TYPO3 CI 2018 6.4 - 6.5


Programmierung Quiz am TYPO3 CI 2018 6.4 - 6.5, erstellt von Andreas Kirilow am 21/12/2018.
Andreas Kirilow
Quiz von Andreas Kirilow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andreas Kirilow
Erstellt von Andreas Kirilow vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

What is the name of the workspace available in the backend after a standard installation and activation of the workspace extension? (1)
  • “Draft”.
  • “LIVE”.
  • “Standard”.
  • “Default”.
  • “Test”.
  • “Demo”.

Frage 2

You have made changes in a workspace and want to show them to your client. What do you require for this purpose? (1)
  • Special settings in the Page and User TSconfig.
  • Special settings in TypoScript.
  • A backend user group for the client.
  • A frontend user for the client.
  • A preview link that is valid for 48 hours.

Frage 3

How many workspaces can you create? (1)
  • You cannot create workspaces, but TYPO3 provides 2 of them.
  • You can create up to 2 workspaces.
  • You can create up to 8 workspaces.
  • You can create up to 64 workspaces.
  • As many as you like.

Frage 4

Which of the following workspace stages exist by default? (2)
  • Stage “Editing”.
  • Stage “Review”.
  • Stage “Updating”.
  • Stage “Deleted”.
  • Stage “Publish”.
  • Stage “Ready to publish”.
  • Stage “Rejected”.
  • None of the above, as they need to be configured manually.

Frage 5

An editor changes the status of an element in a workspace to “Review”. How is the responsible reviewer informed of this? (2)
  • The editor has to send an email to the reviewer.
  • TYPO3 automatically informs the reviewer by email.
  • The reviewer sees all elements requiring a review on his or her start page after login.
  • After login, the reviewer can open the “Workspaces” module to gain an overview of all elements requiring a review.
  • The reviewer has to be online at the same time to be able to see the changes.

Frage 6

Is versioning as implemented by the workspaces available for all elements in TYPO3? (1)
  • Yes.
  • No, versioning is available only for pages.
  • No, versioning is available only for page contents.
  • No, versioning is available only for pages and page contents.
  • No, versioning is available only for elements with the necessary configurations (e.g. using fields marked t3ver_* in the appropriate database, or using the TCA).

Frage 7

You are working in the backend as an administrator user, but some functions are missing. Why could this be? (1)
  • Workspaces automatically deactivate some system extensions in the system.
  • Some modules are only visible in the “LIVE” workspace.
  • Some parts of the workspace implementation are still flawed.
  • You have to enable all functions and backend modules you want to use in the Install Tool when using workspaces.
  • You have to enable all functions and backend modules you want to use in the workspace configuration.

Frage 8

Which statement(s) about the RTE in TYPO3 v8 LTS are correct? (3)
  • RTE stands for “Random Text Encryption” and is a security feature.
  • RTE stands for “Rich Text Editor”.
  • The RTE is a system extension that can be deactivated and replaced as required.
  • Only backend users with administrator privileges can use the RTE.
  • The RTE can be configured using a YAML file.

Frage 9

You want to set “TCEMain” settings such as default user permissions. Where do you do this? (2)
  • Page TSconfig.
  • User TSconfig.
  • In the user management.
  • TypoScript setup.
  • TypoScript constants.

Frage 10

Which TLO allows you to specify settings in the “User Settings” sub-module by means of TypoScript? (1)
  • The admPanel object.
  • The options object.
  • The mod object.
  • The setup object.
  • The user object.
  • The auth object.

Frage 11

Replace ??? in the code below, so that the user can overwrite the default settings in the module at a later stage? (1) The following TypoScript is used as the TLO setup to configure the user settings for the User Settings module. setup.???.emailMeAtLogin = 1
  • default
  • settings
  • override
  • overrule

Frage 12

What TypoScript code can be used to hide certain tables in the “List” module, and where would you position it? (2)
  • In the User TSconfig.
  • In the Page TSconfig.
  • In the TypoScript setup.
  • mod.web_list.hideTables = tabName1,tabName2,tabName3,...
  • mod.hideTables = tabName1,tabName2,tabName3,...
  • mod.hide = tabName1,tabName2,tabName3,...
  • mod.list.hideTables = tabName1,tabName2,tabName3,...

Frage 13

Every now and then you need to determine the ID of a page. How do you do this? (3)
  • The only way is to look up the ID of a page in the database tables pages.
  • You enter the following code in the User TSconfig: options.pageTree.showPageIdWithTitle = 1
  • You move the mouse over the page icon in the page tree and wait for the ID to appear as a tool tip.
  • You click the page (in “List” or “Page” view), and find the ID on the top right.
  • n module “WEB → Info” you can display a “Pagetree Overview”, which also contains the page IDs.
  • You can activate displaying the IDs via the page tree.
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