1. Time of the crime is recognized:
Time of onset of socially dangerous consequences,
The time of a socially dangerous act;
The time of preparatory actions for socially dangerous infringement;
The time of an unfinished attempt at legally protected interest;
The time of completed attempt at legally protected interests.
2. Which of these signs of a crime is a formal indication of crimes:
Public danger;
3. What is the content of public danger sign criminal activity:
The crime of violating the established criminal law prohibition;
The crime of infringing on legally protected object, causing or threatening injury;
The offense is committed with the proper mental attitude the person act and consequences;
A crime necessarily implies the establishment of its commission corresponding to punishment;
The offense violates the norms of morality.
4. Insignificance of actions is:
By causing minor damage at the direction of the intention to cause any harm;
By causing insignificant harm and voluntary compensation;
By causing minor damage at the direction of intent to inflict great harm;
Lack of harm due to circumstances beyond the control of the perpetrator;
By causing minor damage and intent of such intent to harm.
5. What is the basis of criminal liability:
personal property of the individual;
the act contains the elements of crime;
of socially dangerous consequences caused by the act;
objective evidence of the act.
6. Since what moment does the realization of criminal liability launch?
Since a ruling on the detention;
With the approval of the indictment; charge
From the moment of adjudication;
Upon entry of a guilty verdict into force;
Since the charge
7. Since what time the criminal liability is terminated:
Since the replacement term of punishment milder punishment;
Since the completion of the punishment;
Since the early release of the criminal from punishment;
Since the cancel or convictions;
Since the release from punishment due to illness.
8. What is the required sign of the objective side in formal crimes:
a socially dangerous act;
of socially dangerous consequences;
The causal link between act and consequence;
Location of the crime.
9. Insanity of subject is characterized by two features (criteria). Which of these signs is not a measure of insanity:
10. Obligatory component of the subjective aspect of the crime is:
The emotional state;
11. Specify the form of guilt:
The direct intent;
Indirect intent;
An alternative design;
melodramatic intent.
12. What intent occurs in a strong emotion, if actions are caused by the unlawful actions of the quilt:
the sudden intent;
affected intent;
an alternative design;
specify intent.
13. Misunderstanding of the criminals which regards to essence of committed actions and its consequences:
Legal error;
The actual error;
useless crime;
Failure to object;
Failure of the consequences.
14. Misunderstanding of the criminals which regards to facts of committed actions:
Failure of wrongfulness;
The imaginary crime;
Failure to criminal liability.
15. Features that characterize the mental attitude of the criminal to his crime:
The age of the subject sanity;
Guilt, motive, purpose;
The subject of the crime:
An offense;
Socially dangerous act, socially dangerous consequences, causes ¬ Nye connection.
17. Under the Criminal Code to the circumstances which exclude criminal act does not include:
A physical or mental abuse;
An urgent need;
The consent of the victim’s injury;
Execution of an order;
Reasonable risk.
18. The subjects of private enterprise may include:
participants of large business, medium business and small businesses
State Institutions
Persons with a legal education
19. When the legal capacity of legal entity is started?
When you specify a name.
for a meeting of the founders
Since the tax.
Since its formation and is terminated at the completion of its liquidation.
since the reorganization.
20. When shall legal capacity of legal entity in the area of licensed activity start?
Since receiving a license
after receiving such a license and it is terminated at the time of its withdrawal, expiry or invalidation of the order established by legislative acts.
When signing a contract
Upon receipt of a notary certified constituent documents
In the production of settlement with the state
21. Separate subdivision of legal entity located outside of its location, which carries out all or part of its functions, including functions of representation, is called:
22. Mandatory payment levied by the state from individuals and legal entities:
23. Taxes received in the budget of:
Economic Association
state enterprise
16. What crime does not apply to a single crime:
The offence with alternative action;
24. Which is not one of the type of tax?
fee for state registration of legal persons.
Corporate income.
