
Quiz am CSA IITU PART 2 (235), erstellt von Hello World am 20/12/2017.
Hello World
Quiz von Hello World, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hello World
Erstellt von Hello World vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

109. What is a “Kernel” in Cache Memory?
  • o Execution in the OS that is neither idle nor in synchronization access
  • o Execution or waiting for synchronization variables
  • o Execution in user code

Frage 2

108. What is a “Synchronization” in Cache Memory?
  • o Execution in the OS that is neither idle nor in synchronization access
  • o Execution in user code
  • o Execution or waiting for synchronization variables

Frage 3

107. How many main levels of Cache Memory?
  • 3
  • 2
  • 6
  • 8

Frage 4

106. How many size of Cache L3 is true approximately? :
  • o 3 MB
  • o 256 KB
  • o 256 MB

Frage 5

105. How many size of Cache L2 is true approximately? :
  • o 256 KB
  • o 4 KB
  • o 32 MB

Frage 6

104. How many size of Cache L1 is true approximately? :
  • o 8 KB
  • o 256 KB
  • o 2 MB

Frage 7

103. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for
  • o Average length of queue
  • o Average number of tasks in service

Frage 8

102. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Length server” - :
  • o Average number of tasks in service
  • o Average length of queue

Frage 9

101. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time system” - :
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time per task in the queue

Frage 10

100. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time queue” - :
  • o Average time per task in the queue
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server

Frage 11

99. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time server” - :
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time per task in the queue
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server

Frage 12

98. If we talk about storage systems an interaction or transaction with a computer is divided for first what is an “Think time” - ?:
  • o The time from the reception of the response until the user begins to enter the next command
  • o The time for the user to enter the command
  • o The time between when the user enters the command and the complete response is displayed

Frage 13

97. If we talk about storage systems an interaction or transaction with a computer is divided for first what is an “System response time” - ?:
  • o The time between when the user enters the command and the complete response is displayed
  • o The time for the user to enter the commando The time for the user to enter the command
  • o The time from the reception of the response until the user begins to enter the next command

Frage 14

96. If we talk about storage systems an interaction or transaction with a computer is divided for first what is an “Entry time” - ? :
  • o The time for the user to enter the command
  • o The time between when the user enters the command and the complete response is displayed
  • o The time from the reception of the response until the user begins to enter the next command

Frage 15

95. At storage systems Gray and Siewiorek classify faults what does mean “Environmental faults”? :
  • o Fire, flood, earthquake, power failure, and sabotage
  • o Faults in software (usually) and hardware design (occasionally)
  • o Devices that fail, such as perhaps due to an alpha particle hitting a memory cell

Frage 16

94. At storage systems Gray and Siewiorek classify faults what does mean “Operation faults”? :
  • o Mistakes by operations and maintenance personnel
  • o Devices that fail, such as perhaps due to an alpha particle hitting a memory cell
  • o Faults in software (usually) and hardware design (occasionally)

Frage 17

93. At storage systems Gray and Siewiorek classify faults what does mean “Design faults”? :
  • o Faults in software (usually) and hardware design (occasionally)
  • o Devices that fail, such as perhaps due to an alpha particle hitting a memory cell
  • o Mistakes by operations and maintenance personnel

Frage 18

92. At storage systems Gray and Siewiorek classify faults what does mean “Hardware faults”? :
  • o Faults in software (usually) and hardware design (occasionally)
  • o Mistakes by operations and maintenance personnel
  • o Devices that fail, such as perhaps due to an alpha particle hitting a memory cell

Frage 19

91. What is a RAID 4?
  • o Many applications are dominated by small accesses
  • o Since the higher-level disk interfaces understand the health of a disk, it’s easy to figure out which disk failed
  • o Also called mirroring or shadowing, there are two copies of every piece of data

Frage 20

90. What is a RAID 3?
  • o Since the higher-level disk interfaces understand the health of a disk, it’s easy to figure out which disk failed
  • o Many applications are dominated by small accesses
  • o Also called mirroring or shadowing, there are two copies of every piece of data

Frage 21

89. What is a RAID 2?
  • o This organization was inspired by applying memory-style error correcting codes to disks
  • o It has no redundancy and is sometimes nicknamed JBOD, for “just a bunch of disks,” although the data may be striped across the disks in the array
  • o Also called mirroring or shadowing, there are two copies of every piece of data

Frage 22

88. What is a RAID 1?
  • o Also called mirroring or shadowing, there are two copies of every piece of data
  • o It has no redundancy and is sometimes nicknamed JBOD, for “just a bunch of disks,” although the data may be striped across the disks in the array
  • o This organization was inspired by applying memory-style error correcting codes to disks

