Replication of Loftus' yield and stop sign study - Bekerian and Bowers 1983
Geiselman 1985
Testing cognitive interview - Geiselman
Training detectives in cognitive interview - Fisher 1989
The effectiveness of cognitive interview - Bekerian and Dennett 1993
Children's birthday party - Holliday 2003
The stop and the yield sign - Loftus 1978
Offering money for correct slide - Loftus 1980
Misleading information - Elizabeth Loftus 1975
Blatantly incorrect information - Loftus 1979
Criticism of Loftus' methods - Bekerian and Bowers 1983
Shoplifting scenarios - List 1986
Context lacking instructions - Bransford and Johnson 1972
Useful distinction in memory - Koriat 2001
Children and filmed robbery - Geiselman and Padilla 1988
Difference in accuracy of memory between adults and children? - Cassel 1996
Lack of appropriate schema for children - Ceci and Bruck 1993
Storage interval increases - Thomson 1988
Retrieval in children - Saywitz 1987
Leading questions and children - Goodman and Reed 1986
Misleading information and children - Leichtman and Ceci 1995
Not forced choice format - Koriat and Goldsmith 1996
Summary of 6 main factors affecting children's eyewitness testimony - Ceci and Bruck 1993
Neisser 1978
Conclusions about children and EWT - Ceci and Bruck 1993
Car crash and leading questions - Loftus and Palmer 1974
Age of the children - Kent and Yuille 1987
Loftus and Ketcham 1991
Review of wrongful arrest - Rattner 1988
Convicted suspects - Baddeley 1997
Accuracy of testimony - Yuille and Cutshall 1986
Reliable identification in children? - Gross and Hayne 1996
Role of anxiety in eyewitness testimony - Loftus 1979
Genuine bank robberies - Christianson and Hubinette 1993
5 ways schemas effect memory - Cohen 1993
Consequence of testimony - Foster 1994
Effects of schemas on visual memory - Brewer and Treyens 1981