25. Public relations, which are regulated by civil law:
Civil-legal relations
state legal.
learner legal.
Administrative and legal.
26. Debtor's insolvency recognized by court, which causes its termination – is called:
27. An agreement made between two or more persons to establish, modify or terminate civil rights and obligations:
28. The participants liabilities are:
Third Parties
Partier and third parties
29. The main function of taxes:
30. Agreement shall enter into force and becomes binding for the parties upon its:
31. The authorities of the owner consist of the following rights:
Only to own
Only the right to use
Only the right to dispose of
The right to possess, the right to use, the right to dispose
only own and use
32. From what moment an activity of insolvent enterprise is discontinued?
Since the signing of the bankruptcy
from the moment of its exclusion from the state register of legal entities
Since the death of director general of the legal entity
Since the reorganization of legal entities
Since the establishment of another legal entity
33. The concept of bankruptcy?
Do not pay the bank
credit line opened by the Bank to the client
Direct barter between the parties
There is no right answer
Recognized by the court debtor's insolvency, which shall be the basis for its elimination. Termination of payments under its obligations due to lack of funds of the companies, firms, citizen
34. Please give a definition of “general partnership”?
The Partnership, the members of which in case of insufficiency of the general partnership shall be jointly and severally liable for its obligations with all their property
is recognized entity issues shares to raise funds for its activities
This is a sole proprietorship
based on the right of business
35. What should be the minimum number of members of production co-operative?
Not more than 50 members of the cooperative
At least three members of the cooperative
At least four members of the cooperative
At least five members of the cooperative
At least two members
36. Specify foundation documents of joint stock company?
Card Director and statistics
Certificate of taxpayer
Foundation agreement and charter
Passport and TRN President
37. Private Enterprise:
State Enterprise
is carried out by one individual on the basis of property belonging to him on the ownership right (either on the basis of law, allowing the use and disposal of property)
A document provided by the tax authority
Property condition
38. license is:
Permit to net income
Permit issued by the appropriate authorized state agencies to conduct certain types of economic activities, including foreign trade (export and import license); type of the state control
document of identity
Registration number of the taxpayer
39. Which authority approves the Charter of the production cooperative?
The general meeting of shareholders
State authority
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
40. Please name the types of transactions?
At the discretion of the parties
unilateral, bilateral or multilateral (contracts)
Neither of which do not
All answers are correct
They are divided into left and right
41. Forms of transactions?
Mounted oath of the parties
oral or written form (simple or notarial)
Handshake parties
42. Whether the simple partnership is a legal entity?
is a legal entity
By the decision of the shareholders
By the decision of the voting employees
it is not a legal entity
43. In what form the collateral agreement should be made?
only verbally
must be in written form
in any form
Oath parties
Handshake of the parties
44. The definition of “advertisement”:
ad on the goods
Redistributable and posted in any form and by any means information that is used for an indefinite number of persons and designed to generate and maintain interest in a person or entity, products, trademarks, works, services and facilitate their implementation
Place of registration of legal entities and individuals
Political agitation
agitational work in the election of the deputies
45. It is not permitted to advertise:
Chocolate candies
Drinking Water
46. Improper advertising is:
Propaganda of war
Unfair, unreliable, unethical, false advertising, in which violations of the requirements for its content, time, place and method of distribution, placement, established by the legislation of RK
Information about the disappearance of citizens
The way to reduce turnover in other countries
Political propaganda
47. The advertiser is:
incapacitated individual
natural or legal person who is a source of advertising information for the production, distribution and advertising
mentally ill person
State Duma
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
48. The term of storing of materials by advertisers, advertisement producers is within:
two years
a year
Three years
Four years
At least ten years
49. In what legal form a legal entity - commercial organization may be formed?
it can be formed only in the form of state-owned enterprise, a business partnership, joint-production cooperative
only in the form of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
in the form of the court bodies
in the form of the legal system
in the form of the legislative body
50. Please specify the main features of the legal entity?
organization that has ownership right, economic control or management, separate property
organization that has ownership right, economic control or management, separate property.
organization, which may acquire on its own name property and personal rights and responsibilities.
organization, which has only a seal with its name.
organization, which has the ownership right, economic control or management rights over separate property and is liable for its obligations with such property, may on its own name acquire and exercise property and personal rights and obligations, sue and be sued, has its own balance or an estimate, has a seal on its name. E The organization which has only name.
