Zsanna Kovács
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Zsanna Kovács
Erstellt von Zsanna Kovács vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Culture and leadership

Frage 1 von 40


What are considered to be managers' responsibilities

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Controlling the inflow of new employees

  • Managing the neatness of surrounding work area

  • Managing human, financial, informational and physical resources

  • Ensuring that the staff members utilize their break times

  • Maintaining sustainbilitiy of a company


Frage 2 von 40


The increasing intesity and diversity that characterize today's globalization business environment require?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a) Managers that can learn new languages very quickly

  • b) Managers who are able to succeed in multiple cultures

  • c) Managers who are able to lead a multicultural team

  • d) a and b

  • e) All of them


Frage 3 von 40


A leader can expedite the team development process by

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a) Dismissing low performing team members

  • b) Creating an MOU

  • c) Having regular after action reviews

  • d) Assigne team members roles

  • e) Both b and c


Frage 4 von 40


Global managers can be divided into three categories. Which category options is right?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Expatriates, virtual managers, global leader

  • Expatriates, virtual managers, frequent flyers

  • Virtual managers, global leaders

  • Expatriates, frequent flyers

  • Expatriates, virtual managers, cultural manager


Frage 5 von 40


Some countries according to studies have shown that they make a wide use of participative leadership approaches, again following from their somewhat more egalitarian culture. Which countries is this fact about?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • France and Germany

  • United Kingdom and Portugal

  • Austria, Switzerland and Italy

  • The Scandinavian countries

  • The Netherlands and Belgium


Frage 6 von 40


Situational leadership means to adapt your leadership style according to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • People and task

  • Resource availability

  • Culture

  • Maturity level of people

  • Your personal strength


Frage 7 von 40


What are the characteristics of the consultative decision making?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Moderate problem analysis, slow decision making, mederate acceptance and implementation

  • Rapid problem analysis, rapid decision making, slow acceptance and implementation

  • Slow problem analysis, slow decision making, rapid acceptance and implementation

  • Moderate problem analysis, rapid decision making, mederate acceptance and implementation

  • Rapid problem analysis, moderate decision making, slow acceptance and implementation


Frage 8 von 40


What is strategic choice about?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Analyzing

  • Decision making

  • Prioritization

  • Training

  • Forecasting


Frage 9 von 40


Which cultural dimensions is not included in the Hofstede model?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Uncertainty avoidance

  • Masculinity/feminity

  • Human orientation

  • Maturity level of people

  • Your personal strength


Frage 10 von 40


Ignoring the context in which the message is conveyed...

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • makes it easier to focus on the real message

  • can lead to a misundersanding of the real message

  • doesn't matter in video conferences as facial expressions can't be interpreted anyway

  • is always an advantage when the communicating people don't have the same native language and are used to different cultures

  • make the conversation more professional


Frage 11 von 40


Which of the following in Not part of the Vengel's motivation and engagement theory?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Achievement

  • Affiliation

  • Authonomy

  • Actualization

  • Affection


Frage 12 von 40


Which variable occure in our cognitive schema

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Expectations

  • Biases

  • Knowledge base

  • Experiences

  • All of the above


Frage 13 von 40


It was emphasized that leaders should

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a) Treat everyone the same

  • b) everyone with respect

  • c) Don't treat everyone the same

  • d) Both a and b

  • e) Both b and c


Frage 14 von 40


How can multicultural learning be facilitated?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • people with different languages should always try to communicate in English because everyone should be familiar to a western culture

  • engaging interpreters to overcome the cultural differences

  • usually multicultural learning isn't a big deal because we are all humans and therfore stick to the same values

  • in a professional relationship multicultural learning isn't very important because just hard facts are important for doing business

  • studying the language, discussing with foreign nationals and observing what others are doing


Frage 15 von 40


The "locus of control" concept deals with peoples believe on how far they can control their own destiny. What does the "internal" locus include?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The peoples destiny is pre-defined

  • People believe that they can largely create their own destiny

  • Special circumstances are needed, so that people can influence their own destiny

  • Even if people want, they could not influence their own destiny

  • Inner perspective of people's believe


Frage 16 von 40


Is it important to speak and have knowledge of the local language?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • No, English as a business language is well known in all parts of the world

  • Yes, because it ease the conversation with local business people and improves the ability of understanding the culture

  • No, it do not have any significant advantages to speak the local language

  • Yes, it can help you to find the place of the meeting

  • Yes, if you have a dinner in a restaurant with your business partners


Frage 17 von 40


In low-context cultures

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Status differences often affect both medium and message

  • A request is declined by vagueness or body language

  • Nonverbal cues are often more important

  • The medium is typically more important than the message

  • The message s typically more important than the medium


Frage 18 von 40


Which of the six styles of leadership work best when working with people who are peers or more skilled than you

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Visionary

  • Coach

  • Counsellor

  • Concensus builder

  • Pacesetter, commander


Frage 19 von 40


What is selective preception

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1) It is a situation to get potential information