Frage 23

87. What is a RAID 0?
  • o It has no redundancy and is sometimes nicknamed JBOD, for “just a bunch of disks,” although the data may be striped across the disks in the array
  • o Also called mirroring or shadowing, there are two copies of every piece of data
  • o This organization was inspired by applying memory-style error correcting codes to disks

Frage 24

86. A virus classification by target includes the following categories, What is a File infector?
  • o Infects files that the operating system or shell consider to be executable
  • o A typical approach is as follows
  • o The key is stored with the virus
  • o Far more sophisticated techniques are possible

Frage 25

85. In Non-Blocking Caches what does mean “Early restart”?
  • o Fetch the words in normal order, but as soon as the requested word of the block arrives, send it to the processor and let the processor continue execution
  • o Request the missed word first from memory and send it to the processor as soon as it arrives; let the processor continue execution while filling the rest of the words in the block

Frage 26

84. In Non-Blocking Caches what does mean “Critical Word First”?
  • o Fetch the words in normal order, but as soon as the requested word of the block arrives, send it to the processor and let the processor continue execution
  • o Request the missed word first from memory and send it to the processor as soon as it arrives; let the processor continue execution while filling the rest of the words in the block

Frage 27

83. Storage Systems, “Higher associativity to reduce miss rate” -
  • o Obviously, increasing associativity reduces conflict misses
  • o The obvious way to reduce capacity misses is to increase cache capacity
  • o The simplest way to reduce the miss rate is to take advantage of spatial locality and increase the block size

Frage 28

82. Storage Systems, “Bigger caches to reduce miss rate” -
  • o The obvious way to reduce capacity misses is to increase cache capacity
  • o Obviously, increasing associativity reduces conflict misses
  • o The simplest way to reduce the miss rate is to take advantage of spatial locality and increase the block size

Frage 29

81. Storage Systems, “Larger block size to reduce miss rate” -
  • o The simplest way to reduce the miss rate is to take advantage of spatial locality and increase the block size
  • o The obvious way to reduce capacity misses is to increase cache capacity
  • o Obviously, increasing associativity reduces conflict misses

Frage 30

80. At Critical Word First for Miss Penalty chose correct sequence of Blocking Cache with Critical Word first “Order of fill”:
  • o 3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2
  • o 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Frage 31

79. At Critical Word First for Miss Penalty chose correct sequence of Basic Blocking Cache “Order of fill”:
  • o 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • o 3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2

Frage 32

78. What does MAF?
  • o Miss Address File
  • o Map Address File
  • o Memory Address File

Frage 33

77. What does mean MSHR?
  • o Miss Status Handling Register
  • o Map Status Handling Reload
  • o Mips Status Hardware Register
  • o Memory Status Handling Register

Frage 34

76. Non-Blocking Cache Timeline for “Miss Under Miss” the sequence is -?
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Miss->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->Miss Penalty->CPU time
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Hit->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->CPU time
  • o CPU time-Cache Miss-Miss Penalty-CPU time

Frage 35

75. Non-Blocking Cache Timeline for “Hit Under Miss” the sequence is -?
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Hit->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->CPU time
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Miss->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->CPU time
  • o CPU time-Cache Miss-Miss Penalty-CPU time

Frage 36

74. Non-Blocking Cache Timeline for “Blocking Cache” the sequence is - ?
  • o CPU time-Cache Miss-Miss Penalty-CPU time
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Hit->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->CPU time
  • o CPU time->Cache Miss->Miss->Stall on use->Miss Penalty->CPU time

Frage 37

73. In Multilevel Caches “Misses per instruction” equals =
  • o misses in cache / number of instructions
  • o misses in cache / accesses to cache
  • o misses in cache / CPU memory accesses

Frage 38

72. In Multilevel Caches “Global miss rate” equals =
  • o misses in cache / CPU memory accesses
  • o misses in cache / accesses to cache
  • o misses in cache / number of instructions

Frage 39

71. In Multilevel Caches “Local miss rate” equals =
  • o misses in cache / accesses to cache
  • o misses in cache / number of instructions
  • o misses in cache / CPU memory accesses

Frage 40

70. What is a Conflict?
  • o misses that occur because of collisions due to less than full associativity
  • o first-reference to a block, occur even with infinite cache
  • o cache is too small to hold all data needed by program, occur even under perfect replacement policy

Frage 41

67. At VLIW Multi-Way Branches, which of this solution is true about problem: Long instructions provide few opportunities for branches:
  • o Allow one instruction to branch multiple directions
  • o Speculative operations that don’t cause exceptions