51. In which case a legal entity should be re-registered?
In connection with the liquidation.
In connection with the reorganization and liquidation.
reduction of the authorized capital, changing of its name and changing the composition of participants in economic partnerships.
In connection with the reorganization.
Due to the increased share capital.
52. Who has the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity?
Every citizen has the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity.
State employee.
all of the mentioned
53. The definition "individual enterprise" means?
Activity directed to generating of income.
activity of individuals and entities.
This is an activity of public enterprises for increasing of income.
work carried out on behalf of private enterprises, for their risk and their financial responsibility
a voluntary action of individuals, directed to generating of income based on property of individuals and carried out on behalf of individuals for their risk and their financial responsibility.
54. The definition of "private entrepreneurs"?
The State Enterprise.
natural person.
state institution.
Physical and non-governmental legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity.
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
55. What is the subject of a large entrepreneurship?
Persons engaged in big business
legal entities engaged in private enterprise with an annual average number of employees over 250 people, or a total value of assets for year more than 325 000 monthly calculation index set forth by law on national budget for the financial year
The person having under his leadership 1000.
legal entities engaged in private enterprise with an annual average number of employees over 50 people or a total value of assets for the year more than 300,000-fold MCI established by law on the national budget for the financial year.
56. What is the subject of small business?
individual entrepreneurs without a legal entity with the average number of employees for not more than 50 people and an average value of assets for the year is not more than 60 000 monthly calculation index established by law on the national budget for the financial year.
persons engaged in small business
Individual entrepreneurs with the average number of employees not more than 150 people.
Limited Liability Partnership
Private entrepreneurs.
57. What is the special tax treatment provided by the Tax Code of RK for small businesses?
Do not pay taxes.
Excluded liability for failure to pay individual income tax
Do not pay social security tax.
Do not pay taxes at all
on the basis of a simplified declaration
58. What is the CIS form of structure?
unitary state;
federative state;
international organization.
59. Name the feature of legal state.
priority of law, human rights and freedoms;
republican form of governing;
institution of presidency;
borders of state;
different peoples and nationalities
60. What are state powers subdivided into?
legislative, executive and judicial;
temporary and permanent;
high and local bodies;
federal bodies and subjects of federal bodies;
collegial unitary.
61. What spheres of man’s activity needs the governmental interference?
social provisions;
house building;
all enumerated activity together
62. Technical norms are –
rules of behavior to regulate relationship between people;
peoples’ attitude towards nature, technique, tools and means of production;
technical norms which are in the legislature;
rules of behavior based on mentality and honor;
rules of behavior set up as a result of voluntary agreement of people
63. Social norms are –
rules of behavior set up as a result of voluntary agreement of people.
64. Norms of law are –
rules of behavior in normative acts and are guaranteed by state;
rules of behavior on peoples’ opinion on fair;
rules of behavior as a form of habit ;
rules of behavior established by public organizations and are obligatory for their members;
common rules of behavior.
65. Which of normative legal acts has the highest juridical force?
decision of local bodies;
decision of government;
order of ministry;
resolutions of ministry;
resolution of Prime Minister.
66. When was the acting Constitution adopted?
December 16, 1991;
January28, 1993;
October 25,1990;
August 30, 1995;
September 1, 1996
67. Name the element of legal norm which strengthens the rule of behavior by means of giving rights and obligations.
juridical function;
68. Name the element of legal norm which fixes measures of influence on a law breaker.
69. Name the element of legal norm which defines conditions and circumstances of legal norm acting and realizing.
70. Name the one of the main legal branch, which strengthens the structure and competence of state power high bodies, regulates main rights and freedoms of people.
