PSY6 Law: Controlled Drugs


PHCY320 (Psychiatry) Quiz am PSY6 Law: Controlled Drugs, erstellt von Mer Scott am 13/10/2019.
Mer Scott
Quiz von Mer Scott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mer Scott
Erstellt von Mer Scott vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Controlled drugs are those which carry a risk of [blank_start]harm[blank_end] to an individual or [blank_start]society[blank_end]. The Misuse of Drugs Act & Regulations governs both illicit and [blank_start]therapeutic[blank_end] use of controlled drugs.
  • harm
  • society
  • therapeutic

Frage 2

Which of these roles cannot prescribe controlled drugs?
  • Medical practitioners
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Midwives
  • Dentists
  • Veterinarians
  • Designated prescriber nurses
  • Designated prescriber pharmacists
  • Occupational therapists

Frage 3

How long can they prescribe for? • Medical practitioners & Nurse practitioners - Class A & B = [blank_start]1 month[blank_end] - Class C = [blank_start]3 months[blank_end] • Dentists - [blank_start]7[blank_end] days only • Designated prescriber nurse From Schedule [blank_start]1A[blank_end] only for [blank_start]7 days[blank_end] • Designated prescriber pharmacist Schedule [blank_start]1B[blank_end] only for [blank_start]3 days[blank_end] • Midwives Can prescribe from Schedule [blank_start]1C[blank_end] of the Regulations (pethidine, morphine or fentanyl) for [blank_start]1[blank_end] month
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 7
  • 1A
  • 7 days
  • 1B
  • 3 days
  • 1C
  • 1

Frage 4

The prescription: Class A & Class B CD and specified Class C CD prescriptions must be [blank_start]handwritten[blank_end] by prescriber on a [blank_start]H572[blank_end] form – a triplicate prescription form OR can be on a paper form that is electronically generated from an [blank_start]approved[blank_end] system (New Zealand Electronic Prescription Service.) Prescriptions for controlled drugs must be dispensed within [blank_start]seven[blank_end] days of the prescribing date. Section 24 of the Act prohibits prescribing to a person whom the prescriber believes to be [blank_start]dependent[blank_end] on that or any controlled drug, unless that prescriber: - is a gazetted practitioner; or - is working in a gazetted agency; ie [blank_start]methadone[blank_end] clinic.
  • handwritten
  • H572
  • approved
  • seven
  • dependent
  • methadone

Frage 5

In accordance with Regulation 31 of the Regulations, the [blank_start]maximum[blank_end] period of supply is no greater than a quantity sufficient for use for a period of: - [blank_start]one[blank_end] month for Class A & Class B controlled drugs - [blank_start]three[blank_end] months for Class C controlled drugs.
  • maximum
  • one
  • three

Frage 6

[blank_start]Dexamphetamine[blank_end] (CD B1) & [blank_start]methylphenidate[blank_end] (CD B2) can be supplied by: • A medical practioner specialising in paeds or psych (for [blank_start]attention deficit hyperactivity[blank_end] disorders) • A medical practioner specialising in internal medicine – but only for tx of [blank_start]narcolepsy[blank_end] • Or on the recommendation of one of the above. [blank_start]Ephedrine & pseudoephedrine[blank_end] • Must be prescribed by a medical practitioner Cannabinoid products • Cannabis products are Class [blank_start]B1[blank_end] Controlled Drugs • Sativex is the only registered product approved for use. The only approved indication is for [blank_start]spasticity due to multiple sclerosis[blank_end]. It must be endorsed “multiple sclerosis” on the prescription and be written by a [blank_start]neurologist[blank_end], or by a medical practitioner with the [blank_start]recommendation[blank_end] of a neurologist.
  • Dexamphetamine
  • methylphenidate
  • attention deficit hyperactivity
  • narcolepsy
  • Ephedrine & pseudoephedrine
  • B1
  • spasticity due to multiple sclerosis
  • neurologist
  • recommendation

Frage 7

MDA s20 says the Medical Officer of Health may publish statements about person to prevent supply of controlled drugs to that person.
  • True
  • False

Frage 8

Health Information Privacy Code (HIPC): - Can only disclose health information to the [blank_start]Medical Officer of Health[blank_end], not to others. HIPC Rule 11(2)(j) - Can only disclose information if it is a serious and immediate [blank_start]threat[blank_end] to public health, public safety or the life or health of an individual, and you have to tell the appropriate people, not ring around pharmacies. HIPC Rule 11(2)(d)(ii)
  • Medical Officer of Health
  • threat

Frage 9

Needles & Syringes First national needle exchange programme in the world! • Originally GP and pharmacist run service, now also includes [blank_start]Drug User Groups[blank_end] • [blank_start]Harm reduction[blank_end] – to reduce potential harm from injecting drug use Pharmacists and [blank_start]employees[blank_end] may sell needles & syringes: • From/at a [blank_start]registered pharmacy[blank_end] • To a person aged over [blank_start]16[blank_end] years • To a person aged under 16 yrs if they have a [blank_start]Rx[blank_end]
  • Harm reduction
  • Drug User Groups
  • employees
  • registered pharmacy
  • 16
  • Rx
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