Erstellt von Karima Ranieri
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
After the Arab Rebellion of 1936-9, what did David-Ben Gurion recognise?
What did the British partition plan 1937 entail?
How did the Arabs react?
How did the Zionists react?
What did the British government White Paper of 1939 entail?
What did the UN partition plan of November 1947 entail?
What was the Arab response to the UN partition plan November 1947?
What was the Jewish response to the UN partition plan November 1947?
After the first Arab-Israeli war 1948-9, what were the armistice agreements between Egypt and Israel?
After the first Arab-Israeli war 1948-9, what were the armistice agreements between Jordan and Israel?
After the first Arab-Israeli war 1948-9, what were the armistice agreements between Syria and Israel?
What was the 'perpetual war'?
Were the Arab and Israelis willing to make peace?
What was the 'perpetual war'?
What were the obstacles to peace for the Arabs and Israelis?
King Abdullah and the Israelis before the war in 1948-9
What did King Abdullah discuss in his secret meeting?
Suez Crisis of 1956:
What did the UN do to implement peace?
After the Six-day War of 1967, what did the UN Resolution 242 entail?
Peacemaking at Camp David 1978
What agreements did US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, secure?
US President Carter's plan for peace
What was his aim?
Menachem Begin
What was his aim?
Menachem Begin
What was he willing/not willing to do in terms of establishing peace with the Arabs?
What surprising event happened in 1977?
What did Sadat want?
Agreements and disagreements at Camp David, September 1978
How did the Palestinians and Arab world feel about the agreement?
What did the Treaty of Washington 1979 entail?
How did Israel feel about the peace treaty with Egypt?
What was the Egyptian reaction?
What happened in 1981?
How did the Arab world react to the treaty 1979?
How did the Palestinians feel at this period of time?
The Madrid conference 1991