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Our main focus should be worshipping Allah rather than negating each other
(True or False)
Select the scripture given to the Jews
Christians used to recite both the books Taurah and the Injeel while Jews only used to recite the Taurah.
Christians believed in Musa a.s but due to their hatred against Jews they rejected him.
What did the Christians say about Jews and why?
That the religion of the Jews is wrong because Jews did not believe in Esa a.s.
That the religion of the Jews is right because Jews believed in Esa a.s
Christians believed in Esa a.s and they did believe in Taurah
Ikhtilaaf means to differ with one another.
When Allah gives knowledge to someone and he does not use that, this means he is equal to the non-knowledgeable person.
What did the Jews say about Christians?
That the religion of the Christians is false
That the religion of the Christians is true
The one who is looking at the faults of others will go the Jannah?
(True OR False)