Jordan van Steenderen
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

A Level Psychology Quiz am Research Methods Quiz, erstellt von Jordan van Steenderen am 29/06/2017.

Jordan van Steenderen
Erstellt von Jordan van Steenderen vor etwa 7 Jahre

Research Methods Quiz

Frage 1 von 6


Nominal data is when data only belongs to
Ordinal data is when data can be
Interval data is when data is taken from

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    distinct categories.
    bar graphs
    measurements with a set unit.
    measurements with specific scales.


Frage 2 von 6


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A Type I error occurs when you wrongfully accept the ( experimental, null ) hypothesis and reject the ( null, experimental ) hypothesis.
A Type II error occurs when you wrongfully accept the ( null, experimental ) hypothesis and reject the ( experimental, null ) hypothesis.
A Type I error is an error of ( optimism., pessimism. )
A Type II error is an error of ( pessimism., optimism. )


Frage 3 von 6


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This question is about types of reliability.
Producing the same results each time the test/study is carried out? ( External, Internal, Observer )
This is concerned with consistency within a test? ( Internal, External, Observer ) reliability.
When 2 or more observers produce the same record of observations? ( Observer, External, Internal ) reliability.


Frage 4 von 6


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This question is about assessing reliability.
This compares a person's performance on two halves of a test. It tests internal reliability. ( Split half method, Inter rater reliability, Test retest method ).
This is where a test is repeated several times using the same participants. This tests external reliability. ( Test retest method, Inter rater reliability, Split half method ).
This is where observations of two or more observers are compared for similarity. This tests observer reliability. ( Inter rater reliability, Split half method, Test retest method )


Frage 5 von 6


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This question is on improving reliability.
( Standardised procedures, Take multiple measurements, Train observers very carefully )- having extremely specific set of unchanging instructions.
( Take multiple measurements, Standardised procedures, Train observers very carefully )- Take more than one, reducing the impact of anomalous results
( Train observers very carefully, Take multiple measurements, Standardised procedures )- Reduces error and subjectivity.


Frage 6 von 6


is the extent to which our findings are due to the manipulation of the IV and not other uncontrolled variables.
is the extent to which our findings remain true over time.
is the extent to which an experimental effect can be generalised to other situations and settings.
is the to which findings can be generalised from the sample tested to other populations.
is the extent to which research looks as though it is doing what it claims to on the surface level.
is the extent to which a new measure or instrument compares or concurs to a previously validated measure.

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    Internal validity
    Temporal validity
    Ecological validity
    Population validity
    Face validity
    Concurrent validity