  • 2) It is a situation to to ignore something

  • 3) It is a situation to choose what to focus on and what to ignore

  • 4) It is a nonverbal communication

  • 5) Both 1 and 2 are correct


Frage 20 von 40


Which following options can be considered as typical high-context culture?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • People play by external rules

  • More interpersonal connections of shorter duration

  • More knowledge is condified, public, external, and accessible

  • Knowledge is situational, relational

  • Task-centered


Frage 21 von 40


Shackleton was an example of a leader who was especially able to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a) Adjust his priorities in light of new obsticles

  • b) Salvage victories from setbacks

  • c) Make strategic planes

  • d) Both a and b

  • e) both b and c


Frage 22 von 40


In negotiation, which culture's first offer is most beyond to the final position?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Asians (10-20%)

  • Latin Americans (20-40%)

  • Russians (50-60%)

  • Middle Easterns (20-50%)

  • North Americans (5-10%)


Frage 23 von 40


In deals and partnerships what do we primarly look for

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • "What might they be willing to accept?"

  • "How do we create value together?"

  • "What values this partnership can bring in our business?"

  • "What benefit will we have?"

  • "How do we avoid discussion?"


Frage 24 von 40


What takes a central role in conflict resolution strategies?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • money

  • partners goals

  • influence

  • compromise

  • long-term perspective


Frage 25 von 40


What are the new "bottom lines for business leaders to keep in mind?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • profit, plan, people

  • price, people, peace

  • people, planet, profit

  • peace, partnership, plan

  • passion, profits, peace


Frage 26 von 40


Leadership is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The activity of planning and decision making

  • The activity of planning and controlling

  • The activity of decision making and coordinating

  • An integral and inseparable part of good management

  • An activity that has to be separeted from the managerial activity


Frage 27 von 40


The responsibility of business to positively impact society is called ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • CSR

  • SCR

  • RSC

  • SRC

  • None of above


Frage 28 von 40


The greates deterrent to corruption is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Anti-corruption policy

  • Transparency

  • Harsher punishment/consequences

  • More education

  • Better laws


Frage 29 von 40


Which of these options describe best multicultural competence

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Understanding and working effectively across countries

  • Understanding and working effectively across different people

  • Understanding and working effectively accross cultures

  • Understanding other languages

  • understanding and working with people from different countries


Frage 30 von 40


Leadership is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Getting things done through people

  • Influence

  • The act of managing people

  • How power is being delegated and used

  • How authority is udes to accomplish goals


Frage 31 von 40


What is the fundation or foremost problem with dysfunctional teams?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lack of accountability

  • Lack of commitment

  • Fear of conflict

  • Lack of trust

  • None of the above


Frage 32 von 40


Within an egelitarian culture, which managerial strategy should NOT be applied

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • emphasize extrinsic rewards and large salary differentials

  • Encourage participative or consultative decision making

  • Support collaborative and flexible leaders

  • Reward constructive feedbacks and creativity

  • Emphasize intrinsic rewards and minimal salary differentials


Frage 33 von 40


An MOU should first be developed at what stage of the team development cycle:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Performing

  • Storming

  • Norming

  • Forming

  • Adjouring


Frage 34 von 40


According to Schmitz, culture is what is ......... within a group

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a) expected and rainforced

  • b) valued and reinforced

  • c) understood and empasized

  • d) rewarded

  • e) Both a and d


Frage 35 von 40


In the culture "iceberg" metaphor which of the following is above the surface?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Behaviours

  • Values

  • Beliefs

  • Assumptions

  • All of the above


Frage 36 von 40


What is true when considering both Holfsteds model and Scmitz's models of culture?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Holfsted model is widely accepted by anthropologists

  • Schmitz has more dimensions

  • Holfsted's model is based on more data

  • Scmitz's model does not account for individualism

  • None of the above


Frage 37 von 40


What is common between cultures when it comes to incentive systems?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • They don't use incentive systems

  • They only use extrinsic incentives

  • They only use instrictive encentives

  • There is no difference in how they use they use extrinsic and intrinsic incentives

  • They combine extrinsic and intrinsic incentives but use them in different ways


Frage 38 von 40


What is self-serving bias?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Leaders that tend to do all the decisions making without consulting with their employees

  • Leaders from a different culture which don't adapt to the new culture

  • Leaders that tend to pick the solution that are most profitably to themselves and no to the company as a whole

  • Leaders that pick employees who have the same idealistic view as themselves

  • Leaders that tend to take credit for company succes but not the failures


Frage 39 von 40


Which of these aspects in not a stage in psychological adaptation to a new culture?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Biculturalism

  • Disillusionment

  • Adaptation

  • Anger

  • Honeymoon


Frage 40 von 40


Arstotle and Maxwell (especially Maxwell) emphasized that leaders earn trust through competence, ........ and ............

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Character and correctness

  • Connection and character

  • Charisma and correctness

  • Correctness and connection

  • Character and Charisma
