Frage 1
When draping the surgical patient, ________ is the most important factor to consider.
Surgeon Preference
Sequential Order
Frage 2
When squaring off the surgical patient with towels, once the towel is placed, it can never be ______
Frage 3
A Steri-drape is most commonly placed _________ when used as part of the draping sequence.
On top of the square off towels
Under the square off towels
On top of the last drape of the draping sequence
Frage 4
A roller towel used around the tourniquet cuff is folded ______.
In thirds the short way
In thirds the long way
In half the short way
In half the long way
Frage 5
A _______ is used to anchor the roller towel placed around the tourniquet cuff when draping an extremity.
Frage 6
When placing drapes onto the patient for the lower extremity draping sequence, the _______ is placed after the impervious split sheet has been placed.
Perforating Towel Clip
Impervious Stockinet
Roller Towel
Frage 7
The following are names of various types of plain sheets except for ______.
3/4 Sheet
Medium Sheet
Split Sheet
Large Sheet
Frage 8
When placing square-off towels on the patient, the first towel is always placed ______ on the patient.
Closest to you
Furthest away from you
Below the incision site
Above the incision site
Frage 9
The sheet that is placed following the application of leggings is the _______.
Under the buttocks sheet
Lithotomy sheet
Split Sheet
Laparotomy Sheet
Frage 10
List the sequential order for a knee arthroscopy draping sequence. (What comes first, second, etc.)
roller towel, impervious split sheet, stockinet, coban, arthroscopy sheet, medium, towel with non perf tc
Frage 11
Explain what you do with your hand while draping the periphery of the sterile field (when you extend your hand toward an unsterile area)
Frage 12
Check the boxes of two items that can be utilized to correct a contamination that may occur related to draping and give an example of how the item could be utilized during a surgical procedure to correct a contamination.
a 3/4 sheet can be used if a puncture is found in the drape to cover
ringed mayo scissors can be used to cut a section of drape to over a hole
hemostat can be used for hair
Frage 13
When draping the surgical patient with another sterile person, what factors need to be considered
its ok to move drapes towards the incision
never move drapes towards an incision
below table level is unsterile
table level is sterile
Frage 14
what you would do if while placing the square off towels, you placed a towel further away from the incision than you wanted to.
Frage 15
List the sequential order for draping a patient for a laparotomy procedure.
4 square of towels used, laparotomy sheet, medium sheet if needed, legging sheet
laparotomy sheet, 4 square of towels used, medium sheet if needed
4 square of towels used, laparotomy sheet, medium sheet if needed
Frage 16
List the sequential order for draping a patient in a lateral position for a flank incision.
4 square off towels, universal drape set with bottom sheet, top sheet,side sheets on each side
4 square off towels, top sheet, universal drape set with bottom sheet, side sheets on each side
4 square off towels, universal drape set with bottom sheet, side sheets on each side, and top sheet
Frage 17
List the sequential order for draping for a hip procedure (total hip).
4 square off towels, impervious split sheet x2, medium sheet x2, stockinet held in place with ace, bottom hip sheet, top hip sheet, steri drap
4 square off towels, medium sheet x2, impervious split sheet x2, stockinet held in place with ace, bottom hip sheet, top hip sheet, steri drap
Frage 18
Check the boxes for two uses for plain sheets.
Frage 19
List the sequential order for draping for a lithotomy procedure.
lithotomy sheet, under buttox sheet, 2 towels folded triangle, 2 leggings,
2 towels folded triangle, under buttox sheet, 2 leggings, lithotomy sheet
under buttox sheet, 2 towels folded triangle, 2 leggings, lithotomy sheet
Frage 20
What does it mean by the phrase “stickies on” or “stickies off”? How would you find this out?
Frage 21
check the boxes of aseptic principles that apply to draping the patient for a surgical procedure.
never move drape towards the incision
never cuff hands while applying drapes
protect glove hands by cuffing
dont manipulate drapes in a excessive motion creating air currents; no shaking or fanning
Frage 22
List the draping order for an abdominoplasty procedure. (What comes first, second, etc.)
bottom, top, side, side, 6-8 square off towels
6-8 square off towels, bottom, top, side, side
Frage 23
What is this person doing?
**Click on the yellow dot and use correct drop down**
Frage 24
What is the sheet the medical personnel using?
**click orange dot for drop down**
impervious split sheet
laparotomy sheet
Frage 25
What is the sheet being uses here?
impervious split sheet
buttox sheet
Frage 26
What sheet is being applied?
**click the orange dot for drop down**
buttox sheet
legging sheets
Frage 27
What is the name of these sheets that are a set?
universal drape set
laparoscopic drape set
Frage 28
What is the name of this sheet?
legging sheet
impervious sockinet
Frage 29
What is the name of this sheet?
**click on the orange dot for drop down**
universal draping set
laparotomy sheet
Frage 30
You are scrubbing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The surgeon is isolating the cystic duct when you look down at your drapes and see a hair. What do you do?
How would you correct the problem?
After you correct the problem, what would be something aseptically you should do because of possible contamination?
if a forigne body has been discovered, a hemostat or instrument that we are able to get rid of during the procedure can be used to grab the hair, hand it off to the circulator, then have it placed somewhere where it will not be lost and then change gloves. and finally cover area with some type of plain sheet.
Hemostat would be used to remove hair, A new laparotomy sheet would be placed over the patient
Frage 31
You are scrubbing a Total Knee. The Surgeon is using a reciprocating saw to remove the distal portion of the femur. As he finishes his cut, the chunk of bone he removed flies up in the air, hits the OR light and comes back down onto the drapes at the foot of the bed.
What do you do?
Is there a contamination?
If there is, how do you correct the situation?
I would treat the contaminated body material similar as a hair. I would use a instrument that wont be needed for the rest of the procedure, take the bone material off of the drape so strick through contamination would be less likely with blood. I would hand that off to a gloved circulator. finally we need to cover the contamination on the drape so a 3/4 sheet could be used to cover that contaminated spot where the bone landed.
The bone fragment would be removed with a instrument that wont be utulized later in the case. Then a new laparotomy sheet would be draped over the patient.