French Quiz 2C


7th grade French Quiz am French Quiz 2C, erstellt von laney boeh am 14/10/2018.
laney boeh
Quiz von laney boeh, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
laney boeh
Erstellt von laney boeh vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

You will hear Pierre and Florence talking about different people. Determine whether the person they mention is male or female. Salut Pierre! Salut Florence! Voici mon l'oncle. Il s'appelle Keith.
  • Boy
  • Girl

Frage 2

Fill in the blanks in five sentences with ton or ta, as appropriate. Qual age a [blank_start]ta[blank_end] soeur? Qual age a [blank_start]ton[blank_end] l'oncle? Qual age a [blank_start]ta[blank_end] tante? Qual age a [blank_start]ta[blank_end] mere? Qual age a [blank_start]ton[blank_end] pere? Qual age a [blank_start]ta[blank_end] cousine?
  • ta
  • ton
  • ta
  • ta
  • ton
  • ta

Frage 3

Fill in the black space saying what that relative is in French. *DO NOT INCLUDE ACCENT MARKS* *DO NOT USE LE OR LA* Voici ma [blank_start]tante[blank_end] (aunt). Voici ma [blank_start]cousine[blank_end] (girl cousin) Voici ma [blank_start]mere[blank_end] (mom) Voici ma [blank_start]grand-mere[blank_end] (grandmother) Voici ma [blank_start]fille[blank_end] (daughter) Voici ma [blank_start]niece[blank_end] (niece) Voici ma [blank_start]soeur[blank_end] (sister) Voici mon [blank_start]grand-pere[blank_end] (grandfather) Voici mon [blank_start]pere[blank_end] (father) Voici mon [blank_start]frere[blank_end] (brother) Voici mon [blank_start]l'oncle[blank_end] (uncle) Voici mon [blank_start]cousin[blank_end] (boy cousin) Voici mon [blank_start]fils[blank_end] (son) Voici mon [blank_start]neveu[blank_end] (nephew) Voici mon [blank_start]chien[blank_end] (boy dog) Voici ma [blank_start]chien[blank_end] (girl dog) Voice ma [blank_start]chat[blank_end] (girl cat) Voici mon [blank_start]chat[blank_end] (boy cat)
  • tante
  • cousine
  • mere
  • grand-mere
  • fille
  • niece
  • soeur
  • grand-pere
  • pere
  • frere
  • l'oncle
  • cousin
  • fils
  • neveu
  • chien
  • chien
  • chat
  • chat

Frage 4

You will write three sentences in French about yourself and a member of your family: *no accent marks* I am twelve years old.- [blank_start]J'ai douze ans.[blank_end] Here is my father.- [blank_start]Voici a mon pere.[blank_end] He is 50 years old.- [blank_start]Il a cinquante ans.[blank_end]
  • J'ai douze ans.
  • Voici a mon pere.
  • Il a cinquante ans.
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