Daniel Whiting
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

PSY246 - Cognitive Psychology Quiz am Week 5 - Episodic Memory, erstellt von Daniel Whiting am 30/03/2017.

Daniel Whiting
Erstellt von Daniel Whiting vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Week 5 - Episodic Memory

Frage 1 von 8


What are some of the criticisms of the multistore model?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Overemphasis on structural aspects

  • Not enough emphasis on structural aspects

  • Systems are not unitary

  • The STM and LTM systems aren't independent

  • Impairment of STM doesn't impair LTM


Frage 2 von 8


Craik and Tulving (1975) found that recall was better for semantically processed stimuli than phonemically processed, and similarly, phonemically processed stimuli were better recalled better than visually processed stimuli. What could we say about effectiveness of encoding in regards to these results?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Retention is a function of the amount of processing at the time of encoding.

  • Rehearsal is the most efficient way to store a memory.

  • The simpler the processing the better the recall.

  • The effect can be shown to be modulated by context and so having the same context will increase recall.


Frage 3 von 8


Godden and Baddeley (1975. 1980) found poorer recall of words learned on land while underwater and vice versa and better recall when the list was learned and recalled on land. This effect was not found when using a recognition task rather than a recall task, why could these different results for recall vs recognition occurring?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The effect of recognition is outweighing the effect of context mismatch.

  • The words in the recognition set may have been easier than the recall set.

  • People with diving experience may have better recognition skills than recall which eliminates the effect.

  • Their moods were the same for encoding and recall overriding the place contexts effect.


Frage 4 von 8


In Kenealys' (1997) study, participants had a mood (happy/sad) induced and then given a list to remember. Participants were then induced later into (happy/sad) for a free recall task. Knowing what we do about context dependent recall, which results could we predict? (Select all that apply)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Happy at encoding had better recall when happy.

  • Sad at encoding had better recall when happy.

  • Sad at encoding had better recall when sad.

  • Happy at encoding had worse recall when sad

  • Sad at encoding had worse recall when sad.

  • Sad at encoding had better encoding when happy.


Frage 5 von 8


Fragment completion, picture identification and word stem completion tests are examples of..

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Implicit retrieval memory tests

  • Incidental encoding

  • Cued recall

  • Recognition

  • Serial recall


Frage 6 von 8


Which of the following memory tests did amnesics not perform worse than controls at?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Free recall

  • Cued recall

  • Recognition

  • Word completion


Frage 7 von 8


In Schacter, Church & Boltons' (1995) study, it was found that controls gained a boost in successful word identification when words previously listened to were heard again in the same voice, whereas amnesics did not get this effect. How could this be explained?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Amnesics aren't able to bind the context of the persons voice to the word.

  • Amnesics didn't remember the voice.

  • Amnesics have better semantic memory for words and worse memory for auditory characteristics such as peoples voices.

  • Amnesics were able to guess correctly roughly the same amount each trial but controls where able to recognise.


Frage 8 von 8


Which of the following results gives support to the idea that amnesics are unable to bind context to memories?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Korsakoff's were unable to discriminate WHEN they had seen a particular picture compared to controls, but matched controls when determining whether or not they had ever seen a particular picture (Huppert & Piercy, 1976)

  • Amnesics perform better on implicit rather than explicit recall tasks (Graf, Squire & Mandler, 1984).

  • Anterograde amnesia prevents new memories from being transferred to long term memory.

  • Amnesics are able to learn new skills showing intact procedural memory.