Administrative Law;
Constitutional Law;
Civil Law;
Criminal Law;
Financial Law
71. Capability of a person starts at:
the age of 14;
the age of 16
the age of 21;
the age of 25;
the age of 18.
72. What are the main features of state?
national currency, army, police;
power, people, tradition;
state sovereignty spread on a definite territory with the help of general obligatory rules and special power and governing apparatus, taxation;
capital, flag, hymn, herb;
obligatory presence of different political parties, prisons, banks, public organizations.
73. What is the name of the state explaining the priority of state power in the state and its outstate independence?
law subjectivity;
state sovereignty;
law ability
law creation.
74. State sovereignty is –
independence of state power in solving internal and external policy;
presence of a special public and political organization in the society with the definite power;
territory and people;
flag, hymn, herb;
taxes and taxation.
75. What is the essence of a modern state?
state is the weapon of class priority;
state is a meaning of enforcement;
state is an organized violation of one class over the other;
state is an institution of compromise and approaching of common wealth;
state is the organization of political power and is the instrument of social compromise, softening and overcoming of controversies in the society as well as fulfilling of common deals and specific class tasks.
76. Who is the only official representative of all society, all population united by the feature of citizenship?
public organizations;
religious organizations;
any power institution in the society.
77. Name one of the main features of state?
territorial separation of population;
private property;
78. Total absence of any power, state and law is –
79. What function must be the main in the civilized country?
thriftiness and organizational;
struggle with classes;
protection of man’s interests and rights.
80. Choose the internal function of the country.
country defense ;
peace providence and world order support;
integration into the world economy;
cooperation with other states in the solution of global problems.
81. Choose the external function of the country.
country defense;
protection of rights and freedoms of a person ;
ecology; .
social functions.
82. What methods does state use for the realization of its functions?
enforcement, punishment;
all enumerated methods together.
83. Who leads local executive body?
committee chairman;
parliament depute;
84. What bodies are referred to the representative and legislative power?
committees and departments;
85. What bodies are referred to the executive power?
constitutional council;
all enumerated bodies together.
86. What RK bodies run justice?
prosecuting council;
high and local courts;
arbitrary courts;
special and extraordinary courts;
constitutional court.
87. What principles of state bodies’ activity are in the Constitution of the RK?
priority of the RK Constitution over the other normative and legal acts;
priority of man’s and citizen’s rights and freedoms ;
state service run and publicity;
non-party of state service, professionalism and competency of state officials;
all enumerated principles together.
88. Form of the RK structure.
autonomous republic;
all enumerated forms together.
89. What is the form of governing in the RK?
parliamentary-presidential republic;
constitutional monarchy;
parliamentary republic;
absolute monarchy;
aristocratic republic.
90. Secular state is –
state which doesn’t recognize any religions;
state which recognizes only one religion;
state where all religions are equal and are recognized;
state which prohibits any religion;
state which protects interests of one class or one group.
91. Duration of the week working hours for adults are:
41 hours;
36 hours;
40 hours
25 hours;
18 hours
92. Duration of the week working hours for adolescents from 16 – 18 are:
93. What body decides the question of citizenship acceptance in the RK?
Constitutional Council;
94. 37 The only source of state power in the RK is:
Government; .
