Erstellt von Andrew Stonehouse
vor fast 8 Jahre
Storm on the Island
Storm on the Island investigates themes such as .... and...... It describes ..... and uses we, the first person plural to describe the communal experience. ""
One ...., compact like the '' houses
There is a .... field of .... using words like "" and ""
Similes such as "" personify the storm
The attitudes in the poem change from .... , .... and then .....
..... structure shows repeated relentlessness of storm ""
'Stormont' relates to recent .... in Ireland
Compare with the fear of nature in
There is ..... therefore focusing on general humanity. ... of rhythm and rhyme gives poet .....
The poem is built up in ..... like life, stanza by stanza.
It refuses a ..... interpretation.
Themes include....
Sunlight is shown as a positive force that can ""
The delicacy of paper is an ...... for human life. "turned into ...."
The poem has 3 parts, history,experiences and life.
The final line "" questions the reader
Repetition of "" shows the never ending control of paper
Compare with ... or .....
Bayonet Charge
Explores the thought of .... showing .... and the .... of conflict
Uses 'he' therefore....
Enjambment, caesura, and uneven lines represent the soldier stumbling
Simile "" showing how he finds war difficult to describe and has lost rational thought "etcetera"
Starts in the middle of the action
Time stops in second stanza
Gives up in final stanza.
Attitude of .... and ....
Compare with
Real story of British soldier in .... and shows his PTSD.
Sounds like a confession due to...
Uses 'we' before changing to 'I' as the guilt increases.
Juxtaposition of :
Graphic Imagery "" reminds reader of ... of war
Casual Language so desensitized feelings of man, trying to hide feelings.
Repetition shows how the PTSD.... ""
Turns from anecdote to...
Turning point when....
Compare with
War Photographer
Regular rhyme and stanza length like....
Follows the photos journey.
Emotive imagery. "a strangers features...."
Circular Structure shows how....
Contrasts Rural England and ...., Widows tears and ....... .
Feelings of ....
Compare with ....
1st Person.
.... therefore....
No rhythm or rhyme represents...
Language about light and dark. Describes old city as "" and new city accuses her of "". Shows how she doesn't fit in.
Personification shows how memories of her city are like a friend.
1+2 Have enjambment
3 Doesn't
4 is longer
Compare with
Second hand account....
One stanza....
About Ramses II
Pharaohs uses powerful and aggressive language "" but it is ironic because "". His ""
Attitudes of .... and ....
Describes small details at beginning, which is...
Compare with
Describes miserable walk through London....
Dramatic Monologue, first person narrative makes it .... and ....
Rhyme scheme shows...
Uses senses immersing the reader.
Emotive language to try and gain support for his beliefs.
"" oxymoron shows how even everything is effected. Babies are born into a nasty world. Marriage leads to children, life union, but prostitutes don't have that
Beginning focuses on people affected, 3rd focuses on organisations causing problems. Ends with lost innocence of babies leaving impression on reader.
Repeats "every" suggesting....
Compare with
1s person narrative about a son leaving to war....
No regular rhythm or rhyme show how her life is now jumbled, and she is reliving thoughts and memories.
Long sentences and enjambment....
Caesura is used when she tries ....
Uses senses wanting son to be physically there
Domestic imagery"" juxtaposed with war imagery ""
Follows events chronologically however.....
feelings of ....
Compare with pride in
Charge of the Light Brigade
.... person. Chronological Story. Broken rhythm sounds like....and .... men
Uses double meaning to show Alfred's hatred of power and the stupid rich, but also the admiration of the soldiers. "ered" ""
Repetition at end of paragraph of "" shows vast number of people and casualties.
Foreshadowing "" shows how generals should've known better
Attitudes of .... and ....
Compare with .. or...
Personal experience. Regular rhythm sounds like.... and lack of .... adds....
Part of unfinished collection of poems about his life.
1 stanza and enjambment is ...... No breaks
Exteneded metaphor for ... control over ....
Uses weaker language, repeating words"" showing authors... and ...
Starts ..... then becomes .... and upon ..... we learn how as a young man ..... ""
Compare with
Similar themes of ...
About ......who turned around. .... when he returns home due to cultural beliefs of ....
3rd person distances reader from pilot. Direct speech from daughter .....
Absence of pilots voice...
Power of nature shown through ..... ""
Chronological order shows changes from .... to ... and ....
1 sentence for man's flight. Final sentence leaves reader reflecting ""
Compare with
Checking out me History
Uses ... and .... creating a Caribean accent and not conforming to the rules of English language.
1st person and refers to ""distancing the author from the people trying to control him and villainising them
metaphors of vision shows how black history was hidden "" ""
metaphor of "carving" to show the process of finding himself and his history. Painful but unchangeable.
Meant to be heard, and .... used to make it memorable so ideas spread.
Juxtaposes white people and nursery rhymes....
Compare with
My Last Duchess
About ....
Dramatic monologue.. Extract from a conversation, however other person doesn't talk.
Rhyming couplets show Duke's....
Enjambment shows....
Uses a .......tone ""
Foreshadowing ""
wife's painting controls him , even though he...
Feelings of ... ,and ....
We find out at the end ....
Compare with....
Present tense, 1st person plural shows collective experience,
Regular rhyme scheme is .... and....also shown by half lines and rhymes. Expecting but no delivery.
Personifies nature making it sound like the enemy "
Sibilance "
Circular structure shows
Rhetorical questions answer themselves at the end of each stanza""
Compare with fear and nature in