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Research to support the importance of EPs - ( Morgan, Siffre, Aschoff and Wever, Dement and Kleitman, McClintock ): bred hamsters with a circadian rhythm of ( 20, 21, 22, 24, 18, 15, 10, 30 ) hours rather than 24. They implanted their SCN's into normal hamsters, which then developed the same ( 20, 22, 24, 30, 18 ) hour ( circadian, infradian, ultradian ) rhythm.
BUT - its hard to ( generalise, understand ) due to the use of hamsters... humans would respond differently to their biological rhythms being manipulated and disrupted- we are not only biologically different, but we have very different ( environmental, social ) contexts.
SO - while it does highlight the importance of ( endogenous pacemakers, exogenous zeitgebers ) and the SCN on our ( sleep/wake cycle, sleep cycle, body temperature ), and how the lack of them can disrupt it, we are unable to explain this in ( humans, hamsters, animals ).