High Court;
95. Sources of Law in the RK:
moral norms;
corporative norms;
political parties programs, talks of state leaders ;
customs and traditions;
norms of law
96. Subjective side of a crime is:
action or inaction;
place, time of a committed crime;
guilty in one of the form ;
criminal action as itself;
dangerous consequences for the society
97. Charter capital of commendam partnership is:
25 MIR
More than 1000 MIR
5000 MIR
10000 MIR
not less than 50 MIR
98. Organizational and legal forms of legal face:
all enumerated
unlimited partnership
additional partnership
commendam partnership
shareholding company
99. Responsibility for the illegal taxation
taken sums are returned partially
all sums aren’t returned
all sums are returned
all sums are returned due to the fines
100. Constitutive documents of economic partnership are:
constitutive treaty
normative acts of President and Cabinet
provisions of tax bodies due to the place of living
provisions of Akimats due to the place of living
101. Partners of the unlimited, additional and shareholding partnership are:
representatives of the executive power
representatives of the judicial power
citizens and legal entities
representatives of the Representative power
102. Constitutive documents of an economic partnership formed by one partner is:
provisions of Cabinet
RK Constitution
103. Obligations due to the constitutive treaty:
to input deposits in different time and order
to make order of activity due to the conditions of one of the constitutors
spread by the decision of Cabinet
sharing of befits and losses between the constitutors
104. Constitutors are deemed to be the partners of the partnership after:
registration in tax body
state registration
registration in sanitary medical centers due to the address of living
registration in the ecologic supervision committee
105. Supreme body of the economic partnership is:
general meeting
executive body
meeting of representatives
supervision council
106. What is the plural form in the case of an intentional crime of a person who has previously been convicted for committing an intentional crime:
The perfect set;
The actual aggregate
107. Which of the following stages of an intentional crime does not apply to the stages of the crime:
Detection of intent;
Preparation of a crime;
Incomplete crime;
Completed attempt;
Completed crime.
108. To what stage of an intentional crime refers search for, making, or adjustment of means or instruments of a crime, accomplices to the crime:
The completed crime.
109. For the preparation of what type of crime the person should be attracted to the of criminal responsibility:
The slight or moderate crime;
The moderate or severe crime;
For serious or most serious crime;
The slight, moderate or severe crime;
Moderate, serious or most serious crime.
110. For the attempted of what type crime what type of crime the person shall be attracted to the criminal responsibility?
The minor or moderate crime;
The grave or especially grave crime;
In a small crime, moderate or serious crime;
In less serious crime or serious crime;
In moderate, serious and most serious crime.
111. Who is the person of the participants, who commits the crime though the actions of by other persons who are not the subject of criminal responsibility by the reason of their age, insanity, and other circumstances which are stipulated in the Criminal Code:
An accessory for aiding and abetting the physical;
An accessory for the intellectual complicity.
112. Who of the participants of the crime who contributes in committing crime by giving tips, guidance, provision of information:
Accessory for aiding and physical abetting;
An accessory for the intellectual abetting
113. Name the bank of the first tie
114. General prosecutor is appointed by:
Sate secretary;
115. Normative – legal acts on Labor Law consist of:
Labor Code and labor laws;
decrees of the RK President with the force of law;
resolutions of the RK Government and normative legal acts of ministries and departments;
normative resolutions of the RK Constitutional Council and Supreme Court;
all enumerated activity together.
116. Labor contracts can be concluded:
fixed and non-fixed;
inaction (silence)
in a written form
117. Labor book must be submitted within:
5 days;
3 days;
1 week;
2 days;
next day
118. Point out the necessary document to the job:
matriculation book;
certificate of marriage;
social individual code (SIC);
Labor Code;
TV instruction.
119. Financial system includes the elements of:
monetary units;
types of banknotes;
order of money emission;
all enumerated activity together;
nominal of money
120. Criminal liability for grave crimes starts from:
16 years of age;
14 years of age;
18 years of age;
15 years of age;
17 years of age;
121. Labor treaties stipulate:
labor legal relations between an employer and an employee;
between members of the trade union;
between neighbors;
between students;
between relatives.
122. Political and legal connection of a person and a state which gives the bilateral rights and obligations:
citizenship (гражданство);
quorum ;
citizenship (подданство);
political rights of a person
123. What body can resist a person in his capability?
Registrar Office (ЗАГС);
Prosecuting Council.
