
Tema 1 Meteo Quiz am 16.ZZZZZ- EXAMEN, erstellt von Jose Antonio Vazquez am 20/01/2018.
Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz von Jose Antonio Vazquez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jose Antonio Vazquez
Erstellt von Jose Antonio Vazquez vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

1. A radiation inversion (surface inversion) is produced by:
  • The cooling of upper air layers, it is more frequently in summer.
  • The warming of lower air in summer.
  • The cooling of lower air layers, it is more frequently in winter.
  • The warming of lower air in winter.

Frage 2

2. The thermal radiation (infrared radiation) is:
  • A short-wavelength radiation that reaches the Earth surface from the Sun.
  • A long-wavelength radiation emitted by the Earth, and also by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • A microwave radiation coming from the space.
  • A short-wavelength radiation reflected by the clouds.

Frage 3

3. When water changes from vapour state to liquid phase in the atmosphere:
  • Sensible heat is absorbed from the atmosphere.
  • Latent heat is released to the atmosphere, due to condensation.
  • Nothing happens.
  • Latent heat is absorbed, due to evaporation in the atmosphere.

Frage 4

4. We can consider, approximately, as an adiabatic process:
  • Vertical motions in the atmosphere, outside regions of active precipitation.
  • A process with a transfer of mass and water to the atmosphere.
  • When the atmosphere reaches the radiation balance.
  • All are correct.

Frage 5

5. We consider the atmospheric stability...
  • Depending only on the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR).
  • Depending only on the Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR).
  • Depending on the Environment Rate (ER) relative to DALR and SALR.
  • All are false.

Frage 6

6. The temperature of a dry air parcel at 1000 ft. is T=10oC, what will be its temperature if it descends adiabatically to ground (0 ft.)?
  • T (ground) = 7 oC
  • T (ground) = 10 oC
  • T (ground) = 0 oC
  • T (ground) = 13 oC

Frage 7

7. The conditions to develop a thunderstorm are:
  • Low CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy).
  • A thermal inversion and sufficient water vapour.
  • High CAPE, sufficient water vapour and a trigger action.
  • High CIN (Convective Inhibition Energy), a very low dew point temperature and a trigger action to start the lifting process.

Frage 8

8. A downburst is:
  • A strong downdraft associated with severe thunderstorms, causing extreme windshear.
  • The anvil of an ordinary thunderstorm.
  • An extreme precipitation event, always followed by a tornado.
  • A lightning and icing event, associated with thunderstorms.

Frage 9

9. Select the false option about the pressure systems:
  • A thermal low is a thermal depression formed over warm surfaces, normally occurs over the continents in summer.
  • A cut-off low is a cold pool of air at high levels, separated from the main stream air that causes a potential area of instability and thunderstorm development.
  • A ridge is related to high pressures, and a trough is related to low pressures.
  • A depression is a pressure system where the air mass descend, and it always cover a larger area than a typical anticyclone.

Frage 10

10. To predict future weather or climate, the weather services use:
  • The cabañuelas system, it has a very accurate skill.
  • Only one numerical weather prediction model, called HIRLAM.
  • Different weather prediction models for the weather forecast and different climate models for the long-term predictions.
  • A simple model with the same grid resolution and physical parametrizations.

Frage 11

11. Which of the following statements about density is FALSE?
  • The density at surface levels is higher over Polar Regions than Equatorial ones.
  • The density at high levels is lower over Polar Regions than Equatorial ones.
  • Given any level of altitude, the density will be higher over the Polar Regions than Equatorial ones.
  • Given two air masses at the same temperature and different moisture, the air mass with a higher moisture content will have a lower density.

Frage 12

12. If you are flying at 5500 ft and your deviation ISA is +4 oC, What will the density altitude?
  • 6800 ft.
  • 5020 ft.
  • 4200 ft.
  • 5980 ft.

Frage 13

13. If we consider only the terms with the largest orders of magnitude after applying a scale analysis to the air motion equations, which of the following statements is TRUE?
  • At synoptic scale there is only a balance between the Gradient Pressure Force and the Coriolis Force.
  • At synoptic scale there is a balance between Gradient Pressure Force and the Centrifugal Force.
  • At synoptic scale there is a balance between the Gradient Pressure Force and the Coriolis Force. Furthermore the vertical air movement is impeded.
  • At synoptic scale there is a balance between the Gradient Pressure Force and the Coriolis Force. Furthermore the vertical air movement is allowed.

Frage 14

14. Which of the following statements related to the geostrophic balance is FALSE?
  • The Gradient Pressure and Coriolis forces are balanced.
  • Wind is parallel to the isobars.
  • Low pressures are on the left side of the air movement.
  • Considering two places with different latitude but affected by the same Pressure Gradient Force, the geostrophic wind will be stronger at the higher latitude place.

Frage 15

15. The balance of forces inducing the gradient wind associated with the “normal low” is as follows:
  • The Pressure Gradient force goes towards the centre of the Low pressure system and is opposite to the Centrifugal and Coriolis forces.
  • The Pressure Gradient and Coriolis forces go towards the centre of the Low pressure system and are opposite to the Centrifugal force.
  • All forces go towards the centre of the Low pressure system.
  • The Pressure Gradient force goes towards the outside of centre of the Low pressure system and is opposite to the Centrifugal and Coriolis forces.

