C1-C2 Word formation A Place to Call Home


Read the text and complete the sentence with the word given in the brackets.
Serena Farr
Quiz von Serena Farr, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Serena Farr
Erstellt von Serena Farr vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

ENO is proud to have collaborated with Shelter and former BBC Young Composer of the Year, Alex Woolf, to create ‘A Place to Call Home’, a single for the Christmas Season. 1) [blank_start]Championed[blank_end] (champion) by Woolf, the single is part of Sing for Shelter, a passion project created by the composer to bring 2) [blank_start]awareness[blank_end] (aware) to Sheltercyand the widespread problem of bad housing and homelessness in the UK.
  • Championed
  • awareness

Frage 2

Shelter is a charity that gives expert advice and support to those facing homelessness, helping millions of people each year. Offering online and face-to-face services (including legal support), they are an 3) [blank_start]invaluable[blank_end] (value) resource to helping people get back on their feet after life changing problems.
  • invaluable

Frage 3

2,000 singers from across the country descended on the London Coliseum, joining the award-winning ENO Chorus and Orchestra to record the single, including choirs of Fire Service personnel, Shelter service users, schoolchildren and signing choirs for deaf and hearing singers. Included in the recording of the single were several ENO 4) [blank_start]performers[blank_end] (perform), including Sir Bryn Terfel, Lesley Garratt and Alice Coote, who recently performed in Orpheus and Eurydice.
  • performers

Frage 4

The cause is particularly poignant for Alice, who attended with her brother Adam: ‘as soon as I heard it was happening, it struck me like a blow in the chest because Adam was homeless for 22 years. It’s been such a long journey for us to be here together today. I am 5) [blank_start]overwhelmed[blank_end] (overwhelm) to be in the same building as my brother and all these amazing people that have organised it and taken part to 6) [blank_start]hopefully[blank_end] (hope) make a huge difference.’
  • overwhelmed
  • hopefully

Frage 5

Composed by Alex Woolf, ‘A Place to Call Home’ is a symbol of 7) [blank_start]solidarity[blank_end] (solid) with Shelter’s pursuits, hoping to raise awareness for Shelter, and aid in their hope to put a stop to the 8) [blank_start]housing[blank_end] (house) emergency for good.
  • solidarity
  • housing

Frage 6

The single is available now from all major digital retailers, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, Google Store, YouTube Music and more. All proceeds from the single will go to 9) [blank_start]supporting[blank_end] (support) Shelter’s work over this winter period, fighting homelessness and helping families get back to living in safe housing with 10) [blank_start]ongoing[blank_end] (go) support. Help us support Shelter’s work by purchasing the single, and posting on social media networks with #SingForShelter.
  • supporting
  • ongoing
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