124. Define the organizational forms of entrepreneurship:
economic and other societies and partnerships
funds, public organizations
private entrepreneurship
economic and other partnerships
125. Termination of activity and enforced liquidation of economic subject has place on:
court decision
tax body decision
prosecuting council decision
National Bank decision
126. Edges of private entrepreneurship legal regulation:
tax, price and antimonopolistic regulation
subordination to law
defense, security and safety of people and society
submission of social warranties
127. Content of the constitutive documents contains:
agreement of partners to conclude activity from their names which isn’t in their obligations
name of one or some partners of the partnership
unified responsibility according to the obligations with their shares
128. With the lack of property of the unlimited partnership parties bear:
unified responsibility according to the obligations with their charter
unified responsibility according to the obligations with their deposits
unified responsibility according to the obligations with their property
129. Which of these conditions is not a mandatory condition of legitimacy of self-defence relating to infringement:
Actions should be socially dangerous;
Actions should be a criminal;
Actions should not be insignificant;
Actions should be valid;
Actions should be in cash
130. In which case there is no reason to detain a suspected person in the committing a crime:
A person caught committing a crime or immediately after its commission;
The witnesses, the victim specifically identify the person, as person who committed crime;
A suspect, as well as on his clothes, with him in the house or the discovery were revealed clear evidence of a crime;
Identity of the suspect person is determined and he does not try to hide;
Escape of a person from custody or from prison.
131. What circumstance excludes the legitimacy of extreme necessity:
The source of imminent danger were the actions of man;
The danger that threatens legally protected interests;
The danger that threatens legally protected interests could be eliminated by other means,
The harm is less than prevented;
The harm caused to a person who poses no risk law enforcement bodies.
132. What circumstance precludes the legitimacy of reasonable risk:
The risk is carried out to achieve a socially useful purpose;
Socially useful purpose could be achieved by riskless activities;
The person who chose to risk weight has taken the necessary steps to prevent increments of harm to law enforcement interests;
The risk is based on knowledge, experience, and there is a real possibility of positive outcome;
The risk should not be obviously involve a threat to the lives of many people, environmental catastrophe or public calamity.
133. The objectives of punishment are:
Reduction of social justice;
The humiliation of human dignity;
The infliction of physical suffering;
134. What type of punishment is an additional punishment:
Confiscation of the property;
The restriction of liberty;
Corrective work;
135. The death penalty in the way of pardon may be replaced by imprisonment for a term:
20 years;
25 years;
30 years;
35 years;
40 years.
136. What is the car in case of its theft:
The subject of criminal-law relationship;
The subject of a criminal action;
Means the offense;
An instrument of crime;
The subject of crime.
137. The objectives of criminal law are:
Protection of human rights and freedoms, property, public safety and public-order, peace and human security;
Disputes between citizens and the state;
The study of crime as a social phenomenon;
Organization of the normal courts and the preliminary investigation;
Eradication of crime in all ways.
138. Which body is competent to issue the criminal law of the RK:
The Government of the RK;
The President of the RK;
The Constitutional Council of RK;
The Parliament of the RK;
The Supreme Court of the RK.
139. The purpose to use compulsory medical measures are:
The restoration of social justice;
Cure of a person to apply these measures;
140. The excess of executor is:
voluntary withdrawal of one of the participants of the crime at a time when crime has already begun;
the commission by the executor actions, which did not specified by participants, but it was assumed, because they know each other well;
a person commits a crime that is not covered by the intent of other participants;
the commission of the executor different character acts in accordance with the distribution roles;
commission the actions, which should be complied by the other partner.
141. The act of amnesty can:
pardon the culprit;
release all or part of the criminal responsobility and punishment of criminals;
reduce the time repayment of a criminal record;
increase the time sentence;
reduce the limitation period
142. The structure of the criminal legal norm:
it is a sanction;
it is a disposition;
it is a hypothesis, the disposition of the sanction;
it is a hypothesis, a sanction;
it is a hypothesis.
