Erstellt von Karima Ranieri
vor fast 8 Jahre
What were Britain's main interests in the Middle East during the First World War?
Why was the Suez Canal and Persian Gulf vital to British interests?
What did Britain do when oil was discovered in the south of Persia (todays Iran) in 1914?
Briefly describe what happened to the Jews from 1500BC onwards, which led to their expulsion from Palestine.
(Hint: mention what happened in AD70 and again in AD135 and how Romans reacted)
What does it mean for the Jews to have been living in the diaspora?
What was anti-Semitism in Europe and why was it present?
What happened when persecution increased in the Middle Ages?
In the 19th century, which country had the largest Jewish population?
What happened to the Jews when the tsar (emperor) was assassinated in 1881? How did non-Jewish Russians react?
Who was Theodor Herzl and what did he propose?
1. What was the 'Next year in Jerusalem' concept?
2. Why did the Jews decide that their homeland would have to be in Palestine?
3. Is there a name for those who believed in a Jewish national homeland, if so, what is it?
What was the Balfour Declaration 1917? (who were British Zionists led by, what was Britain's circumstance and interests at this period of time, why did they declare support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, who was the letter written to and by?)
Why and when did the Arabs seek independence?
(Mention 16th century Turkish dominance in the region, what Turks forced the Arabs to do, what Arab aim was at this point, what happened in 1913 and the year)
What were the British afraid of with the Turks during the First World War and what did they encourage the Arabs to do?
What did the British promise the Arabs if they fought against the Turks?
(mention letters being exchanged in 1915, and British promise)
What happened during the Arab Revolt 1916?
What did the Arabs accomplish in 1918?
What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916?
What were the main reasons behind why Britain made this agreement?
Which mandates did the League of Nations allocate France?
Which mandates did the British have control over?
What did Lawrence of Arabia feel about the whole agreement?
How was the French administration in general?
How was the French administration in Syria?
Success or Failure?
How was the French How was the French administration in Lebanon?
Success or Failure?
What did the French do in both Syria and Lebanon and when was independence established?
How was British administration in Transjordan?
Success or Failure?
How was the British administration in Iraq?
Success or Failure?
How was British policy in Egypt?
Success or Failure?
Conclusion of British ruling...
Success or failure?
What was Britain responsible for in Palestine?
What did Lord Balfour state at the Versailles peace conference in 1919?
What happened during the Arab-Jewish riots in 1921?
How did the British respond to the riots?
What happened to immigration statistics in Palestine?
What happened during the Arab-Jewish riots in 1929?
When did violence between Arabs and Jews escalate, and why?
What was the British plan to help solve Arab fears?
What was the Arab Higher Committee and why was it formed in 1936?
Was the strike a success or failure?
What else happened during the Arab Rebellion 1936-9?
How did the British respond to these Arab actions?
What did Davin Ben-Gurion believe was the only way for Jews to claim Palestine?
What was the British partition plan 1937?
What was the Zionist response to the partition plan?
What was the White Paper 1939?