A survey is..
a series of open-ended questions and a tick box demographic section.
a series of close ended questions.
a short piece of text followed by a series of open-ended questions.
Participant load involves considering if participants are going to be tired or bored and rush through the questions.
Qualitative surveys do not require a piloting.
Qualitative surveys can include double-barreled questions.
Following a pilot test( pilot, test ) study, the survey is developed from a paper online( paper, online ) survey to an online paper( online, paper ) study.
Which of the following are crucial in qualitative surveys? (3)
informed consent.
providing a participant ID that is easy to identify.
When asking about sensitive topics, avoid indirect direct( indirect, direct ) questions, but ensure the questions are worded appropriately.
Strengths of using a qualitative survey includes: (4)
useful for collecting individual views, opinions and experiences.
can access geographically dispersed and hard to engage participants.
potentially more anonymous than face-to-face data collection.
potentially more flexibly than face-to-face data collection.
can collect lots of information from a large number of participants quickly.
Weaknesses of using a qualitative survey include: (4)
limited flexibility and far less organic than face-to-face data collection.
threatening to participants with literacy skills.
sensitive information may not be revealed.
difficult to use when participants are geographically dispersed.
the depth of responses given cannot be guaranteed.
The minimum number of participants for a survey is..