143. The content of crime is:
The set of objective and subjective signs that define the act as a specific crime;
The effect of a person committed to the objective reality;
Features that are determining the danger to the public acts;
The elements that determine guilt of the person committed a criminal act, and the signs of the subject offense;
Elements that define the object of harassment and criminal consequences
144. Dual form of guilt:
Commission a crime with preferred characteristics;
The offense is considered over from the onset of socially dangerous consequences;
a crime, which characterized by a negligence form of guilt in relation to the committed actions and negligence form of guilt in relation to the consequences;
Is characterized by the deliberate commission of an act and negligence in relation to the crime consequences;
In cases where the ratio of a person to act and the consequences are equally expressed.
145. The subject of criminal law is:
Public relations arising in the course of execution of criminal penalties;
Public relations in the sphere of government;
Public relations, governing bodies and forms of activity, the following distribution of crime;
Public relations associated with the retention of a person from committing a crime by the threat of criminal punishment;
Public relations arising in the process of applying to condemn measures used corrective impact
146. Which of these principles is a special principle of criminal law:
The principle of democracy;
The principle of humanity;
The principle of equality before the law;
The principle of fault liability;
The principle of legality.
147. The system objectives of criminal law does not include:
Protective task;
The problem of general prevention;
The educational objective;
Punitive task;
The problem of private warnings.
148. What law has retroactive force:
Law, which is repealing the additional punishment for basically unchanged the punishment;
law, which provides additional punishment, with unchanged the basic punishment;
Law, which gives to additional punishment the character of the basic punishment;
Law, which establishes a more strict alternative punishment;
Law that increases the maturity dates and remove conviction.
149. Mental model of the future outcome of the criminal – is:
150. The subject of the crime - is:
The means and instruments that are used by criminals to commit crimes;
A person, the victim of crime;
A material things of the world, by working on that is harming to protected objects;
Spiritual benefits;
The methods which used by criminals to commit the crime.
151. Intoxication:
In the basis of the liberation of the person from criminal responsobility;
Mitigated criminal responsobility;
Has no criminal significance;
The obligation is recognized as a aggravating criminal liability;
a legal criterion for insanity.
152. Dispositions are:
Absolute certain;
153. One form of complicity in the crime under the Criminal Code is:
Criminal association;
The formation of gangs;
Compound complicity;
A cartel;
The sydicate
154. In accordance with the Constitution of the RK is allowed:
a multi-party
the negation of any party at all
155. According to the Constitution of the RK government bodies -legislative, executive and judiciary:
are separated, independent of each other
will integrate into the hands of Parliament
are united in the hands of the government
conflict with each other
are parallel levels
156. Specify the name of the supreme body of executive power RK:
The Council of Ministers;
The Cabinet of Ministers;
The President;
The Supreme Court.
157. What is special about the legal status of the President of the RK? (Article 40 of the Constitution):
The President is the chief executive;
The President is the head of the legislature;
The President is the head of the judiciary;
The President is the head of state and provides coordinated functioning of all branches of state; authorities and responsible authorities to the people;
The president heads the local executive.
158. Who is the law chosen bodies in the RK?
Deputies of Parliament, the President;
the Attorney General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President, Supreme Court;
Members of the Constitutional Court of the RC;
159. Justice of the RK by:
administrations in the field;
only by the courts;
160. The supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases for overseeing the activities of vessels in the mass of the RK is:
The Supreme Court;
the Chief State Court;
Presidential Court;
The Constitutional Council;
Emergency court.
161. In the RK on behalf of the state shall exercise the highest supervision over exact and uniform application of laws:
the prosecutor's office;
Master's degree;
the courts;
162. The head of the prosecution system in the RK:
The Chief Prosecutor;
Lead Attorney;
the Attorney General;
The Supreme Prosecutor;
The Chairman of the Supreme Court.