Frage 16

16. Anabatic winds are:
  • Up slope winds occurring during the daylight hours.
  • Down slope winds occurring during the nocturnal hours.
  • Strong winds occurring at the lee side of a mountain under mountain wave conditions.
  • A synoptic wind very intense.

Frage 17

17. In relation to the condensation in the atmosphere, which of the following statements is FALSE?
  • Warm parcels can maintain in the subsaturated state a higher water vapour concentration than cold parcels.
  • Cold parcels can maintain in the subsaturated state a higher water vapour concentration than warm parcels.
  • Under a same cooling warm parcels will condensate a higher water vapour concentration than cold parcels.
  • If the parcel is initially subsaturated, the larger cooling, the larger condensation.

Frage 18

18. Refer to the TAF for Zurich Airport TAF LSZH 250716 00000KT 0100 FG VV001 BECMG 0810 0800 VV002 BECMG1012 23005KT 2500 BKN005 TEMPO 1316 6000 SCT007 = Which of these statements best describes the weather that can be expected at 1200 UTC?
  • Meteorological visibility 6 kilometres, cloud base 500 feet, wind speed 5 knots.
  • Meteorological visibility 2,5 kilometres, cloud base 500 feet, wind speed 5 knots.
  • Meteorological visibility 800 metres, wind from 230°, cloud base 500 feet.
  • Meteorological visibility 800 metres, vertical visibility 200 feet, calm.

Frage 19

19. Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What visibility is forecast for 2400 UTC?
  • 500 m.
  • 2000 m.
  • Between 500 m and 2000 m.
  • Between 0 m and 1000 m.

Frage 20

20. Which of the following clouds presents a vertical development?
  • Stratocumulus
  • Altostratus
  • Cirrostratus
  • Cumulonimbus

Frage 21

21. In the formation of the precipitation, the Bergeron process consist in:
  • Ice crystals grow faster than water droplets.
  • In a humid environment in equilibrium for water droplets, ice crystals feel in c an over-saturated environment.
  • In the ice_crystal-water_vapor equilibrium the rate of evaporation is lower than in the droplet-water_vapor equilibrium.
  • All of the above are true.

Frage 22

22. What are the names of the air masses whose paths are indicated by the numbers 1 and 2?
  • 1 Polar continental. 2 Tropical maritime
  • 1 Polar maritime. 2 Tropical continental
  • 1 Arctic continental. 2 Subtropical Maritime
  • None of the above.

Frage 23

23. How can you distinguish a cold front (CF) of a warm front (WF)?:
  • In the CF there are convective clouds (Cb, TCu), while in the WF there are more stratiform clouds (Cs, As, Ns).
  • In the WF there are convective clouds (Cb, TCu), while in the CF there are more stratiform clouds (Cs, As, Ns).
  • The CF moves slower than the WF.
  • After a WF the air temperature drops sharply

Frage 24

24. Which of these statements is true?:
  • Rime ice is a type of icing that forms when big supercooled water droplets impact with the aircraft.
  • Clear ice is the type of icing that an aircraft would more likely encounter in a lenticular altocumulus.
  • The rime ice is easier to remove from the surface of an aircraft that clear ice.
  • None of the above is true

Frage 25

25. Regarding the icing on aircraft, which of these statements is false?:
  • Rime ice can occur in cumuliform clouds below -20 oC
  • Rime ice occurs only in Cu, Cb and Ns
  • Clear ice is described as moderate or severe
  • Clear ice occurs with large supercooled water droplets

Frage 26

26. According to this significant weather map, what is the intensity of icing that you could find if flying from Melilla to Málaga at 9000 ft?.
  • Moderate icing
  • Moderate icing only inside the Cb
  • Light icing except inside the Cb where may be strong
  • None of the above is true

Frage 27

27. Which of these statements is true?:
  • In general, turbulence is more intense over the sea and with light winds.
  • In general, turbulence is more intense over broken terrain and with strong winds.
  • In general, turbulent effects caused by the terrain are felt up to the first 100 meters.
  • None of the above is true.

Frage 28

28. Which of these conditions are NOT favourable for the formation of mountain wave?
  • A wind blowing +/- 30o at right angles to the ridge.
  • Wind increase with height with little change in direction.
  • Wind speed less than 10 kt at the crest.
  • A marked stable layer (+/- isothermal or inversion) between crest level and a few thousand feet above, with less stable air above and below.

Frage 29

29. In significant weather maps, what are the meanings of these symbols?
  • 1-moderate turbulence, 2-mountains not visible by the presence of clouds, 3- moderate icing, 4-mountain waves
  • 1-moderate turbulence, 2-mountain waves, 3-moderate icing, 4-mountains not visible by the presence of clouds
  • 1-moderate icing, 2-mountains not visible by the presence of clouds, 3- mountain waves, 4-moderate turbulence
  • 1-moderate icing, 2-mountains not visible by the presence of clouds, 3- moderate turbulence, 4-mountain waves

Frage 30

30. Regarding the images captured from meteorological satellites, which of these statements is false?
  • The images in the infrared channel give good idea of the temperature of the ground surface and the top of the clouds.
  • The images in the visible channel give a good idea of what the human eye would see.
  • As more thickness and vertical dimension has a cloud as best is seen in the visible channel and is cold the cloud top.
  • The images in the infrared channel are only available during the day, while visible are available day and night.
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