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What is the singular and meaning of the following : ملءكه malaikah and الدماء addima ?
ملك (malak ) angel ; الدم the blood
مللك (mallak) angel; الدمم ( damma) blood
What are the root words and meanings of : نسبح nusabbihu and نقدس nuqaddisu ?
ث ب ح tasbeeh; ق د ص pure and holy
س ب ح speed /promptness in obedience ق د س holy / pure
Why is man called a khaleefa?
Because man is created in generations who come one after the other
Because all men are leaders
Because man follows Allah's commands and shariah
Man succeeded another creation on earth.
Because Adam a.s. was the leader of all men.
Man is a deputy of Allah on Earth.
Because khalifa judges disputes between people.
Man is khaleefa because he was sent to earth before the jinn.
What are the characteristics of Angels?
Angels fear Allah
Angels fear men
Angels are a world unseen
Angels are made from light
All angels perform the same task
Angels do not make rows for worship
Angels glorify and praise Allah
Angels have reason and understanding
Angels obey Allah willingly or unwilli gly
Angles make dua for the believers.
The tasbeeh of angels is سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله الحمد الله الله اكبر( سبحان الله و بحمده, سبحان الله الحمد الله الله اكبر )
We have to tolerate the bad along with the good in the people.
Man is the of creation
Translate the ayah word to word قال اني أعلم ما لا تعلمؤن
He (Allah) said indeed I know what do not you (all) know
He said do you appoint in her who does mischief
They said we glorify with your praise and sanctify you
It is important to establish justice on the earth.