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Who is being addressed in the verse 104?
Why Allah is calling them by saying "O " believers?
Because What Allah is telling them is something very important
He wants us to pay attention to it
The command is related to our emaan
If a person neglects this command, then there is a problem with his faith
What is Allah S.W.T commanding the believers ?
Don't say Ra'ina but say Unzurna
Say Ra'ina but don't say Unzurna
What does Ra'inaa راعنا mean?
Pay attention to us
means stupidity, foolishness
Means O our shepherd
What does Unzurna mean?
It also means "pay attention to us" but it involves respect
It also means "pay attention to us" but it does not involves respect
Why they were given this command?
Because Unzurna involves respect rather than coarseness
Coz they were using this word "Ra'ina" to mock at Prophet s.a.w
They should listen to the Prophet s.a.w attentively is the other command they are given in this verse (True or False)
People of the book and the Mushrikeen (those who worship other than Allah) did not want anything good for Prophet S.A.W. (True or False)
Yahood disliked Prophet S.A.W Because they were jealous as Prophet saw was from Bani Ismael. He was one of the Ummiyeen. (True or False)
Mushrikeen(Arabs) disliked Prophet S.A.W Because he was an orphan and Arabs of that time did not give any respect to the orphans. (True or False)