Erstellt von Muhammad Imran
vor fast 8 Jahre
what does discrete mean?
what are bar and Column graphs used for?
what is another word for pie graph?
what is a line of best fit graph?
what percent of a pie graph would half be?
what's a hypothesis?
what does continuous mean?
what graph would be used to tell the percentage of your class mates born overseas?
why would scientists read what other scientists have found out in their experiments?
how is a hypothesis different from a guess?
what would be the best graph to record the weather?
what must a pie graph percent add up to?
why should a scientist record his findings?
what is a procedure?
what is a review?
what is a good program in which scientists can write down their results?
what is a graph?
what is a curve of best fit?
what does a quarter of a pie graph represent?
which way does a bar graph go?