanied by a harsh cough. It is common when a lot of dogs are housed together.
___ is a fungal disease that is the most common in companion animals and humans It can be a huge health issue within corded shelters and may result in biosecurity euthanasia.
_____ is a protozoan disease that results from filth, overcrowding, and dampness.
___ is a protozoan disease acquired from consuming infected organisms. It causes a variation in symptoms, including birth defects in humans.
____ is a viral disease in cats that causes fever, depression, loss of appetite, vominting, and the inability to drink water.
____ is a viral disease in cats that leads to cancer and severity of secondary disease. It transmitted by bites, mating, and saliva transfer.
____ is an internal parasite in dogs that is characterized by white, thin, spaghetti-like worms that fasten to the intestinal walls and draw blood. Usually from soil to intestines.
___ is an internal parasite in dogs that can be contracted by consuming raw meat
_____ is an internal parasite that can cause shortness of breath, weight loss, and depp cough. It is spread by mosquitoes.
___ is an internal parasite in cats that has 8 different species and causes periodic vomintiing.
___ is a condition caused by mites that cause cause scratching and biting of the site. They only live around 3 weeks.
____ is a condition caused by mites that is more common in certain breeds. It can be caused by immune system issues.
___ is an itchy bacterial infection from scratching, ear mites, and chiggers.
How should rats and mice be housed?
How long do mice live?
How long do rats live?
How long are rats/mice gestation period?
How often do female mice/rats go into heat?
How do you pick up mice correctly?
How should you pick up a tame rat?
What are the most common health concerns for pet rats?
What is ferreting?
What is ferret legging?
What are some of the uses of ferrets?
What is toxic to ferrets?
What is a ferret's life expectancy?
What is a male ferret called?
What is a female ferret called?
How long is a ferret's gestation?
Why should non-breeding female ferrets be NEUTERED?
What organisms are classified as Anura?
What organisms are classified as Caudata?
What organisms are classified as Apoda / Caecilians?
What organisms are classified under the Order Chelonia or Testudines?
What organisms are classified under the Order Squamata?
What organisms are classified under the Suborder Lacertilia (Sauria)?
What organisms are classified under the Suborder Serpentes?
What organisms are classified under the Suborder Amphisbaenia?
What organisms are classified under the Order Crocodylia?