Erstellt von Katie S
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
what does the CPU do?
What does processing power depend on?
what are the 2 main types of architecture?
What are the 3 main parts of the CPU?
what is the control unit?
What is the ALU?
What is the cache?
what does the cache store?
what are the different levels of the cache?
What does the CPU do if the data is not in the cache?
what is the difference between Von Neumann and Harvard architecture?
What does the PC (Program Counter) do?
What does the accumulator (ACC) do?
What does the MAR (memory address register) do?
What does the MDR (memory data register) do?
What does the memory do?
what is the fetch-decode-execute cycle?
what is 'fetch' in the FDE cycle? (STOP TRYING TO MAKE FETCH HAPPEN!)
what is 'decode' in the FDE cycle?
what is 'execute' in the FDE cycle?