L34.5 CKD and AKI


PHCY310 Quiz am L34.5 CKD and AKI, erstellt von Mer Scott am 16/04/2019.
Mer Scott
Quiz von Mer Scott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mer Scott
Erstellt von Mer Scott vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Choose the incorrect statement about Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).
  • It is an abrupt decrease in kidney function that occurs over a period of 7 days or less
  • It is stimated to occur in approximately 50% of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)
  • It can predispose you to CKD
  • CKD patients cannot get AKI

Frage 2

Choose the incorrect statement about chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • It is abnormalities in kidney structure or function that persist for >90 days
  • It presents a high economic burden
  • At least as many deaths are attributable to kidney disease as to cancer, diabetes or respiratory diseases
  • Risk factors for AKI and CKD, such as advanced age, diabetes and hypertension, often overlap.
  • AKI and CKD are discrete and separate conditions.

Frage 3

NZ has higher rates of sepsis, post infectious glomerulonephritis and HUS causing AKI compared with other countries in the developed world.
  • True
  • False

Frage 4

Reduced renal blood flow ([blank_start]ischemia[blank_end]) initiates AKI. It can be as a result of infection ([blank_start]sepsis[blank_end]), medications, disease, or trauma. The medication combination likely to cause AKI is the ‘triple whammy’; concurrent use of an [blank_start]ACE[blank_end] inhibitor or an ARB, with a [blank_start]diuretic and an NSAID[blank_end]. AKI is largely [blank_start]asymptomatic[blank_end] and late diagnosis of injury is common.
  • ischemia
  • sepsis
  • diuretic and an NSAID
  • ACE
  • asymptomatic

Frage 5

Pathogenesis of AKI: 1. Disruptions of the glycocalyx and [blank_start]endothelial[blank_end] monolayer in renal tubule 2. Upregulation of [blank_start]adhesion[blank_end] molecules 3. Enhanced [blank_start]leukocyte-endothelium[blank_end] interactions 4. Formation of [blank_start]microthrombi[blank_end] 5. Inflammation causing [blank_start]fluid[blank_end] overload, [blank_start]electrolyte[blank_end] imbalances
  • endothelial
  • adhesion
  • leukocyte-endothelium
  • microthrombi
  • fluid
  • electrolyte

Frage 6

CKD Pathogenesis" 1. Nephrons atrophy with time 2. Worsened by genetic & environmental factors – [blank_start]hypertrophy[blank_end] 3. Fewer nephrons cause an increase in [blank_start]nephron[blank_end] size, [blank_start]podocytes[blank_end] can’t cope & detach – loss of barrier function and impaired filtration - [blank_start]proteinuria[blank_end] 4. Inflammation, which leads to fibrosis & [blank_start]scar[blank_end] formation 5. Leads to [blank_start]ischaemia[blank_end]
  • hypertrophy
  • nephron
  • podocytes
  • proteinuria
  • scar
  • ischaemia

Frage 7

Which of these is not a systemic effect of CKD?
  • Fluid & electrolyte imbalances
  • Anaemia
  • Mineral bone disorder – bone pain, fractures, deformities
  • Metabolic acidosis – muscle wasting, bone demineralisation
  • Hyperuricaemia – systemic inflammation, neurological changes
  • Pruritis
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