Frage 42

66. What is an ALAT? :
  • o Advanced Load Address Table
  • o Allocated Link Address Table
  • o Allowing List Address Table
  • o Addition Long Accessibility Table

Frage 43

65. h Speculative Execution, which of this solution is true about problem: Possible memory hazards limit code scheduling:
  • o Hardware to check pointer hazards
  • o Speculative operations that don’t cause exceptions

Frage 44

64. At VLIW Speculative Execution, which of this solution is true about problem: Branches restrict compiler code motion?
  • o Speculative operations that don’t cause exceptions
  • o Hardware to check pointer hazards

Frage 45

63. At VLIW by “performance and loop iteration” which time is shorter?
  • o Software Pipelined
  • o Loop Unrolled

Frage 46

62. At VLIW by “performance and loop iteration” which time is longer?
  • o Loop Unrolled
  • o Software Pipelined

Frage 47

61. What is “VLIW”?
  • o Very Long Instruction Word
  • o Very Light Internal Word
  • o Very Less Interpreter Word
  • o Very Low Invalid Word

Frage 48

60. Out-of-Order Control Complexity MIPS R10000 which element is not in Control Logic?
  • o Integer Datapath
  • o CLK
  • o Free List
  • o Address Queue

Frage 49

59. Out-of-Order Control Complexity MIPS R10000 which element is in Control Logic?
  • o Register name
  • o Instruction cache
  • o Data tags
  • o Data cache

Frage 50

58. At VLIW “Superscalar Control Logic Scaling” which parameters are used?
  • o Width and Lifetime
  • o Width and Height
  • o Time and Cycle
  • o Length and Addition

Frage 51

57. What is an IQ?
  • o Issue Queue
  • o Internal Queue
  • o Interrupt Queue
  • o Instruction Queue

Frage 52

56. What is a FL?
  • o Free List
  • o Free Last
  • o Free Launch
  • o Free Leg

Frage 53

55. What is a RT?
  • o Rename Table
  • o Recall Table
  • o Relocate Table
  • o Remove Table

Frage 54

54. Speculating on Exceptions “Recovery mechanism” is -
  • o Only write architectural state at commit point, so can throw away partially executed instructions after exception
  • o Exceptions are rare, so simply predicting no exceptions is very accurate
  • o An entity capable of accessing objects
  • o None of them

Frage 55

1. Speculating on Exceptions “Check prediction mechanism” is -
  • o Exceptions detected at end of instruction execution pipeline, special hardware for various exception types
  • o Exceptions are rare, so simply predicting no exceptions is very accurate
  • o The way in which an object is accessed by a subject
  • o None of them

Frage 56

52. Speculating on Exceptions “Prediction mechanism” is -
  • o Exceptions are rare, so simply predicting no exceptions is very accurate
  • o Exceptions detected at end of instruction execution pipeline, special hardware for various exception types
  • o Only write architectural state at commit point, so can throw away partially executed instructions after exception
  • o None of them

Frage 57

51. What is about Superscalar means “F-D-X-M-W”?
  • o Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory, Writeback
  • o Fetch, Decode, Instruct, Map, Write
  • o Fetch, Decode, Excite, Memory, Write
  • o Fetch, Decode, Except, Map, Writeback

Frage 58

50. How many stages used in Superscalar (Pipeline)?
  • 5
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7

Frage 59

49. What is a SB?
  • o Scoreboard
  • o Scorebased
  • o Scalebit
  • o Scaleboard

Frage 60

48. What is a PRF?
  • o Physical Register File
  • o Pending Register File
  • o Pipeline Register File
  • o Pure Register File

Frage 61

47. What is a FSB?
  • o Finished Store Buffer
  • o Finished Stack Buffer
  • o Finished Stall Buffer
  • o Finished Star Buffer

Frage 62

46. What is a ROB?
  • o Reorder Buffer
  • o Read Only Buffer
  • o Reload Buffer
  • o Recall Buffer

Frage 63

45. What is a ARF:
  • o Architectural Register File
  • o Architecture Relocation File
  • o Architecture Reload File
  • o Architectural Read File

Frage 64

44. Which of the following formula is true about Issue Queue for “Instruction Ready”:
  • o Instruction Ready = (!Vsrc0 || !Psrc0)&&(!Vsrc1 || !Psrc1)&& no structural hazards
  • o Instruction Ready = (!Vsrc0 || !Psrc1)&&(!Vsrc1 || !Psrc0)&& no structural hazards
  • o Instruction Ready = (!Vsrc1 || !Psrc1)&&(!Vsrc0 || !Psrc1)&& no structural hazards
  • o Instruction Ready = (!Vsrc1 || !Psrc1)&&(!Vsrc0 || !Psrc0)&& no structural hazards