163. The Republic of Kazakhstan - Social developed states. This means that:
• the state takes care of all population groups: the peasants, workers, businessmen, students etc. The poor and socially vulnerable people become the object of particular concern of the states;
states, have been express interests of one ruling class, issues laws desired by a given class;
states, where human rights of citizens is put on the first place and everything is created on principles separation by the authorities;
states, where have been evoluted market and marketing relations;
states, where are different religious, and none of them is dominant.
164. State power in Kazakhstan in accordance with the principle of separation of powers is divided into:
the legislative, executive and judicial;
for permanent and temporary bodies;
at higher and local bodies;
the federal bodies and federation;
on the collegiate and one man management.
165. What are the legal means of controlling society to achieve social harmony and order in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
increasing the role of the court as a model, models, and remedies;
accounting and coordination of interests of different nations, groups and walks of life in finding and securing a legal social trade-offs;
create conditions for the material welfare of the citizens;
coupling action of the law of the state and citizens;
all of the above.
166. Is it possible to deprive citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
Yes, for committing high treason;
Yes, for committing a felony;
Yes, if so decided by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
No, under no circumstances;
can, in the cases expressly provided by law.
167. Recognized as a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the citizenship of another state?
No, not recognized;
Yes, it is recognized, if this is an international agreement;
Yes, if the citizenship of another country in the soil;
Yes, citizen dual nationals considered;
Yes, if the citizen himself wants this.
168. Equality of all citizens under the Constitution of the RK is manifested in:
material equality;
the same natural abilities;
equality before the law;
in the spiritual equality of;
Religious Equality.
169. Questions of admission to citizenship of the RK decides:
The Parliament;
The Government;
Visa Office;
the court.
170. The right to call an election to the Parliament of the RK has:
171. The human right to practice any religion under the Constitution of the RK is called:
The right to freedom of conscience;
the right to freedom of expression and creativity;
the right to freedom of association;
The right to personal liberty;
The right to property.
172. Is it possible to change the Constitution of the RK unitary and territorial integrity, as well as a form of government?
may, in the case of a referendum;
is possible if publication of the law;
this provision can not be changed;
may, if so requested by the international community;
may, in case of a decision by Parliament.
173. Which of these acts was first officially proclaimed the establishment of a sovereign state the Republic of Kazakhstan?
• Declaration of State Sovereignty of Kazakh SSR dated October 25, 1990;
The Constitution of the RK on January 28, 1993;
The Constitution of the RK on August 30, 1995;
The Constitutional Law "On the independence of the RK" on December 16, 1991;
The Constitutional Law on Changes and Amendments to the Constitution of October 8, 1998.
174. Is there an official state religion in the RK?
Yes, there is;
there exists in certain areas of the republic;
only in capital of Kazakhstan;
exists, if requested by the people of Kazakhstan.
175. Sectoral legal science:
criminalistics, forensic psychiatry, forensic medicine;
criminal law, constitutional law, civil law;
General History of State and Law, Theory of State and Law;
criminology, accounting, and examination;
Political Science, Cultural Studies, the logic.
176. Which of the following phenomena are directly related to state-law?
custom, morality, religion,
the political consciousness and political culture;
tradition, morality, culture;
normative legal acts of justice, legal;
the economy, the productive forces, mode of production, finance.
177. The system of objective knowledge about nature, man, human society is:
the economy;
178. The set of views on the same issue or subject - is:
a multi-party;
179. Public and political attitude of the state and obedience among the subjects, which relies on state coercion is called:
social power;
the natural power;
the lack of any power;
monarchical power.
180. What are the characteristics of public power in the primitive communal system?
There exists a special apparatus consisting of the men involved in the management and government;
power based on authority, respect for elders, customs and traditions. None separate from society (sort of) coercive apparatus;
almost no power, everything happens spontaneously and independent of accidental circumstances;
all of the life of primitive society is characterized by chaotic, lack of an organized order;
power in a society based on natural laws of nature.
16.1. By stage of the crime are:
Voluntary withdrowal;
An acxtive repentance;
Goal setting.