Erstellt von Lauren Le Prevost
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Between 1863-70, Egypt's foreign debt went from £3 million to what?
What was the name of the British and French financial control that was established, and what did it consist of?
The khedive's economic rashness meant that, by what year was Egypt bankrupt?
British and French interference meant that, on what date did the khedive (Ismail) receive a telegram informing him of his removal, and what was the result of this?
Britain persuaded the sultan of the Ottoman Empire to replace Ismail with who?
Who was Colonel Ahmed Urabi?
In what year did Arabi Pasha for the Egyptian Nationalist Party, and which groups was this supported by?
In 1879, after an attempt to dismiss how many army officers and halve the salaries of those remaining, what happened?
What did Britain and France fear about Arabi's growing voice as a national figurehead?
What are the different elements the contributed to British interference in 1882?
What year did the Suez Canal open, and how did this impact Britain?
Why was French involvement in the Canal concerning for Britain?
What year did Prime Minister Disraeli purchase shares in the Canal from the khedive? What percentage of shares did he purchase, and how much was this?
Who did Disraeli have to borrow from in order to purchase the shares, and what does this highlight?
What did Disraeli claim involvement in the Canal gave Britain?
What does Niall Ferguson liken the 'Scramble for Africa' to?
In terms of trading factors, by 1880, what percentage of Egypt's exports was Britain purchasing, and what percentage of Egyptian imports did they supply?
How did the American Civil War, 1861-65, influence trade between Egypt and Britain?
In terms of financial reasoning for interference, why were bond-holders in the City of London a reason?
What percentage of his personal fortune had Gladstone invested in Egyptian loans?
What, in terms of people, may have provoked British intervention?
What year did Britain and France issue the Gambetta Note, and what was this?
When the nationalists forced a nationalist cabinet and threatened to depose the khedive, how did Britain and France respond?
What date was the bombardment of Alexandria, and who didn't assist?
What did Germany have to do with the reasons for French change in policy and withdrawal?
What showed France that Germany was opposed to French and British intervention without Bismarck's consent?
French internal politics also meant they were less inclined to intervene- on 30th January 1882, Leon Campbell fell from power, who was he replaced by?
How did Arabi respond to the anti-Chritisan riot that broke out in Alexandria on 11th June 1882?
What date is Arabi defeated in Tel-el-Kebir by Britain, and what are the results of this?
What happened on 3rd December 1882?
What year did Sir Evelyn Baring return to Egypt as consul general?
What are 3 different interpretations of the occupation?
Between what years was the veiled protectorate, and what does this mean?
The occupation was meant to be temporary, and between 1882-1914 the British government announced their intention of withdrawing on how many occasions?
What years was Sir Evelyn Baring the British consul general?
Why was Sir Evelyn Baring key in the continuation of the occupation?
The emergence of radical convinced Baring of what?
In 1873, who did khedive Ismail appoint as the governor general of the Sudan and why did London support this?
What year saw the emergence of the radical jihadist, the Madhi, and what was his intentions?
In November 1883, how many do Mahdist forces kill at Kashgil?
What did this provoke Britain to realise?
Despite the Sudan being of little interest to Britain, why did they get involved?
What did Gladstone's commitment to Home Rule in Ireland result in?
What was notable about the Conservative leader, Lord Salisbury, and how many years was he Prime Minister for?
What date was the Consantinpole Convention, and what was reached?
What did French and Russia threats allow Salisbury to conclude?
As a result of financial control and cuts in public spending, what did Baring's reforms achieve?
In 1885, the London Convention agreed to loan how much to Egypt, and what was this money spend on?
What was the main weakness of Baring's reforms?
In 1884, what did a land taxation survey show?
Regarding land taxation, what did British land and tax officials argue?
How did Baring respond to this?
Why was there limited education investment?
Regarding education, what did Baring do in 1901, and why?
What was Baring's greatest weakness?
What year did Baring leave Egypt?
In 1873, as part of his modernisation programme, khedive Ismail appointed British General Gordon as what, and why?
Gordon made significant progress on stopping the slave trade, but what effect did it have?
What year did Gordon resign?
What was another factor for destabilisation?
What year did Muhammad Ahmed proclaim himself the mahdi, and who was this?
How did Gordon's attack on slave traders impact this?
The Egyptian army launched a number of offensives against the mahdi which were unsuccessful, and culminated in what?
Why did Gladstone see no reason for British involvement in the Sudan's problems?
In 1884, General Gordon was dispatched to the Sudan to do what?
Instead of concentrating on withdrawing the garrison from Khartoum, what did Gordon do?
When the mahdi drew close, instead of withdrawing by river, Gordon refused to do so - why?
What date did the mahdi break through the fortifications at Khartoum, and what happened as a result?
What happened after the events at Khartoum?
What was the result of the Battle of Adowa, 1896?
In 1890, what did Britain declare the Nile Valley was?
In 1894, Edward Grey, the under-secretary of state for foreign affairs, told Commons what?
As the Scramble for Africa continued, what did Salisbury realise?
What was the French's ambition?
What was British interests?
In 1898, 2 armed forces met, where?
What happened at Fashoda?
What had Kitchener been instructed by Salisbury to do?
What happened, and what was the results?
What date did the French withdraw their claim to Fashoda, and why did they do that?
General Horatio Herbert Kitchener's campaigns in Sudan were what?
What was the initial objective for Kitchener, and why did this change?
When Khartoum was retaken, how did Kitchener's actions demonstrate his deep hatred for the mahdi and respect for Gordon?
The destruction of the mahdi was what?
What date was the Battle of Omdurman?
How was the objective achieved in the Battle of Omdurman?
What were the results of the Battle of Omdurman?
How did Young Winston Churchill respond?