Erstellt von serenacutbill
vor fast 12 Jahre
Animal rights answer
Animal welfare answer
Conservation view
Arguments FOR zoos
Scientific research
Preserving the Species
Extinction in wild
What is ethics?
Zoo ethics
On what grounds can we justify keeping wild animals in captivity?
How should zoo directors respond to the charge, from animal rights campaigners that zoos are morally indefensible?
Philosopher Dale Jamieson
Stephen Bostock (1993)
We only remove the liberty of humans under very specific circumstances (e.g. law breaking)
"The greatest good for the greatest number"
Harm done to small number of animals is justified if it benefits a large number of the same species
Animal Welfare View
Basic Needs Test
Can the zoo provide basic physiological and psychological needs of the animal?
Animal Rights View
Rights of animals are equal to that of humans
Animal Rights View 2
Some argue zoos give false compromised picture of habitats and ecosystems
Conservation vs. Welfare
Anti-Zoo Campaigners
Born Free Foundation
Animal Welfare
Animal Rights
Which animals should be considered?
The greater the sentience of an animal,
The greater its consciousness
The greater its ability to feel as a result of perceiving the external world,
The greater its ability to suffer pain...
Welfare Consideration
Space? Natural social system?
Training - enrichment or limit autonomy?
Visitor effect
Stereotypical pacing in large cats