Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism: Basic Knowledge Quiz


GRE Philosophy Quiz am Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism: Basic Knowledge Quiz, erstellt von Eric M am 12/02/2015.
Eric M
Quiz von Eric M, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Eric M
Erstellt von Eric M vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

True or False: Ayn Rand's philosophy is essentially about politics.
  • True
  • False

Frage 2

Ethics: What does "selfishness" mean in Ayn Rand's philosophy?
  • Acquiring as much wealth as you can, however you can.
  • Pursuing momentary pleasures whenever the opportunity arises; avoiding pain whenever possible.
  • Living according to your emotions and giving charity to others when it gives you pleasure.
  • Pursuing your own life and long-term happiness by the guidance of facts, and of principles derived from facts.
  • Always minimizing physical risks to your survival by staying home a lot and avoiding travel to the Middle East.

Frage 3

Ethics: What does Ayn Rand's philosophy say about altruism?
  • Altruism means giving your own things to other people, and it's always immoral.
  • Altruism means giving your own things to other people, and it can be moral if it gives you enjoyment.
  • Altruism means sacrificing something of higher value to you, for something of lower or no value to you, and it's always immoral.
  • Altruism means kindness to other people, and it's always immoral.
  • Altruism doesn't exist; everyone is always self-interested.

Frage 4

Ethics: What did Ayn Rand say about charity?
  • Charity is altruism, and it's always evil.
  • An act of charity is immoral if it doesn't give you joy, but moral if it does.
  • Charity can be morally extended to good people without limit, but evil people shouldn't get charity from you.
  • Charity is always moral, so long as it isn't forced on other people.
  • Charity is not a major virtue, nor a moral duty. It can be moral, if any recipients are worthy of the help and you can afford to help them.

Frage 5

Human nature: Which of the following best describes man (humans, in their essence) in Rand's Objectivism?
  • Man is a greedy, material creature, looking for momentary pleasures.
  • Man is a soul locked in a corrupt body, battling the body for control until death.
  • Man is like a robot whose actions are determined by genetics and social conditioning.
  • Man is a potentially heroic creature of two integrated aspects that can exist in harmony: mind and body.
  • Man is destined to become either a master or a slave, (dominant or subservient) according to his personality traits.

Frage 6

Ethics: True or False: For Rand, all people are either 100% good or 100% evil; there are no mixed cases.
  • True
  • False

Frage 7

Ethics: What is the primary virtue that Ayn Rand identifies in her essay, "The Objectivist Ethics"?
  • Selfishness
  • Rationality
  • Courage
  • Integrity
  • Self-esteem

Frage 8

Ethics: True or False: Ayn Rand advocated honesty as a virtue.
  • True
  • False

Frage 9

Ethics: In Objectivism, rationality means...
  • always being right.
  • always avoiding all possible fallacies.
  • going by facts to the best of one's knowledge and ability.
  • using one's mind and conceptualizing to the fullest practical extent, in the service of one's values.
  • believing everything Ayn Rand believed.

Frage 10

Ethics: In Objectivism, being rational, rather than an emotionalist, means...
  • removing emotion altogether from one's life. Always reacting to things with "cool reason."
  • suppressing emotions and being less passionate about things than the average person.
  • acting on the emotion of the moment, but always reasoning about it afterward.
  • acting on one's thinking about available evidence and shaping one's emotions to one's conscious ideas as much as possible.
  • acting on emotional responses only when they were ones shared by Ayn Rand.

Frage 11

Politics: What governmental system did Ayn Rand advocate?
  • Laissez-faire capitalism: an established government that only protects individual rights and consists of police, military and courts.
  • Anarcho-capitalism: a society without an established government that relies on private agencies to protect rights.
  • Fascism: an established government that nominally recognizes private property, but centrally controls how people use and dispose of property.
  • Socialism: an established government that does not recognize private property rights to the means of production, and distributes some wealth according to need.
  • Representative democracy: an established government that does whatever the representatives of the majority wish, without limitation.

Frage 12

Metaphysics: Which of the following is a statement of a basic axiom of Objectivism?
  • Consciousness perceives itself.
  • Consciousness perceives existence.
  • God does not exist.
  • Existence is infinite.
  • To exist is to be perceived.

Frage 13

Metaphysics: According to Ayn Rand, the axioms of Objectivism imply that...
  • your consciousness doesn't perceive reality as it really is.
  • the universe is spatially infinite.
  • things are what they are, independent of your mere wishes.
  • your consciousness can't affect the physical world in any way.
  • every thing that exists has a specific, non-contradictory nature.

Frage 14

Epistemology: For humans, according to Objectivism...
  • all knowledge starts with the senses.
  • all knowledge starts with statements of the axioms.
  • some knowledge starts with innate ideas, while other knowledge starts with the senses.
  • some knowledge starts with social convention on how to use words, while other knowledge starts with the senses.
  • all knowledge starts with social convention on how to use words.

Frage 15

Epistemology: Ayn Rand defined reason as...
  • the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man's senses.
  • the faculty that operates by deductive logic.
  • the faculty in man that enables communication between men and women.
  • the faculty that processes emotions into ideas--man's means of rationalization.
  • the faculty that combines sensory evidence with innate ideas, to give truth.

Frage 16

Politics: In Ayn Rand's view, Communism is...
  • evil because it is a political implementation of mysticism, collectivism and altruism.
  • evil because it seized her father's business.
  • good because it is the attempt to rationally plan society.
  • evil because it deposed the czar of Russia, whom she admired.
  • evil because it prevents business tycoons from becoming rich.
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