Frage 1
The minimum control speed (VMC), flaps 10, is [blank_start]64[blank_end] KIAS.
Frage 2
The best angle of climb speed (VX), flaps 0, is [blank_start]87[blank_end] KIAS.
The best rate of climb speed (VY), flaps 0, is [blank_start]100[blank_end] KIAS.
The best single-engine rate of climb speed (VYSE), flaps 10, is [blank_start]80[blank_end] KIAS.
Frage 3
The maximum flaps extended speed (VFE) for flaps 10 is [blank_start]103[blank_end] KIAS, whereas for greater than flaps 10, it is [blank_start]93[blank_end] KIAS.
Frage 4
State the maximum operating speed (VMO) for the following altitudes:
Sea level to 6,700 feet: [blank_start]166[blank_end] KIAS
10,000 feet: [blank_start]156[blank_end] KIAS
15,000 feet: [blank_start]141[blank_end] KIAS
Frage 5
The maneuvring speed (VA) between sea level and 18,000 feet is [blank_start]132[blank_end] KIAS and the gust penetration speed (VB) between sea level and 18,000 feet is [blank_start]132[blank_end] KIAS.
Frage 6
Fill in the blanks using numbers only; do not use spaces or commas.
The maximum takeoff weight is [blank_start]12500[blank_end] lbs.
The maximum landing weight is [blank_start]12300[blank_end] lbs.
Frage 7
Fill in the blanks using numbers only; do not use spaces or commas.
The maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the forward baggage compartment is [blank_start]300[blank_end] lbs.
The maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the aft baggage compartment is [blank_start]500[blank_end] lbs, which includes the [blank_start]150[blank_end] lbs limit on the extension shelf.
Frage 8
The maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the lower portion of the aft baggage compartment (i.e., the area NOT on the shelf) is 350 lbs.
Frage 9
Fill in the blanks using numbers only; do not use spaces or commas.
The maximum permissible floor loading value for the forward and rear baggage compartments is [blank_start]100[blank_end] pounds per square foot, whereas for the cabin it is [blank_start]200[blank_end] pounds per square foot.
Frage 10
The following relates to airspeeds for emergency operations.
Use numbers only to fill in the blanks.
At the maximum permitted weight during the phase of flight described, what is the airspeed?
VYSE Engine Failure after Take-off, Flaps at 10 degrees: [blank_start]80[blank_end] KIAS
VSO Stall speed, landing configuration (Flaps 37.5 degrees): [blank_start]56[blank_end] KIAS
VS1 Stall speed, take-off configuration (Flaps 10 degrees): [blank_start]66[blank_end] KIAS
VS Stall speed, flaps up: [blank_start]73[blank_end] KIAS
Glide Speed (both propellers feathered) for best range: [blank_start]100[blank_end] KIAS
Glide Speed (both propellers feathered) for best endurance: [blank_start]77[blank_end] KIAS