Erstellt von Margaret-Estefani Conde Paredes
vor fast 8 Jahre
What is the difference between psychological and physical dependence?
Drug dependence is classified on the basis of the dependence producing compound. Name the 6 major groups
Production of dependence
Psychological dependence occurs and is defined as
Physical dependence is
What is the basis for psychological dependence?
What is the basis for physical dependence?
What does ''supersensitivity'' results from?
What are the treatments for supersesitivity?
What are the majore problems of drug dependence and abuse?
Legal issues.
Can you name depressants and their main characteristics?
What are the main stimulants and their mechanims?
Can you name three types of stimulants and their mechanisms?
Pharmacology of alcohol
Pharmacology of Barbiturates
Pharmacology of opiates
Pharmacology of cocaine
Pharmacology of amphetamine
Pharmacology of LSD
Pharmacology of cannabis
Pharmacology of glue and solvents
Pharmacology of nicotine
What are the type drugs that cause physical withdrawal?