Frage 65

43. How many instructions used in Distributed Superscalar 2 and Exceptions?
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Frage 66

42. How many issue queue used in Distributed Superscalar 2 and Exceptions:
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Frage 67

41. How many issue queue used in Centralized Superscalar 2 and Exceptions?
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Frage 68

40. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Length queue” -:
  • o Average length of queue
  • o Average number of tasks in service

Frage 69

39. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Length server” - :
  • o Average number of tasks in service
  • o Average length of queue

Frage 70

38. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time system” - :
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time per task in the queue

Frage 71

37. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time queue” - :
  • o Average time per task in the queue
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server

Frage 72

36. Little’s Law and a series of definitions lead to several useful equations for “Time server” - :
  • o Average time to service a task; average service rate is 1/Time server traditionally represented by the symbol µ in many queuing texts
  • o Average time per task in the queue
  • o Average time/task in the system, or the response time, which is the sum of Time queue and Time server

Frage 73

35. If we talk about storage systems an interaction or transaction with a computer is divided for first what is an “Think time” - ?:
  • o The time from the reception of the response until the user begins to enter the next command
  • o The time for the user to enter the command
  • o The time between when the user enters the command and the complete response is displayed

Frage 74

34. If we talk about storage systems an interaction or transaction with a computer is divided for first what is an “System response time” - ?:
  • o The time between when the user enters the command and the complete response is displayed
  • o The time for the user to enter the command
  • o The time from the reception of the response until the user begins to enter the next command

Frage 75

33. What is kernel process?
  • o Provide at least two modes, indicating whether the running process is a user process or an operating system process
  • o Provide at least five modes, indicating whether the running process is a user process or an operating system process
  • o Provide a portion of the processor state that a user process can use but not write
  • o None of them

Frage 76

32. What does DDR stands for?
  • o Double data rate
  • o Dual data rate
  • o Double data reaction
  • o None of them

Frage 77

31. What does DRAM stands for?
  • o Dynamic Random Access memory
  • o Dual Random Access memory
  • o Dataram Random Access memory

Frage 78

30. What does SRAM stands for?
  • o Static Random Access memory
  • o System Random Access memory
  • o Short Random Accessmemory
  • o None of them

Frage 79

29. What is the cycle time?
  • o The minimum time between requests to memory.
  • o Time between when a read is requested and when the desired word arrives
  • o The maximum time between requests to memory.
  • o None of them

Frage 80

28. What is the access time?
  • o Time between when a read is requested and when the desired word arrives
  • o The minimum time between requests to memory.
  • o Describes the technology inside the memory chips and those innovative, internal organizations
  • o None of them

Frage 81

27. Data Hazard:
  • o An instruction depends on a data value produced by an earlier instruction
  • o An instruction in the pipeline needs a resource being used by another instruction in the pipeline
  • o Whether or not an instruction should be executed depends on a control decision made by an earlier instruction

Frage 82

26. Structural Hazard:
  • o An instruction in the pipeline needs a resource being used by another instruction in the pipeline
  • o An instruction depends on a data value produced by an earlier instruction
  • o Whether or not an instruction should be executed depends on a control decision made by an earlier instruction

Frage 83

25. Exploit spatial locality:
  • o by fetching blocks of data around recently accessed locations
  • o by remembering the contents of recently accessed locations
  • o None of them

Frage 84

24. Exploit temporal locality:
  • o by remembering the contents of recently accessed locations
  • o None of them
  • o by fetching blocks of data around recently accessed locations

Frage 85

23. Reduce Miss Rate: High Associativity. Empirical Rule of Thumb:
  • o Direct-mapped cache of size N has about the same miss rate as a two-way set- associative cache of size N/2
  • o If cache size is doubled, miss rate usually drops by about √2
  • o None of them

Frage 86

22. Reduce Miss Rate: Large Cache Size. Empirical Rule of Thumb:
  • o If cache size is doubled, miss rate usually drops by about √2
  • o Direct-mapped cache of size N has about the same miss rate as a two-way set- associative cache of size N/2
  • o None of them

Frage 87

21. Cache Hit -
  • o Write Through – write both cache and memory, generally higher traffic but simpler to design
  • o write cache only, memory is written when evicted, dirty bit per block avoids unnecessary write backs, more complicated
  • o No Write Allocate – only write to main memory

Frage 88

20. Least Recently Used (LRU):
  • o cache state must be updated on every access
  • o Used in highly associative caches
  • o FIFO with exception for most recently used block(s)

