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Lucy Cowton
Mindmap von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Year 10 English Mindmap am Remains, erstellt von Lucy Cowton am 08/06/2017.

Lucy Cowton
Erstellt von Lucy Cowton vor mehr als 7 Jahre
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RemainsSimon Armitage(b. 1963)-stillaliveknown for colloquial stylecasual language- often spokenoften a strong narratorisn't poetand dark humourinterviewed soldiers forthe content of the poemPTSDTraumatic eventsImmediately afterwardsMuch laterEffects 1 in every 3 people who haveexperienced a traumatic eventDamagingrelive the experience-flashbacksdepression like symptomssuch as...traumatic road accidentsviolent personal assaults (sexualassault, mugging or robbery)prolonged sexualabuse,violence or severeneglectwitnessing violentdeathsmilitary combatbeing heldhostageterrorist attacksnatural disastersnightmaresdistressing images orsensationsphysical sensationspainsweatingnauseatremblingconstant negative thoughtsavoidanceirritability andangry outburstsinsomniadifficulty concentratinganxietyself harming anddestructive behaviourheadaches, dizzinesshead painsand stomachpains'Remains'left behinddestroyedRemains of what?material thingsemotional thingsbuildingsfinancesposessionsmemoriesfamily and friendsemotionspeoplewarexperiencesdestroying society's lawsnot applicable in a warzoneremains of apersonafter trainingsoldierempty shellciviliansfamiliesPoem and quotes'On another occassion'first linehappenedbeforeloads of times'looters'robbercivilization falling apartwar devastates everythingmight not have been bad peoplelikely to be civiliannot military trained'probably armed, possibly not'unsurecomma separatingquick decisionhas to make ithas been trainedto make itif he doesn't he orsomeone else is deadrepetition of 'p' soundfast bulletssplit seconds'Well myself andsomebody else andsomebody else''Well...'colloquialconversationgiving time to work outwhat to sayHedgespeechprocessingdoesn't need tobe there'somebody'doesn't want to namecan't remember themwould make them real'All of the same mind'been trainedIn the same stanza there are lots of pluralpronouns such as 'us'emphasis on being thesameall thinking the samegun or not?copiesno flawsunit togetherDoppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen