The history of Sardinia


The history from pre-Nuragic Sardinia, to the Shardana, to the Punic, to the Carthaginians and to the Romans
Gianni Aresu
Quiz von Gianni Aresu, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Gianni Aresu
Erstellt von Gianni Aresu vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Choose the correct sentence

Frage 2

What is the correct sentence?
  • The Tombs of the Giants were collective burial places where more dead were buried.
  • The Tombs of the Giants were collective burial places where only women were buried
  • The Tombs of the Giants were collective burial places where only children were buried.
  • The Tombs of the Giants were collective burial places where only men were buried.

Frage 3

Choose the correct sentence
  • The Giants' tombs are usually located near the nuraghi.
  • The Giants' tombs are usually located near the churches.
  • The Giants' tombs are usually located near the castles.
  • The Giants' tombs are usually located in front of the ports.

Frage 4

When did the period of the giants' tombs end?
  • The use of these burials slowly came to an end from the beginning of the Iron Age (9th century BC).
  • The use of these burials slowly went from the Punic-Carthaginian period
  • The use of these burials slowly came to an end from the Roman period
  • The use of these burials slowly dwindled from the Neolithic period

Frage 5

Which is the biggest among the nuraghi?
  • The nuraghe of Barumini or Su Nuraxi, is the largest in Sardinia
  • The Orgono Nuraghe of Ghilarza, is the largest in Sardinia
  • The biggest of all is the Nuraghe Arrubiu di Orroli
  • The biggest of all is the nuraghe of Santu Antine, which dominates the valley of Cabu Abbas in Torralba (Sassari)

Frage 6

Where are the nuraghi located?
  • The nuraghes are not only in Sardinia but also in Sicily
  • The nuraghes are not only in Sicily but also in Calabria
  • The nuraghi are in Tuscany and on the island of Elba
  • Nuraghi are present only in Sardinia

Frage 7

Carthage where is it?
  • Near Rome, in Lazio
  • In the North African coast, near Tunis
  • In Sicily, 20 km from Catania
  • In Sulcis, near Sant'Antioco, about 5 km from the town

Frage 8

What color is the obsidian of Monte Arci?
  • Brownish-yellow color
  • Sapphire blue
  • White with translucent edges
  • Black color with reflected light

Frage 9

The obsidian was used:
  • To polish the pots
  • To get the arrowheads, knives and razors
  • To spin wool
  • In order not to oxidise metals

Frage 10

Obsidian is a natural glass whose formation is due to the very rapid cooling of the lava
  • Obsidian is found only in Sardinia
  • Obsidian is found in Sardinia and also in Pantelleria, Lipari, Palmarola
  • Obsidian is only found in Massa-Carrara
  • Obsidian is located in Mont Blanc

Frage 11

Choose the correct sentence
  • The Shardana was in the area of Serdiana (Campidano of Cagliari)
  • The Shardana was the population in the coasts of Liguria
  • The Shardana and the ancient populations who built the nuraghi are the same people
  • The Shardana was a “sea population” originally from the island of Crete, also known as Cretans.

Frage 12

  • Thalassemia, from the Greek "thalassa", which means "comes from the sea" was introduced in Sardinia by the Iberians
  • Thalassemia, which means "comes from the sea" was introduced in Sardinia by the Vikings
  • Thalassemia, from the Greek "thalassa", which means "comes from the sea" was introduced in Sardinia by the Phoenicians

Frage 13

The nuraghe Losa
  • The nuraghe Losa is on the territory of Abbasanta (Oristano) and has the distinction of having the keep in a circular shape and is included in the UNESCO heritage
  • The nuraghe Losa is located in the town of Abbasanta (Oristano) and has the distinction of having the keep and the triangular bastion
  • The nuraghe Losa is located in the town of Abbasanta (Oristano) and has the particularity of a bastion with 5 lobes, with as many towers around the keep surrounded by reddish lichens.
  • The nuraghe Losa on the territory of Abbasanta (Oristano) and has the distinction of being formed by a fortress and a village of 23 huts.

Frage 14

  • The nuragic village of Tiscali is located in front of the Santa Gilla lagoon in Cagliari
  • The nuragic village of Tiscali is located next to the Nuragic complex of Barumini
  • The nuragic village of Tiscali is located in the locality Pranu and Muru, in the municipality of Orroli (SU)
  • The nuragic village of Tiscali is located inside a dolina on the edge of the Supramonte
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