What is one of the three reasons that the New Right sociologist Patricia Morgan believes has created a decline in marriage
Social policies have put people off marriage such as the Benefit System as it encourages single parenthood
Too expensive compared to the 1950s
Marriage reinforces and promotes the sharing of the same legal and social duties
People are more likely to cohabitate than get married
Postmodernists believe that focusing on 'life-course' and 'personal life' isn't as important as families
Diversity refers to the impact of on family structures and dynamics
Smart (2007) believes the term 'personal life' instead of 'family' because
it sounds nicer
family life is personal life so subsequently they mean the same thing
the term 'family' is often associated with a 'normal' family type
it doesn't include other family types such as single-parent, reconstituted or extended family
Parental is more important than parental separation. A study found that couple families levels of conflict in contrast to found that children in the former were more likely to have problems.
New right sociologists believe that lone-parent families are a 'broken' and 'fractured' family type.