Frage 89

19. What is Computer Architecture?
  • o is the design of the abstraction/implementation layers that allow us to execute information processing applications efficiently using manufacturing technologies
  • o is a group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource-sharing among a wide range of users
  • o the programs used to direct the operation of a computer, as well as documentation giving instructions on how to use them

Frage 90

18. What is a Bandwidth-Delay Product:
  • o is amount of data that can be in flight at the same time (Little’s Law)
  • o is time for a single access – Main memory latency is usually >> than processor cycle time
  • o is the number of accesses per unit time – If m instructions are loads/stores, 1 + m memory accesses per instruction, CPI = 1 requires at least 1 + m memory accesses per cycle

Frage 91

17. What is a Bandwidth:
  • o a is the number of accesses per unit time – If m instructions are loads/stores, 1 + m memory accesses per instruction, CPI = 1 requires at least 1 + m memory accesses per cycle
  • o is time for a single access – Main memory latency is usually >> than processor cycle time
  • o is amount of data that can be in flight at the same time (Little’s Law)

Frage 92

16. Control Hazard:
  • o Whether or not an instruction should be executed depends on a control decision made by an earlier instruction
  • o An instruction depends on a data value produced by an earlier instruction
  • o An instruction in the pipeline needs a resource being used by another instruction in the pipeline

Frage 93

15. Data Hazard:
  • o An instruction depends on a data value produced by an earlier instruction
  • o An instruction in the pipeline needs a resource being used by another instruction in the pipeline
  • o Whether or not an instruction should be executed depends on a control decision made by an earlier instruction

Frage 94

1. Structural Hazard:
  • o An instruction in the pipeline needs a resource being used by another instruction in the pipeline
  • o An instruction depends on a data value produced by an earlier instruction
  • o Whether or not an instruction should be executed depends on a control decision made by an earlier instruction

Frage 95

13. The formula of “Iron Law” of Processor Performance:
  • o time/program = instruction/program * cycles/instruction * time/cycle
  • o time/program = instruction/program * cycles/instruction + time/cycle
  • o time/program = instruction/program + cycles/instruction * time/cycle

Frage 96

12. Algorithm for Cache MISS:
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Compare request address to cache tags and see if there is a match -> Read block of data from main memory -> Replace victim block in cache with new block -> return copy of data from cache
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Read block of data from main memory -> return copy of data from cache
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Replace victim block in cache with new block -> return copy of data from cache

Frage 97

11. Algorithm for Cache HIT:
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Replace victim block in cache with new block -> return copy of data from cache
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Read block of data from main memory -> return copy of data from cache
  • o Processor issues load request to cache -> Compare request address to cache tags and see if there is a match -> return copy of data from cache

Frage 98

9. Capacity -
  • o cache is too small to hold all data needed by program, occur even under perfect replacement policy (loop over 5 cache lines)
  • o misses that occur because of collisions due to less than full associativity (loop over 3 cache lines)
  • o first-reference to a block, occur even with infinite cache

Frage 99

8. Compulsory -
  • o cache is too small to hold all data needed by program, occur even under perfect replacement policy (loop over 5 cache lines)
  • o first-reference to a block, occur even with infinite cache
  • o misses that occur because of collisions due to less than full associativity (loop over 3 cache lines)

Frage 100

7. Average Memory Access Time is equal:
  • o Hit Time * ( Miss Rate + Miss Penalty )
  • o Hit Time - ( Miss Rate + Miss Penalty )
  • o Hit Time / ( Miss Rate - Miss Penalty )
  • o Hit Time + ( Miss Rate * Miss Penalty )

Frage 101

6. Cache MISS:
  • o No Write Allocate, Write Allocate
  • o Write Through, Write Back

Frage 102

5. Cache HIT:
  • o No Write Allocate, Write Allocate
  • o Write Through, Write Back

Frage 103

4. What occurs at Data access when we speak about Common And Predictable Memory Reference Patterns?
  • o subroutine call
  • o n loop iterations
  • o vector access

Frage 104

3. What occurs at Stack access when we speak about Common And Predictable Memory Reference Patterns?
  • o subroutine call
  • o n loop iterations
  • o vector access

Frage 105

2. What occurs at Intruction fetches when we speak about Common And Predictable Memory Reference Patterns?
  • o n loop iterations
  • o subroutine call
  • o vector access

Frage 106

1. - What is a Latency:
  • o is time for a single access – Main memory latency is usually >> than processor cycle time
  • o is the number of accesses per unit time – If m instructions are loads/stores, 1 + m memory accesses per instruction, CPI = 1 requires at least 1 + m memory accesses per cycle
  • o is amount of data that can be in flight at the same time (Little’s Law)
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