Das ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Quiz.
Du hast 30 Minuten um die 15 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
Seek permission before you enter anyone's house, and if you find no response, then leave. (True or False)
When you are invited for a meal, it's a good gesture to go early and help the host in the preparation. (True or False)
After you have finished the meal, it is a bad etiquette to leave immediately. (True or false)
When in a gathering, do not make your own group with people you know, but speak to everyone and do not ignore anyone. (True or False)
Then speak to them from behind a curtain, this is more chaste for your hearts and for theirs( non mehram) (True or False)
There is no sin on the ladies if they appear without hijab in front of their male slaves. This includes only those slaves who are very old,they are a part of a family member and have no physical needs . (True or false)
Taqwa( fear of Allah ) is more important than just outward hijab. (True or False)
When we send Darud on our Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) Allah will record 10 good deeds for us, will erase 10 evil deeds, and will raise our status 10 degrees and Allah will return something similar to it. (True or False)
Reading Darud as many times on Thursday will fetch us more reward than any other day. (True or False)
Those who annoy the believers for no fault of theirs, shall bear the guilt of slander on themselves and this( annoying)is a great sin in the sight of Allah. (True or False)
A Jilbaab is a big shawl, an outer garment worn over the clothes, which completely covers a women. (True or False)
According to Ayah 59, must we cover our face with the Jilbaab or not. ( is wearing of Niqab important or not)
Yes Niqab is important
(Ayah 66 ) On that Day, when their faces will be turned into the fire...... The disbelievers will say
" Woe to us, wish we had obeyed Allah and His Rasool ".
"Woe to us ! wish we had never worn the Niqab".
" Woe to us ! wish we had spent more time in beautifying our face'.
Is it allowed to speak to a non mehram ? (Yes or No)
So wearing of Hijab, is an obligation on us or not. (Yes or No)