Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
What is the name of this NATIVE large shrub? It grows approximately 8 feet high by 8 feet wide, flowers in spring, and its' flowers turn to red berries that birds love. (Woody Ornamentals chapter)
Physocarpos opulifolius, a.k.a. Common ninebark
Ilex verticillata, a.k.a. Michigan Holly
Cephalanthus occidentalis, a.k.a. Buttonbush
Frage 2
Which of the following honeysuckles is native to Michigan? (Woody Ornamentals chapter)
Diervilla lonicera, a.k.a. Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle
Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly', a.k.a. Butterfly Bears Bush-honeysuckle
Frage 3
Can you identify this plant? It is a Michigan native perennial that is suitable for moist to wet sites and full sunshine. (Perennials)
Ceanothus americanus, a.k.a. New Jersey Tea
Asclepias incarnata, a.k.a. Swamp Milkweed
Monarda didyma, a.k.a. Bee Balm
Ligularia spp., a.k.a. Ligularia
Frage 4
This plant is a native perennial used in shady sites. What is it? (Perennials)
Asarum canadense, a.k.a. Wild Ginger
Galium odoratum, a.k.a. Sweet woodruff
Viola spp., a.k.a. Violets
Frage 5
According to the Master Gardener Training Manual, this perennial is a good choice for infertile soil. (Perennials)
Sempervivum spp., a.k.a. hens and chicks, houseleek
Phlox subulata, a.k.a. moss phlox
Nepeta spp., a.k.a. catmint
Monarda fistulosa, a.k.a. wild bergamot
Frage 6
This particular plant is considered an INVASIVE by the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network (among others). It is an upright, herbaceous biennial that grows up to 3 feet tall. It can be identified among similar looking plants based on its distinct smell when crushed. (Source: http://habitatmatters.org/challenges/top-invasive-species/)
Senecio spp., a.k.a. ragworts
Zizia aurea, a.k.a. golden alexanders
Alliaria petiolata, a.k.a. garlic mustard
Ranunculus spp., a.k.a. buttercups