Don't Be a Chatterbox - Audio 3


ACT Year 12 Certificate Book Club (Don't Be A Chatterbox) Quiz am Don't Be a Chatterbox - Audio 3, erstellt von Al Huda Canada am 25/12/2014.
Al Huda Canada
Quiz von Al Huda Canada, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Al Huda Canada
Erstellt von Al Huda Canada vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Very basic etiquette of Speaking is _____________.
  • To let the other person talk too
  • To not let anyone talk as your point is more important
  • To listen to everyone and not say a word
  • To smile while speaking

Frage 2

Some people reject everyone else's point of views, it show that __________________.
  • They have a disease of Arrogance in their Hearts
  • They are very intellectual
  • They are correct
  • They are very Dumb
  • They have no Tolerance

Frage 3

When you have this complain that people don't listen to you then you should _________.
  • Ignore the People
  • Analyze your speech, tone and style of talking
  • Find new friends to talk to
  • Tell everyone about these non-serious people who don't listen to you

Frage 4

In a Hadith, Rasul Allah ﷺ gave good news of Jannah to a person with three qualities, they are (Pick 3)
  • One who controls his/her tongue
  • One for whom his/her home is sufficient
  • One who weeps over his/her Sins
  • One who controls his/her anger
  • One who doesn't miss any opportunity of meeting people
  • One who is very talkative

Frage 5

We don't have to respond to everything, Silence is also a response.
  • True
  • False
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