Erstellt von Molly Brewster
vor fast 8 Jahre
What is gluten intolerace enteropathy?
Name two clinical tests that you could do to see if someone has Coeliac's disease, and what you would find if they did
How could someone with coeliac's disease obtain a negative serology result?
(HARD) In a healthy individual, how is gluten dealt with in the body?
Describe the pathophysiology behind coeliac disease
List four clinical symptom of coeliac disease
What is the name of the gene that causes macrophages to express gliadin fragments on their MHC2 receptors?
A woman presents with a six month history of diarrhoea and bloating. From this picture, what is the most likely diagnosis, and why?
A 20 year old girl presents in the clinic with diarrhoea at night
Name three differences between ulcerative colitis and Chron's
Name four red flag symptoms of colo-rectal cancer
How can you treat IBD?
Chloe, a 25 year old postgraduate, comes into your clinic complaining of bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Name three investigations that you could do to determine the cause of her problems.
A 23 year old male comes into the clinic with a rash across his chest ..... (not finished)
What is Barret's oesophagus?
What is the most common cause of Barret's oesophagus?
What is gluten sensitive enteropathy?
Is Helicobacter pylori a gram positive or negative bacterium?
What is a volvulus?
What is the most important investigation that you would do if you suspect colorectal (bowel) cancer?
Name three reasons why familial colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) screening would be offered to an individual
What is the most common type of colorectal cancer?
Give four symptoms of Chron's disease
In which part of the bowel is cancer most likely to occur?