Erstellt von zendasha
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Who was in power when Shakespeare first began writing?
Who was in power when Shakespeare finished writing?
What are the four types of plays that Shakespeare wrote?
Which plays are considered Shakespeare's "top four"?
What type of play is The Tempest?
What historical events provided Shakespeare with material for many of his history plays?
Shakespeare's history plays can be organized into two tetrets (4 parts). How are they ordered chronologically?
Where did Shakespeare often write and why?
What are Shakespeare's rough drafts called?
What are Shakespeare's final drafts called?
What is the Playhouse Copy?
What copy of the script did actors get, and what was special about it?
When was Shakespeare's work first published, and what was this version called?
Who took Shakespeare's work to get it published?
Who sits at the top of the Chain of Being?
Who sits below God on both the religious and secular sides of the Chain of Being?
Where do actors sit on the Chain of Being? Why?
Who is Prospero?
Who is Miranda, and what is so special about her?
Who is Ariel?
Who is Caliban?
Who is Antonio?
Who is Alonso?
Who is Gonzalo?
Who is Sebastian?
Who is Ferdinand?
Who is Sycorax?
Who are Stephano and Trinculo?
Who conspired to usurp Prospero as Duke of Milan?
Who conspired to usurp Prospero on the island?
Who are the author's of the three essays?
Who said that the Tempest was "mysterious"?
What are the three reasons for the Tempest being "mysterious"?
Who said that the Tempest was a "play within a play" or "both process and product"?
What did Frye say could be a dramatic source for the Tempest?
Who said that the island itself is magical and can be used for good OR evil?
What is Ferdinand's quest, ordeal, and vision?
What are Gonzalo and the "three men of sin"'s quests, ordeals, and visions?
What are Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo's quests, ordeals, and visions?
Who said that the Tempest was haunted by the passing and importance of time?
Who said that the Tempest is about the idea of release and to be set free?
What did Frye say the total effort of Prospero's magic is used to do?
Who said that the action of the play was a "transformation within nature"?
According to Frye, what do the goddesses represent?
Who used the phrase "The illusion of reality and the reality of illusion"?
What did Frye say was a question being raised by Shakespeare?
Who said that Prospero as a protagonist was a "wise man", typically a subordinate character?
According to Cantor, what are typical types of protagonists and what drives them?
According to Cantor, why did Prospero decide to return as Duke of Milan?
Who said that Propsero demonstrates reason as the "true source of nobility"?
Who said that Prospero demonstrates "philosophical calm and detachment" or "the contemplative rather than the active life"?
Who said that we are "less impressed by the activity of the characters in pursuing their ends than by the wisdom or foolishness than the ends they pursue"?
Who said that through the Tempest, we see how the usurper's imagination can deceive and how the force of desire can distort perception (blind them)?
According to Cantor, what is the usurper obsessed with?
Does the usurper see only EXTERNAL meaning or INTERNAL process? Who said this?
Who said that the Tempest stresses "the difference among men in wisdom"?
Why is the intensity of the love story muted? Who said this?
Who is Prospero a surrogate for? Who said this?
Who said that the audience gets a double perspective so that we recognize the difference between knowledge and lack of it?
Who said that the Tempest is about heroism of the mind?
Who said that the Tempest shows the contrast between natural and conventional authority/rule?
According to Coby, who is at the top in natural rule and why?
According to Coby, what is Ariel a desire for?
Who said that Prospero learned how to be a duke on the island?
Who said that Caliban is a reminder of evil and that it needs to be fought?
Who said that Caliban raises anger, which can serve political engagement?
According to Coby, what are constant reminders for political involvement?
According to Coby, what does Prospero use as a political man to accomplish his aims?
According to Coby, who has poetic illusion invested with the qualities of the divine?
According to Coby, poetry inspires love. What does love transform Ferdinand into?
Who said that poetry can be used to "toughen the soul"?
What did Coby say poetry helps to fortify against?
According to Coby, what does poetry do for Caliban?
According to Coby, what does poetry teach Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo?
According to Coby, what does poetic illusion teach Alonso and company?
According to Coby, what does poetry suggest to Gonzalo?
Who said that everyone in the Tempest has been made to be a child so that they experience the world as new and wonderous?
According to Coby, who represents the "adult" view, and what does this view say that the world is an opportunity for?
Who says that Prospero is providing a test for Antonio, which he is failing?
Who said that poetry is being used to lead us to ennoblement and redemption through self-discipline and remorse?